Watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 16 with English, Urdu & Español Subtitles Free of cost
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Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 16 Summary
In Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 16, Alparslan asks Diogenes to lift the siege to free the General. Diogenes says that the General is an honorable soldier and would gladly die for Byzantium. The general says he wants to fight Alparslan to gain his freedom, but he cannot win this fight. Diogenes asks Nestor to kill the General. After what Batur said, Bozan starts to blame the Byzantine empire to save himself. Sehver believes what Batur said and asks Bozan to take back the gold he gave to Byzantium. Nestor sets a trap in the forest and waits for Alparslan to come. When Alparslan comes to the forest, he realizes that something is wrong. Nestor can’t stand it any longer and starts the attack, but wounds the General only in the hand. Alparslan saves the life of the General and sets out to go to the tribe.
Sehver lets Batur go. Diogenes takes the letter that Kaiser sent to Kekaumenos and goes to the castle. Yinal wants the last remaining meal to be shared among his soldiers. Sehver begins to suspect Bozan and remembers what Alparslan said. Alparslan says that Diogenes tried to kill the General, but he does not believe it. The Lord thanks Maria for the important information she has given and apologizes for previously thinking that she was a traitor. Diogenes secretly asks Maria to save the General. Sehver learns that Bozan often meets with a soldier in the palace. When Lord learns what Alparslan has done, he gets very angry. Diogenes gives the Kaiser’s letter to the Lord. Diogenes says that the Kaiser has declared Dukas governor. Lord asks Maria to help Dukas escape. Alparslan reaches the tribe with Dukas. Caghri invites the General to his tent and asks to prepare a meal for him.
Sehver finds the house Bozan went to in the city with a loyal soldier and enters there. Sehver realizes that Bozan stole a chest of gold from the treasure and that he is actually Natik. While Sehver is leaving this house, Bozan’s spy sees her. Lord says that Maria will kidnap Dukas from the tribe and then Alpagut will kill him in the forest. The general says it is an honor for him to die for Rome and starts talking about the Byzantine empire. Caghri says he never plundered Byzantine lands and asks the General to eat. Tughrul learns that Alparslan has captured the General and asks why Diogenes did not try to get him back. Sultan says that Alparslan will save Yinal soon. Caghri then talks about the states established by the Turks throughout history.
Diogenes reads the message sent by Bozan to the Lord. Lord begins to think that Bozan is doing something secret. Bozan learns that Sehver went to the secret house and saw a chest of gold there. Sehver writes a letter to her husband and asks him to kill Bozan secretly. Alparslan takes the General to the caged tent and asks him to calm down. Alparslan then goes to talk to Akca. Bozan says that there are many people who want to seize the throne of Ghazne and that’s why he has to protect Shehzade Mesud. Meanwhile, Shehzade Mesud comes and starts talking to his mother. Bozan’s spies catch Sehver’s envoy and kill him. Akca tells Alparslan about Diogenes’ plan and how to set a trap for Dukas. Alpagut is very surprised to learn that he has to kill Dukas. Akca goes to the tent and says she brought some ointment for Dukas’ wound.
Dukas says he has to escape from here and asks Maria for help. Maria congratulates Dukas on taking the post of governor and asks him to flee towards the forest that night. When Dukas learns that he is the new governor, he is happy and begins to make a plan to take revenge. Batur tells Alparslan what happened in Ghazne. Bozan seizes the letter that Sehver sent to the Sultan and says he will make a big move now. Bozan says he will kill Sultan and put Mesud on the throne. Akca puts a key in a piece of bread and goes to the tent, but Karaca stops her. Karaca asks Akca not to give food to this man and argues with her. Later, Akca comes back to the caged tent and helps the General escape with the key she got from the soldier on duty. Karaca says that Akca is a spy, but Akinay tries to silence her.
Bozan captures all the Shehzades except Mesud and kills one of them. Sehver learns that Mevdud was killed by an assassin and immediately decides to go to the tribe with her son. While Dukas is looking for the horse in the forest, Alpagut attacks him and injures him. Alparslan comes and saves the General from the Byzantine soldiers. When Sehver goes to Mesud’s room, she sees Bozan. Bozan says that Sehver will do everything he says, or bad things will happen. Alparslan tells the true identity of Alpagut to his soldiers. Alpagut talks to his friends for the first time in years. After the attack in the forest, the General offers an agreement to Alparslan. When Alparslan learns that Dukas is the new governor, he accepts this offer to lift the siege. Diogenes launches a massive attack the next day to seize the headquarters.
Yinal asks his soldiers to be ready for battle. When the Byzantine soldiers were about to break the door of the headquarters, Alparslan came with Dukas. Alparslan asks Dukas to lift the siege, but he does not abide by the agreement they made. General lets Alparslan go and goes to the castle with Diogenes. That night, the Turks go to the forest and begin to howl like a wolf. Lord and General hear voices in the forest. Yinal says that the great Turkish army has finally arrived. When the general sees the torches in the forest, he thinks that the Turkish army is too big and decides to lift the siege. Diogenes goes to the forest the next day and realizes that everything is Alparslan’s plan. While Caghri is celebrating the liberation of Yinal and the headquarters, a messenger arrives. The messenger says that Mevdud was killed by an assassin. Caghri sets off immediately with Alparslan. Alparslan says Bozan is Natik, but Sehver asks them to leave Ghanze lands.
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Capitulo 16 en Español HD 1080
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How to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 16 English & Urdu Subtitles
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 16 Relase Date is 7th March 2022. If you want to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 16 with no ads and permanent access, then You may watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 16 (Alparslan The Great Seljuk) Series with English Subtitles by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV in 1080 resolution and you can even download full series with one-click and watch anywhere (TV and big screens) and any time offline. Those who are searching for watching Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 16 English Subtitles Kayifamily, Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Capitulo 16 en Español and Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 16 with Urdu Subtitles Free of Cost regularly may watch here. ????????
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