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Watch Barbaroslar Episode 26 with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles Free of Cost

Barbaroslar Episode 25 Review

In Barbaroslar Episode 26, Gabriel’s soldiers begin to attack during the swap. Although Khizir is injured, he continues to fight and kills the treacherous soldiers. Oruj loosens the ropes in Antuan’s hand and severely injures Gabriel with an arrow. Gabriel takes his gun and shoots Oruj in the shoulder. Khizir says Oruj’s condition is bad and tries to take him back to the city immediately. Sahbaz sees that Gabriel failed to kill Oruj and sneaks away. The doctor on board removes the arrow from Gabriel’s chest but says that his condition is critical. When Oruj comes, Pasha says he will attack Levitha immediately and asks Ilyas to never leave his post. Meanwhile, Khizir comes to the city and immediately starts looking for a doctor. Ilyas wants to learn about Oruj’s condition, but Piri does not let him in.

Ilyas gets angry at this, but Piri stops him. Isabel and Huma feel very sorry for Oruj. Gabriel says he poisoned Oruj with a poisoned bullet and took back the sacred items. The doctor says Oruj has been poisoned and his arm condition is getting worse and worse. Khizir says Oruj is using a sword with his hand and tries to stop the doctor. Meryem examines Oruj’s arm and tries to understand what the poison is. Piri gives his map showing the plants on the island to Meryem and asks her to prepare an antidote. Khizir asks the doctor to wait until the antidote is ready. Meryem goes to the forest with Isabel. While Khizir is going to talk to Sahbaz, he sees Ilyas and blames him. Ilyas says he is innocent and does everything for his family.

Khizir goes to Sahbaz’s office and starts blaming him for the treacherous soldiers. Sahbaz says that he is innocent and that those soldiers were recruited during the time of Sahin. Khizir does not believe Sahbaz and says he will punish him after the Levitha attack. The doctor says he has to cut off Oruj’s arm, but Khizir objects to him again. While Meryem tries to gather the herbs needed for the antidote, Sahsenem shoots her and injures her. Isabel returns immediately with Meryem. Despite being injured, Meryem begins to prepare the antidote. Sahbaz tells Pasha what Khizir has done and provokes him. Khizir gives the antidote prepared by Meryem to Oruj and begins to wait. Antuan says he feels very sorry for Oruj and Dervish calms him down. Oruj soon recovers and asks how the sailors are. While trying to get out of bed, Oruj realizes that he can no longer use his arm. Khizir says it will take a long time for the poison to heal completely.

Oruj says he has to join the war and gets angry. Pasha asks Ilyas not to let anyone into the castle. Oruj goes to the castle and beats Pasha’s soldiers. Oruj then starts talking to Ilyas and tells him that he has made a lot of mistakes so far. Ilyas says he is innocent and cannot leave this duty. Oruj asks Ilyas to return to his family and tells him that he will now work as an ordinary sailor. Ilyas does not accept this task and says he will take his own ship. Oruj expels Ilyas from the castle. Pasha learns that Oruj broke into the castle and says he will regret it. Ilyas gets ready with his wife and leaves the castle. Oruj says the castle belongs to him and argues with Pasha. Oruj says if Pasha continues to protest he will end the alliance and Sahbaz is a traitor.

Sahbaz learns that Oruj has recaptured the castle and is trying to gather evidence. Gabriel says the Turks will never attack. Gabriel’s private soldier Acheron goes to Kelemez and talks to Sahbaz. Khizir says that he has kept the fleet Shehzade sent in the northern bay and asks Niko to repair the ships. Acheron talks to Sahbaz once again and says he will burn all the ships. Acheron attacks shortly after and kills the soldiers in the bay. Khizir learns of this attack and immediately goes to the bay. Sahbaz sneaks into a house with gambling tables and tries to collect tribute. Oruj attacks there and says he knows Sahbaz is a traitor. While Pasha is angry with Oruj for what happened to Shehzade’s ships, Khizir says that only three ships are safe.

Antuan says that Sahbaz should help from the sea, but he did nothing. Pasha continues to defend Sahbaz. Acheron tells Gabriel that he burned the ships in the bay. Dervish talks to Khizir and tells him a story. Khizir says he will do everything he can. Pierro goes to the castle that night and starts talking to Oruj. Pierro says Gabriel wants to make a deal and asks the Turks to accept defeat. Oruj rejects Pierro’s offer and says they will take Levitha back. Khizir begins to prepare Greek fire to destroy the large enemy fleet around Levitha. Oruj learns that the Greek fire is ready and tells Khizir the attack plan. Meryem says she wants to go to war with Khizir and gets on the ship. Pablo learns that several Turkish ships are approaching.

Watch Barbaroslar Episode 19 with English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost

Pablo realizes that these ships belong to Khizir and orders the entire fleet to attack them. Khizir realizes that the fleet is approaching and secretly prepares to light the Greek fire. Pablo orders the cannons on the ships to be prepared but later realizes that something is wrong. Khizir orders his soldiers to shoot flaming arrows and burns the entire enemy fleet. Oruj goes to Levitha and starts attacking the guards. Pierro tells Gabriel that the Turks have come to the island. Gabriel goes to the battlefield and says Oruj will never win this war. Oruj says no one will come to help Gabriel. Gabriel proposes a duel to determine the outcome of the battle. While Gabriel is fighting Oruj, Acheron attacks Khizir. As Oruj is about to kill Gabriel, Doge comes and asks him to stop. Later, Hamza comes and asks Oruj to release Gabriel. Oruj takes control of the island from the Doge.

Barbaroslar Capitulo 26 en Espanol Subtitles HD 1080

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How to Watch Barbaroslar Episode 26 with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles Free of Cost

Watch or Download Barbaroslar Episode 26 English Subtitles, Barbaroslar Episode 25 Urdu Subtitles & Barbaroslar Capitulo 26 en Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost. Barbaroslar Episode 26 release date is 07-04-2022. Barbaroslar episode will be on-air on TRT1 Channel in Turkish. The live streaming of Barbaroslar episode in Turkish can be achieved by Clicking Here. Those who can understand Turkish will be able to watch Barbaroslar episode even later by Clicking Here but ATV Youtube channel uploads the episode later, so you have to wait for it.

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Barbaroslar Episode 26 Urdu Subtitles HD 1080

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