Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 86 (Season 3 Episode 22) English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free
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Kurulus Osman Episode 86 Summary
In Kurulus Osman Episode 86, Osman holds a meeting after having dinner with his family. Osman says they will stop Geyhatu and Vizier now. Osman says that there is another traitor in the border region and that he will soon find out who this man is. Kumral and the blacksmith say they are ready for the upcoming war. Osman says that Turgut will lead the soldiers in the tribe. The vizier learns that Osman is holding a meeting and says that he will trap him. Osman talks to Gunduz after the meeting is over and asks him to deal with commercial affairs. The vizier learns that Konur is working for Osman and sets a trap. Konur talks to Dervish to tell Osman about the Vizier’s trap. Sultan learns that Osman made a deal with the Emperor and sets out to go to the border region.
When Konur returns to the inn, the vizier’s soldiers capture him and begin to torture him. Osman spends that night with his son Aladdin and wants him to learn science. Boran gives the message sent by Konur to Osman. Osman says this is a good opportunity to catch the Vizier and sets out the next day. Nikola learns that the envoy he sent to the Vizier has been killed and sets out to talk to Kosses. Umur’s brother’s daughter comes to the tribe. Osman attacks the Vizier but fails. Vizier goes to the forest to catch Osman. The trap Osman set up in the forest works and he catches the Vizier after a short time. Konur knocks out the soldier in the dungeon and sneaks away from there. Osman says that Vizier will tell all the truth. Vizier says Osman will die soon.
Osman says he will catch Geyhatu and sends the Vizier to the tribe. Selvi goes to Malhun’s tent and starts to examine her belongings. Selvi is jealous of Malhun because of what she has. Malhun is very happy to see Selvi and says that her father will come to the tribe soon. Selvi’s husband Barkin goes to an inn with Umur. Umur starts to talk about the holy land and says that he misses his grandson very much. Blacksmith and Akca fill the jugs with gunpowder. Barkin talks about loyalty and questions Umur. Umur says that Osman gave hope to the people and established a good order in the border region. Barkin says Osman is a dreamer. Selvi starts talking to other women in the tribe and gives them news from Anatolia. Barkin can’t stand what Umur says anymore and stabs him in the hand. Barkin says people should be ruled by fear and starts attacking Umur’s soldiers.
Kurulus Osman Episode 86 KayiFamily
Nikola goes to the castle and asks Kosses for help. Kosses says it is very difficult to trust Nikola. Meanwhile, an envoy of Osman comes and calls the Lords to the tribe. Umur sees his soldiers dead and gets very upset. Barkin kills Umur slowly and says he will kill Malhun later. Osman goes alone to the Mongolian base in the forest. Geyhatu catches Osman immediately and tells him that he will torture him for a long time. Geyhatu says that other rebel Beys will learn a lesson from this situation. Osman’s disguised soldiers start the attack and the gunpowder jugs begin to explode. While the Mongolian soldiers were dying in successive explosions, Osman captured Geyhatu. Osman asks his soldiers to take the spoils in the Mongolian base and sets out with Geyhatu. Barkin talks to some of his soldiers and kills them because they know his secrets.
Aygul can’t wait any longer and takes the arrow from Cerkutay. Aygul says she will set up her tent where the arrow fell. All the Kayi people see that Osman comes to the tribe with Geyhatu and the Vizier. The Turks are very happy that Geyhatu has been captured. Osman goes to his tent and says that he will punish the oppressors he caught soon. Selcan learns that Orhan’s fever has risen and immediately goes to Malhun’s tent to check on him. While going to the border region, the Sultan thinks about the punishment he will give to Osman and decides that he should die. Malhun thinks that Orhan is sick and starts to panic. Selcan calms Malhun and says they need to wash Orhan. Gungor goes to the inn and learns that Umur is dead. Gungor wants to give Barkin gold for his work.
When Barkin sees Gungor’s purse full of gold, he gets angry and attacks him. Barkin shows Gungor his knife and tells him that he didn’t do it for the gold. Alps take Geyhatu and the Vizier to Osman’s tent. Osman asks Nikola to speak. Nikola says that the Vizier is secretly trying to destroy Geyhatu and begins to tell about his previous plans. Osman asks who poisoned the Mongolian soldiers in the attack in the forest, but does not get an answer. Orhan soon recovers. Malhun thinks her father will come soon and continues to wait. Geyhatu realizes that the Vizier has betrayed him and attacks him, but the soldiers take him to the caged tent. That night, Nikola tries to provoke Kosses against Osman, but fails. Osman goes to the caged tent and asks Geyhatu about Argun.
Geyhatu says that Osman is a small man and all the tribes in the border region will perish. Osman then goes to check on Orhan. That night, Sheikh goes to the tribe and sees his grandson. The next morning, Barkin arrives early for the tribe. Malhun sees her father’s lifeless body and starts to cry. Barkin says that Mongolian soldiers attacked while coming to the tribe. Malhun soon stops crying and tells them that her father is a martyr. Osman says it’s time to punish the oppressors. The soldiers take Geyhatu and the Vizier in front of Osman’s tent. Osman accuses these men of killing innocent people. Meanwhile, the Sultan comes to the tribe and asks Osman to stop. Osman says that the Sultan must now open his eyes and see the truth. Sultan says that Osman is a traitor and that he should release the captives. Osman executes the Vizier in front of everyone.
Kurulus Osman Episodio 86 Subtitulado en Espanol
Kurulus Osman Episode 86 (Season 3 Episode 22) with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles
Watch or Download Kurulus Osman Episode 86 English Subtitles (Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 22), Kurulus Osman Episode 86 Urdu Subtitles & Kurulus Osman Episodio 86 Subtitulado en Espanol Free of Cost. Kurulus Osman episode 86 trailer with English & Urdu Subtitles is also available here. Kurulus Osman Episode 86 release date is 16th March 2022. Kurulus Osman episode 86 will be on-air on ATV Channel in Turkish. The live streaming of Kurulus Osman episode 86 in Turkish can be achieved by Clicking Here. Those who can understand Turkish will be able to watch Kurulus Osman episode 86 even later by Clicking Here but ATV Youtube channel uploads the episode later.
Kurulus Osman Episode 86 English Subtitles
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Kurulus Osman Episode 86 Urdu Subtitles
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