Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 134 (Season 5 Episode 4) English & Urdu Subtitles Free
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Kurulus Osman Episode 134 Summary
In Kurulus Osman Episode 134, Bala Hatun son pays her a visit, and they engage in a conversation about Yakub Bey and his daughter Gonca Hatun, who is chasing after him. It becomes evident that Yakub Bey is hatching a plan. Following this, the scene shifts, and we witness Osman Bey summoning all the leaders for a meeting. During this gathering, Yakub Bey and Osman Bey engage in a heated exchange, hurling accusations at each other. Yakub Bey even produces a dagger, alleging that Osman Bey tried to assassinate him with it.
Osman Bey attempts to clarify that he was framed through Remus but refrains from providing intricate details. Yakub Bey proceeds to demand that Osman Bey acknowledge him as a leader and swear allegiance, emphasizing his influence in the market. Meanwhile, Saadat Hatun extends an invitation to Holofira to visit the market, though Malhun Hatun declines. A conversation ensues between Malhun Hatun and Khan Bey, where they discuss their plan to leave Holofira in his city.
Remus, captured by Konur Bey, receives a dagger from Master Vizilis, which Remus employs to eliminate the soldiers guarding him before making his escape. Master Vizilis assigns Remus a new mission. Subsequently, we observe Mehmet Bey receiving a messenger sent by Master Wazir, who informs him about the treasury’s location. Mehmet Bey suggests that they first visit the gardens and convey orders to Yakub Bey, planning to reconvene at the treasury location.
Moving forward, we are presented with Lady Bala, who appears significantly improved in health. Her remarkable recovery is attributed to a special potion concocted with Yusuf Amre’s miraculous herbs. Her revitalized health pleasantly surprises Osman Bey. Osman Bey confides in her that Sogut has been beckoning him, and he expresses his longing for the visit.
Mehmet Bey visits the rebels in the gardens and urges them to obey Osman Bey’s commands. They demand double gold in return, to which Mehmet Bey agrees with the condition that they follow his orders henceforth. This agreement is reached, ensuring their compliance. Elsewhere, Yakub Bey and Charkati engage in a discussion in the bazaar. Yakub Bey persuades Charkati to become their representative, initially met with refusal, but ultimately securing his agreement. Yakub Bey emphasizes that Charkati’s words will now be his own.
At headquarters, a scarcity of individuals and swords is observed. Konur inquires about the situation and learns that Yakub Bey has extracted oaths from commanders not to assist Osman Bey. Simultaneously, rebels dispatched by Mehmet Bey arrive, pledging support for the battle alongside non-Muslims. Konur decides that Osman Bey should make the final decision. Subsequently, we are shown Orhan Bey’s tent as they search for the treasure. Secretly, Mehmet Bey observes their actions, keeping a watchful eye on them.
Shortly after, Malhun Hatun makes her entrance in the bazaar. A warm reception is organized for her, with Alauddin also present. Yakub Bey inquires about Alauddin, and she describes him as remarkably intelligent, admitting to underestimating him. Osman Bey and Turgut prepare for the upcoming leaf attack at headquarters. Upon noticing the presence of rebels, Osman Bey questions their presence. They reveal that Orhan Bey instructed them to come, to which Osman Bey declares their help is no longer needed.
During this period, Orhan Bey ventures into the cave in pursuit of the treasure and unexpectedly shoots Osman Bey and Turgut from behind, inflicting injuries. Holofira, having allied with them, witnesses the incident and stealthily enters the cave. Upon his arrival at headquarters, Osman Bey realizes that the castle has been captured, with Yakub Bey’s flags now adorning the fortress. Yakub Bey proceeds to recite self-composed advice purportedly from Sultan Masood, declaring that Osman Bey does not measure up to the standards set by Sultan Masood or Vizier Alamsah.
Kurulus Osman Episode 134 (Season 5 Episode 4) with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles
Watch or Download Kurulus Osman Episode 134 English Subtitles (Kurulus Osman Season 5 Episode 4), Kurulus Osman Episode 134 Urdu Subtitles. Kurulus Osman Episode 134 release date is 1st November 2023.
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