Watch Barbaroslar Episode 22 with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles Free of Cost
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Barbaroslar Episode 22 Summary
In Barbaroslar Episode 22, After the capture of Kalymnos, Oruj changed the name of this island to Kelemez. Oruj then says that the Turks want to take Levitha to strengthen their dominance in the Mediterranean. Meanwhile, Muslims in Andalusia are in a difficult situation. The Spaniards say they will sell the Muslims as slaves. Khizir goes to Andalusia and saves the Muslims who are in trouble from being slaves. Oruj talks to Franco, the commander of Modon Castle, and offers him a deal about Levitha. When Franco hears about the help coming to the castle, he says he will talk about this with the other captains. Khizir takes the Muslims he saved to Kelemez and tells them that he will soon give them a new home. The pirate Pablo learns of Khizir’s actions and is angry that he cannot make money from the captives. Pablo begins to secretly follow Khizir.
Huma congratulates Oruj for what he has done. After Oruj Levitha is settled, he tells Huma that he wants to marry Isabel. Franco returns to Modon and tells Oruj’s offer to all the captains. A man comes to the island and kills all of Franco’s soldiers. This man says that he is the new commander of the castle and that his name is Marco Gabriel. Gabriel kills all the captains who accept Oruj’s agreement and says that they will not give land to the Turks no matter what. Oruj says he will settle people from Andalusia in Levitha soon. Meryem gives sword training to the women living in Kelemez. Meryem says she got this task from Khizir and continues to work. Khizir goes to talk to Meryem and gives her the rose he brought from Andalusia. Meryem says that she is very happy with the arrival of Khizir and that she is happy to help women. Pablo continues to follow Khizir and realizes that he loves Meryem.
After the last events, Mesih says that he cannot leave Kelemez and that he has to stop Oruj. The message Firuze sent arrives and Pasha is very happy about this situation. Huma goes to the market with Isabel and asks her about Oruj. Isabel learns about Oruj’s marriage proposal and says that she accepts this offer. Oruj visits the old mosque in Levitha and says he will repair it. Oruj sees Venetian soldiers approaching and thinks Franco is coming. Gabriel comes and says he will not make a deal with the Turks. Oruj says the deal has already been made, but Gabriel kills Franco and says the deal is broken. Gabriel says he will take his revenge on Oruj when the time comes and returns to Modon. While Sahin is taking care of the commercial ships in the port, Huma arrives.
Sahsenem arrives while Huma learns about the condition of her belongings on the ship from Alexandria. Sahin says he is angry with Sahsenem for what she has done and asks her to go back. Sahsenem says she regrets helping Sahbaz. Huma convinces Sahin and says she will give Sahsenem a place to stay. Antuan says that Gabriel is a very cruel man. Pasha learns that Oruj couldn’t get Levitha and gets very angry with him. Oruj says the deal is still going on and he will keep his promise. While Meryem is helping the women on the island, Sahsenem arrives. Meryem begins to practice swordsmanship with Sahsenem. Pablo uses this opportunity and attacks. While Khizir is treating Sahsenem’s wound, Piri comes and stops the pirates. Sahsenem thanks to Khizir. Khizir asks one of the pirates they captured who did this attack.
The pirate tells that Pablo is responsible for this attack. Khizir starts running towards the beach to catch Pablo. Gabriel’s men stop Pablo and say they want to help him. Pablo agrees to go to Modon to save his life. Khizir kills the pirates on the beach but cannot catch Pablo. Oruj learns what happened in the city and gets very angry about this. Oruj gets angry with the two men assigned by Pasha and expels them from the city. Gabriel says he wants to work with Pablo and will help him. Pablo initially rejects this offer, but when he learns that he will become rich, he accepts it. Oruj gives new tasks to Sahin and Ilyas. Mesih goes to Oruj’s house and gets angry at him for firing his men. Oruj says he will do everything to protect Kelemez. Pasha says he has a more experienced man and brings Sahbaz.
When Oruj sees Sahbaz, he gets very angry and says he doesn’t want him on this island. Pasha says that he represents the state on this island and that Sahbaz will also take a task. Oruj does not want to accept what Pasha said and gives Sahbaz the task that Ilyas should take. Firuze goes to Huma’s house and says that she is the leader of the women on the island with the power she got from Pasha. Huma objects to this. Firuze says she will take revenge on everyone soon. Isabel sees Sahbaz and asks him not to cause any more trouble. Oruj then talks to Isabel and tells her that he will marry her after he resolves Levitha’s problem. Sahsenem says she will alienate Khizir from Meryem. While returning home, Ilyas talks to Pasha. First Pasha and then Esma says that Ilyas should get an important rank. Ilyas can’t take it anymore and goes to talk to Oruj.
Ilyas says he deserves an important mission after all he has done and Oruj should be more just. Oruj asks Ilyas to calm down and get rid of his greed. Gabriel learns that the Turks will soon take over Kelemez. Gabriel orders all the soldiers in the fleet to go to the island as soon as possible. Venetian soldiers begin their attack, but Khizir manages to stop them. Oruj seizes the ships in the Venetian fleet and seizes their supplies. Gabriel learns that the Turks have seized the war materials necessary for Modon. Pasha gets very angry with Oruj’s attack on Levitha and says he will take him to the military court in Gelibolu. While Khizir goes to check the ships in the fleet, Pablo starts attacking them. Oruj goes to his ship to go to Gelibolu, but he cannot see anyone there. Gabriel comes out of hiding and catches Oruj.
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How to Watch Barbaroslar Episode 22 with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles Free of Cost
Watch or Download Barbaroslar Episode 22 English Subtitles, Barbaroslar Episode 22 Urdu Subtitles & Barbaroslar Capitulo 22 en Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost. Barbaroslar Episode 22 release date is 03-03-2022. Barbaroslar episode will be on-air on TRT1 Channel in Turkish. The live streaming of Barbaroslar episode in Turkish can be achieved by Clicking Here. Those who can understand Turkish will be able to watch Barbaroslar episode even later by Clicking Here but ATV Youtube channel uploads the episode later, so you have to wait for it.
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