Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 79 (79 Bolum) with English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost
Kurulus Osman Episode 78 Review
In Kurulus Osman Episode 79, Osman says he will kill the Vizier. The vizier says that Osman cannot do anything because he has captured his soldiers. Meanwhile, Konur enters the room and asks Osman to put down his sword. Osman asks Konur to free the Alps. Gunduz and the Lords come to the Vizier’s chamber. Gunduz asks Osman to surrender, but he refuses. Osman leaves his sword and surrenders to save both his soldiers and his tribe. Nikola says that Kosses is a traitor and will punish him. Rogatus learns what happened in the castle and thinks his life is in danger. Thanks to some loyal soldiers, Rogatus sneaks out of the castle. The vizier’s men begin to torture Osman in the dungeon. Nikola orders the capture of Rogatus as soon as possible and decides to send Kosses to Constantinople. Gunduz talks to the Vizier and says that the Sultan wants to judge Osman.
Vizier says that the crime committed by Osman is very great and that Gunzduz will be the new Bey. After Gunduz leaves the castle, Vizier tells Nikola that he will execute Osman in the castle tomorrow. The vizier then calls Osman from the dungeon and says that what he did was very stupid. Osman objects to the Vizier and says that he only trusts Allah. The vizier then sends Osman back to the dungeon. Konur says that Gunduz will object to Osman’s execution, but the Vizier says that everything will be as he wishes. While Rogatus is trying to hide in the forest, he sees Kumral Abdal. Abdal learns what happened to Osman from Rogatus and immediately takes him to a safe place. Gunduz tells the people in the tribe that Osman has tried to kill the Vizier. Selcan and Bala object to this situation.
Selcan gets angry with Gunduz for not helping Osman. Gunduz asks everyone to stay calm and follow the Vizier’s orders. Selcan says that Gunduz will regret it very much in the future. Osman talks to the Alps before the execution and thanks them for everything. Rogatus says his soldiers will bring news about Osman. Abdal calms Rogatus and says everything will be alright soon. Julia takes Osman and his soldiers to the place of execution. Nikola goes to Kosses’ castle and captures Mari. Mari asks her soldiers for help, but no one helps her. Nikola asks the soldiers in the castle to kill Turgut and sends Mari to Inegol. The people in Bilecik begin to wait for Osman’s execution with great excitement. A short time later, Osman arrives at the place of execution.
The vizier says that Osman will be hanged first. Nikola comes to Bilecik to watch the execution closely. Malhun says she will gather the loyal soldiers to save Osman and takes action immediately. Vizier tells the crimes of Osman to everyone one by one and orders the execution to begin. Osman begins to say his last words before his execution. Osman says that he is ready to die for Allah and that Allah is the only victor. When Osman is about to die, someone shoots the rope of execution with an arrow and saves him. The vizier cannot understand what happened and asks who stopped the execution. A Seljuk sergeant from Konya stops everyone. The sergeant tells the Sultan’s order once again and reminds him that Osman has to go to Konya. The vizier objects to the Sergeant, but cannot stop him. The sergeant takes Osman and his soldiers from the place of execution and sets out with them. Osman’s life was saved because Konur secretly gave information to Sergeant.
Nikola Osman is angry with the Vizier because he is still alive. Vizier says that Osman will never reach Konya. Turgut attacks the Byzantine soldiers and saves Mari from them. Mari tells Turgut what happened in the castle. Turgut says he needs Kosses to save Osman. Malhun goes to the forest to save Osman and begins to wait for him. Goktug escapes from Seljuk soldiers. The vizier goes to the secret Mongol base and begins to tell Geyhatu what happened from the castle. Geyhatu learns that Osman is still alive and asks his soldiers to catch him. Bala says she is worried about Malhun’s life, but Sheikh calms everyone down. Malhun stops the Seljuk soldiers and orders Osman to be released. The sergeant says that he had to take Osman to Konya because of Sultan’s order.
Osman stops everyone and says the Turks should not kill each other. Osman calms Malhun and asks her not to let Gunduz become the new Bey. Nikola learns that Turgut kidnapped Mari and gets very angry. Nikola predicts that Turgut will try to save Kosses soon and takes action immediately. Rogatus talks to his loyal soldiers and receives information from them. The sergeant takes Osman to a cave to rest that night. The sergeant starts talking about Ertugrul Ghazi and Suleiman Shah. Osman learns that Sergeant is actually a Kayi. The sergeant says after Osman talks to Sultan, he says that the situation at the border will improve. Malhun and Bala go to Gunduz’s tent that night. Malhun says that Osman will not let a new Bey be elected and that he will be back soon. Gunduz says he will follow the orders of the Vizier no matter what.
Geyhatu learns that Osman stayed in a cave that night. Geyhatu changes his attack plan and tells Osman that he will attack on the way to Konya. Osman has a dream that night. In Osman’s dream, Gunduz goes to Konya with the Vizier. Gunduz then stabs Osman in the back. Osman wakes up shortly after and prepares to set off again. Turgut stops the soldiers from taking Kosses to Constantinople and frees him. A short time later, Nikola comes and says he will kill everyone. While the sergeant and the Seljuk soldiers take Osman to Konya, the Mongols stop them. Geyhatu says he will give Osman a gift and brings Goktug. Geyhatu says that Goktug was once a Mongol but because of Osman he is now a Turk. Geyhatu says he will kill Goktug. Osman says that Turk’s revenge will destroy Geyhatu. Geyhatu does not listen to Osman’s words and kills Goktug.
Kurulus Osman Episodio 79 en Espanol Subtitles
Kurulus Osman Episode 79 English & Urdu Subtitles
Kurulus Osman Episode 79 will on air on 26th January 2021. If you feel irritated because of the ad breaks and some other issues, then ads-free permanent access for watching Kurulus Osman episode 79 English subtitles can be achieved by subscribing membership at by Clicking below blue colored button. you can also download the episode to watch on Big screen TV in 1080 resolution.
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