Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 133 (Season 5 Episode 3) English & Urdu Subtitles Free
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Kurulus Osman Episode 133 Summary
In Kurulus Osman Episode 133, the Episode commences with Cerkutay’s release. Yaqoob Bey’s troops bestow gold upon the Christian soldiers, and Cerkutay is in dire straits. Yaqoob Bey implores Osman to acknowledge him as a Sultan and pledge his allegiance, but Osman declines, stating that he can stand beside Yaqoob but cannot serve under him. Osman invites tribal leaders to join his tribe, and Yaqoob expresses interest in accompanying them to inspect his city. Yaqoob Bey provides information about Cerkutay, confirming his safety.
Meanwhile, Mehmet Bey and Orhan Bey clash over Holo Fara, with Orhan insisting that Mehmet must fight him to claim her. Mehmet, however, accuses Orhan of being infatuated with Holo Fara and refuses to come between them. Osman Bey confers with Konor, urging him to bring Remus to identify the traitor.
Cerkutay’s son is playing when Cerkutay returns to the fort in a wounded state. His wife attempts to tend to his wounds, but Cerkutay stops her, wanting Osman to witness his condition firsthand. Osman’s daughter relays the news of Cerkutay’s arrival, prompting Osman to arrange a dinner for him. Konor searches for Remus, but Master Visilis misleads him.
Mehmet’s refusal to pledge allegiance annoys Osman, and he contemplates killing Osman. Yaqoob Bey intervenes, promising to accept once Gonca Hatun conveys a message from the Sultan. Allaudein presents a treasure map from Sultan Masood and stays for a meal. During this, Gonca Hatun cleverly poisons the food. Orhan arrives at the tribe, insisting that Holo Fara stays. Cerkutay becomes furious and vents his anger.
Boran Bey arrives and converses with Cerkutay, who pleads for forgiveness, claiming he never spoke against Boran. Gonca Hatun swipes the map but realizes it’s incorrect and replaces it with a piece of cloth. Osman Bey imparts strategies to Orhan for dealing with traitors. Boran Bey arrives and expresses his reservations about Cerkutay staying.
Cerkutay’s son is reluctant to leave, but Cerkutay insists that he will become a fine soldier. Yaqoob Bey instructs his son to prepare 10,000 soldiers in case they need to battle Osman Bey. Bala Hatun expresses her desire to meet Yunus Emere, who provides her with herbal syrup and recounts the tale of Hazrat Ayub (A.S). Konor apprehends Remus, while preparations continue in the fort. Yaqoob’s wife commends their management and offers rugs as gifts, which Malhun refuses, citing the superior craftsmanship of Kayi tribe women.
Gonca once again encounters Allaedin and proposes a wager. Osman questions Yaqoob Bey about his refusal to pay taxes and how he can become a Sultan. Yaqoob Bey asserts that his Sultan status stems from his efforts and quest for freedom. Osman Bey learns that Remus has been captured and subjects him to torture, prompting Remus to reveal that he followed Yaqoob Bey’s orders. Osman Bey confronts Yaqoob Bey, admonishing him for settling disputes among chiefs by shedding blood. The episode concludes in a tense situation, with Mehmet ready to launch an attack while Visilis is poised to strike the city.
Kurulus Osman Episode 133 (Season 5 Episode 3) with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles
Watch or Download Kurulus Osman Episode 133 English Subtitles (Kurulus Osman Season 5 Episode 3), Kurulus Osman Episode 133 Urdu Subtitles. Kurulus Osman Episode 133 release date is 18th October 2023.
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