Watch Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 139 English Subtitles Free of Cost
Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 138 Review
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 139, Abdulhamid hands the rescued children over to the members of the committee and tells them the truth. The students say that some policemen followed them. Cassel tells Abdulhamid that he made the right decision. Meanwhile, Osman is injured in the place where he went to save Tahsin. Esref Aziz wants Osman to be taken to the doctor urgently. While Pashas are thinking about what happened to Tahsin, Abdulhamid comes. Hunkar says he has not saved Tahsin yet, but he is alive. Cassel stabs him in the hand as Karasu says their plan doesn’t work. Sabahaddin tells Cassel everything he knows and tells him who is the mason Pasha in the palace. Cassel says he will take control now. Saliha talks to Emsal and asks her why she sneaked out of the palace. Saliha believes Emsal is innocent and starts to think about who bought the mansion.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 138, Abdulhamid calls Naime and asks her why she secretly sold her mansion. Naime hides the facts from her father and says she wants to buy another house. Doctors operate on Osman and say that he is in good condition. Abdulhamid gets angry with Esref Aziz because of the recent events. Nadir meets with his brother Nerva and tries to learn from him. Aliye tells Stefano what happened at the palace. Meanwhile, Emsal receives a letter. Hunkar calls the Pashas and tells them that they will sell new bonds soon. The vizier calls a merchant who previously bought bonds to the palace and says it would be good for him to buy new bonds in front of everyone, and Abdulhamid accepts this idea. While the vizier is talking with other Pashas about this, Cassel comes and learns the name of the merchant who will come to the palace.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 138, Cassel tells what he learned in the palace to Karasu and Sabahaddin. Cassel says he will replace these new bonds with fakes. The new British envoy comes to the palace and talks to Abdulhamid. The envoy says that workers in Indian ports have stopped working. Abdulhamid says that if Tahsin returns to the palace, maybe he can help the British. Karasu meets his daughter and tells Manyas that they are even stronger now. Abdulhamid devises a plan to save Tahsin. According to Hunkar’s plan, they will try to reach Tahsin by using Riza Pasha. Ahmed Nuri examines this plan consisting of three stages in detail. Cassel visits the new envoy and tells him not to trust Hunkar. Naime learns that Emsal has secretly received a letter and agrees to make Aliye’s plan. Ahmed Nuri tells the plan to Esref and Riza. Tahsin remembers what he has to do and tells Nerva about Seraskier Riza.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 138, The British envoy comes to the palace and warns Abdulhamid sternly about what happened in India. Hunkar says that if his friend does not return to the palace, everyone will pay for it. Ahmed Pasha goes to meet with Talat and Manyas. Ahmed tells them what happened in the palace. Aliye enters Emsal’s room and finds the secret letter there. While Fatma was looking for Aliye in the cellars of the palace, Tevfik sees her. Karasu tells Esat his plan for fake bonds. Esat says this is impossible. Nerva goes to a market to catch Riza. Ahmed Nuri tries to stop him but fails.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 138, Nerva asks Riza where the war plans are. Tahsin says he needs Riza for the second stage. A mufti from Russia visits Hunkar and tells him about the situation of Muslims in Russia. Abdulhamid first gives a medal to the mufti for his services and then gives the Prophet’s beard as his entrust. Emsal talks about the man who bought Naime’s mansion. Saliha thinks this is very suspicious. Naime takes the letter from Emsal’s room and reads it. Naime cannot understand that Aliye wrote this letter and orders Emsal to be arrested. Cassel comes to the palace and says he wants to buy eight million in new bonds. Hunkar accepts this offer and asks Cassel to come to the ceremony. Fatma takes the note written by Tevfik, but does not go to see him. Tevfik waits for Fatma in the barn.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 138, Karasu says that it is impossible to put fake bonds into the mint and that Esat cannot do anything about it. Cassel looks at the ink bottle on his desk and thinks about something. Vizier Pasha says that the work on the bonds is over and the bonds will be issued soon. Meanwhile, Karasu and Sabahaddin bring ink to the mint. Soldiers in the palace arrest Emsal and thereupon Saliha goes to Naime’s room. Naime gives the letter she received from Emsal’s room to Saliha and asks her to read the letter. While Hunkar examines the bonds in the mint, Cassel goes to the British embassy. Cassel says Abdulhamid worked with the Russians. Nerva and Riza go to a beggar place to implement the second stage of the plan. Riza takes the seal there, but Ahmed Nuri cannot save him. Nerva asks Tahsin to learn the third stage. Tahsin says they need to go to a lodge and wants Riza to be there. Abdulhamid learns that there is no money in Naime’s bank account.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 138, Saliha goes to the dungeon and asks Emsal who she is talking to. Emsal says that she secretly spoke to Bidar because Naime’s behavior was getting worse. Saliha believes in Emsal and looks for evidence to prove her innocence. Riza, Tahsin, and Nerva go to the lodge. Tahsin takes permission to enter the secret room by showing his fingerprint. Meanwhile, Esref and Ahmed Nuri attack. Pashas are eventually rescued, but Nerva escapes. Ali Osman’s doctor says that he should study pronunciation and therefore he found a teacher. This teacher is Mika. While Selim is trying to find out the status of the letter he wrote to Hunkar, someone sees him and kills the men in charge of reading the letters. The vizier starts the sale of new bonds in front of journalists. Tahsin finally returns to the palace and talks to Hunkar. Lorenzo and Cassel realize the bonds are fake and return to the palace to talk about it. Lorenzo tells Hunkar that the bonds are fake.
Watch Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 139 English Subtitles
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Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 139 English Subtitles
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