Ya İstiklal Ya Ölüm (Either Independence or Death) Episode 5 & 6 with English Subtitles Free
Ya İstiklal Ya Ölüm Episode 3 & 4 Review
In Ya İstiklal Ya Ölüm Episode 3&4, Mustafa Kemal meets with Fuat Pasha and talks about the arrest of British officers. What Mustafa Kemal Pasha has in mind is to ensure the British retreat and help Members of Parliament escape safely. Coming to the war ministry, Ryan once again says harshly that the telegrams sent by the soldiers must be unencrypted and the soldiers must never carry weapons. Ihsan Bey plans to secretly establish a new telegraph center and thus communicate with Ankara again. While Mustafa Kemal Pasha is making some decisions to control the orders coming from Istanbul, the news that the governor of Kastamonu accepted the Representative Committee as the center of the government came to him. Sir Robeck and Sir Milne talk about the resistance in Anatolia and how they can end it. Halide Hanim and Adnan Bey try to get fake identities. As a new move, Mustafa Kemal Pasha tries to stop the money flow from Anatolia to Istanbul. Ismet Inonu tells Fevzi Pash that he will go to Ankara and that Topkapili will visit him. Topkapili makes a plan to steal the British guns.
In Ya İstiklal Ya Ölüm Episode 3&4, Kemal follows the Indian soldier who is guarding the weapons store to speak. Gandhi talks to the British governor in India and protests the occupation. Protest telegrams from all over the world disturb Robeck. Galip walks around the building to find a job in Damat Ferit Pasha’s mansion. Seeing Hikmet leaving the mansion, Galip starts following him. Milne learns that British soldiers in Anatolia have been arrested. Galip follows Hikmet all day and learns that he is Nazan’s father. Nazan is delighted to see Galip. After Adnan Bey and Halide Edip get their fake IDs, they are prepared to set off. Governors and soldiers in Anatolia gradually begin to accept the Representative Committee as the headquarters. Robeck gets angry at Captain Bennet because of the deputies’ escape. Mustafa Kemal Pasha tells his friends that the parliament will take a break due to the arrest of deputies. Topkapili secretly meets Fevzi Pasha and says they will steal guns to send to Anatolia. Fevzi Pasha then gives him the location of the weapons depots and the addresses of trusted officers.
In Ya İstiklal Ya Ölüm Episode 3&4, Mustafa Kemal Pasha and his friends talk that the assembly in Istanbul can no longer work and decide to convene the assembly in Ankara at the end of April to represent the will of the nation. Bennet speaks to Pandikyan and warns him about deputies’ escape from Istanbul. Pandikyan says that all addresses and escape routes are checked. The next day, Mustafa Kemal Pasha and his soldiers send telegrams all over Anatolia, telling them that a founder parliament should be opened in Ankara. Ryan comes to Sublime Porte and asks for a statement condemning the resistance. Salih Pasha tries to appeal by saying that lawmakers have been arrested and sent to Malta, but Ryan says that if there is no change, the British will completely seize management. Deputies gathered in the parliament talking about the arrests and the inability of the assembly to work freely. Due to unfavorable conditions, it is unanimously decided to suspend the work of the assembly. Mustafa Kemal Pasha receives the news that the assembly was closed while he was training with the soldiers. Milne decides to arrest all deputies due to the arrest of British soldiers in Anatolia. Adnan Bey and Halide Edip disguise and set out.
In Ya İstiklal Ya Ölüm Episode 3&4, After the telegrams sent by Mustafa Kemal, there are some objections about the opening of the founder parliament. Thereupon, the name of the founder parliament is removed and the name of the assembly with extraordinary authority is elected. While Halide Edip and Adnan Bey will board the ferry, the British say they will search and stop the ship. But the man on the dock helps them and board the ship at the last minute. Galip gets tired of waiting in front of the house and goes to the park. Meanwhile, Nazan is in the park and Galip sees her. Galip tries to speak to Nazan, but Nazan responds with a cold joke. Later, Galip says he wants to meet her and become friends. Halide Hanim and Adnan Bey get off the ferry at Uskudar and escape from the harbor thanks to Ethem. Milne and Robeck speak to arrest resisters and lawmakers in Istanbul. Halide Edip and Adnan Bey go to a dervish lodge and hide there.
In Ya İstiklal Ya Ölüm Episode 3&4, Topkapili and his friends talk about the closing of the parliament and the deputies’ escape. They are now aware that escapes are much more difficult. Adnan Bey and other people who did not go to Anatolia talk about Mustafa Kemal Pasha that night. Meanwhile, a man named Nevres comes and says he wants to go to Anatolia. The arrival of this man bothers everyone because there are rumors that he is working with the British. Robeck is worried because the assembly was closed and he predicts the assembly will open in Ankara. Halide Edip sets out to meet with her children one last time. Topkapili Mehmet wants to kidnap Pandikyan and attract him to his side. Robeck tells Milne that Mustafa Kemal will open the assembly in Ankara and that he wants to make elections. Milne becomes crazy and thinks about how to explain these events to Lord Curzon. Then Milne orders the arrest of the crown prince Abdulmejid, the palace to be searched, and the release of all Christian prisoners.
In Ya İstiklal Ya Ölüm Episode 3&4, Ihsan Bey talks to his friends to establish the secret telegraph center and chooses a suitable place for this job. Mustafa Kemal and his friends start looking for a suitable building for the assembly to be opened. The old building of the Committee of Union and Progress is found suitable for the new assembly and Mustafa Kemal chooses this building. Halide Edip talks with her children and considers sending them abroad to ensure their safety. Galip goes to Nazan’s school and waits for her. Then they go to a park together. Nazan talks about herself and Turkish women. Galip talks about arrests and the closure of the university. When Nazan returns home, she talks to her father. Hikmet Bey says that the occupation of the British is a necessity and the homeland needs their mercy. Bennet tells Robeck that they have received an intelligence saying where Halide is and starts the operation. Mustafa Kemal receives intelligence about on the train coming from Rumeli to Istanbul, two Serbian and two Greek troops came to intervene in Anatolia, and also 40000 military reinforcement sent to the Greek troops in Izmir.
In Ya İstiklal Ya Ölüm Episode 3&4, Mustafa Kemal immediately telegraphs the 14th army and tells them to take British officers hostage. Bennet and British soldiers attack the lodge. Galip and Nazan meet again the next day. Nazan is upset for Galip and tells him she will talk to her father to find a job. Topkapili and his men kidnap Pandikyani. Mustafa Sagir, who was called to Istanbul by the British, came to the occupation office. Halide Hanim comes back to the lodge and learns that the British have attacked. With the order he received from the British, Sagir will establish a fake charity organization. Using this organization, he will cross over to Anatolia and try to connect with resistance. Some commanders begin to say that the representation committee is no longer needed due to orders from the war ministry. Robeck says that Sagir’s real goal is to assassinate Mustafa Kemal Pasha and end the resistance.
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