Watch Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 140 English Subtitles Free of Cost
Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 139 Review
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 140, Lorenzo returns to the palace with Cassel and tells Hunkar that the bonds are fake. Abdulhamid reviews the counterfeit bonds. Meanwhile, the Grand Vizier tells that the bonds are normal while in the mint, but the writings disappear later. Hunkar tells Lorenzo and Cassel that they will give them the bonds they bought later. Cassel says it was not good for Lorenzo to talk to journalists. While Naime and Aliye are talking about Emsal, Fatma asks them if they have made a plan about it. Saliha says that Emsal is innocent and that she only sent a letter to Bidar. Saliha says there is a traitor in the palace. Mika acts like a teacher and says he will have Ali Osman talk again. Hunkar calls Tahsin and Riza. Abdulhamid first thanks them and then asks them what happened.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 139, Abdulhamid then calls Celaleddin and asks him what he has learned so far. Cassel says that Hunkar will make a new plan on the bond and begins to tell Karasu about his plan. Ahmed Nuri conducts brief research on Talat. Meanwhile, Talat and Manyas ask Celaleddin to kidnap some officers from the palace’s dungeon. Celaleddin wants to use a doctor to regain Hunkar’s trust and tells this to Talat. While Abdulhamid is having a meeting with Pashas, he learns that one of the officials who read the letters that came to the palace was knocked out. Selim realizes that his letter has not reached Hunkar and takes action. Nadir meets with his brother Nerva. Nerva asks his brother to kill Osman. Cassel goes to the palace and says that there is no more trust in the market. Cassel then announces that he will buy eight million worth of bonds again.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 139, Abdulhamid is delighted and asks what Cassel’s true purpose is. Cassel says he trusted the Ottoman economy. Upon this, Abdulhamid asks Cassel to give all his money in German Bank and buy bonds with this money. Fatma finds a piece of paper in Aliye’s room. Hunkar talks to his daughter Naime, but Naime says that she gave all her money to Fatma. Nadir talks to Ali Osman and tells him what Nerva said. Ahmed Nuri asks Celaleddin about his research, but Celaleddin gives him the name of a doctor. Talat and Manyas ask Frida to talk to a doctor. Frida takes the paper signed by the grand vizier and sets off. Esref Aziz goes to the hospital and visits Soghutlu.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 139, Cassel comes back to the palace and gives Hunkar a pledge of all his investments in Egypt. Fatma gives the paper she found to Tevfik and asks him to find out whether the text on the paper belongs to Bidar. Naime receives a letter from her mother, Bidar, and learns that Emsal is actually innocent. Cassel announces that he has gained Hunkar’s trust and starts the second phase of his plan. Cassel says that Karasu will represent a merchant named Tubini. Frida goes to the military hospital and tells a doctor there that he will be arrested on the grand vizier’s order. The doctor listens to Frida. After Frida leaves the hospital, Ahmed Nuri tells the doctor that there is no such arrest warrant and asks him to do what Frida said. Karasu goes to the Russian embassy and says that Cassel defrauded Tubini. Nadir enters Soghutlu’s room and chokes him with a pillow. Talat tells Celaleddin that Frida talked to the doctor and gives him an address to assemble the officers.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 139, The Russian ambassador invites Cassel to the embassy building. Karasu tells that he is Tubini’s lawyer and demands that Cassel be arrested. The Russian envoy arrested Cassel, saying he was defrauding a Russian citizen. Abdulhamid learns of this arrest and calls the Russian envoy. Esref Aziz organizes a funeral for Soghutlu, and Nerva sees it. Celaleddin goes to the dungeon and sends the soldiers there to another location. Celaleddin tells the prisoners where to go. The Russian envoy says that Cassel defrauded a Russian citizen and secretly helped Japan. Hunkar orders to find the lawyer who sued Cassel. Grand Vizier talks to Karasu, but he cannot get any results. Karasu then goes to the dungeon at the embassy and gives Cassel a book. Fatma learns from Tevfik that the text on the paper belongs to Bidar. Celaleddin arrests the doctor in the port.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 139, Ahmed Nuri follows Frida and then calls the soldiers. Fatma goes to Aliye’s room and tells her that she knows all the facts. Fatma asks Aliye to fix everything. Abdulhamid devises a plan to get Cassel out of the embassy and calls the British ambassador to the palace. Talat and Manyas talk to some young people and say they will take them to Thessaloniki. Ahmed Nuri’s soldiers enter a house, but there is nobody there. Abdulhamid tells the British ambassador that if he helps Cassel get out of the dungeon, he will solve the problem in India. Hunkar asks the British ambassador to release the Russian spy and spread the word that he has a deadly disease. Aliye has one of the employees in the palace confess the crime of precedent. Hunkar calls the Russian ambassador back to the palace.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 139, The British ambassador tells the Russian ambassador that the Russian spy escaped and that he is carrying a highly contagious disease. The Russian envoy panics and asks for help from Abdulhamid. Hunkar says the doctors will go to the embassy building and the Russian ambassador can stay in the palace. Ahmed Nuri goes to the embassy building disguised as a doctor and tries to save Cassel. Saliha takes Emsal out of the dungeon and tells her that Aliye is behind all evil. Esref attacks while Nadir and Nerva speak. Everything is Nadir’s plan from the beginning, and Soghutlu is not dead. Abdulhamid summons Karasu to the palace and asks him about the Cassel issue. While Cassel is in the hospital, he takes the gun in the book Karasu brought and shoots himself. Soon after, Abdulhamid learns that Cassel was shot in the hospital.
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