Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 78 (78 Bolum) with English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost
Kurulus Osman Episode 77 Review
In Kurulus Osman Episode 78, While Osman is telling his soldiers that they will go to Inegol soon, Kosses arrives. Osman says he saved his soldiers thanks to Kosses. The vizier gets angry with Konur because the soldiers in the inn have fled. Osman makes a plan with Kosses to destroy the market to be established in Inegol. Kosses agrees to take Osman’s soldiers to Inegol and says that the new market should be established in Bilecik. Osman likes this plan and now he wants Turgut to marry Mari. Kosses accepts his sister’s marriage but wants this wedding to be in Harmankaya. The vizier goes back to the dervish lodge and asks Sheikh if he helped Osman. Sheikh says Osman is trying to ensure justice. The Vizier then orders the arrest of the Sheikh. Osman soon learns that the Vizier has arrested Edebali. Osman calms his soldiers and says that he will provoke the people in Sogut to save Sheikh.
Osman sends Turgut to Sogut and asks him to talk to the people there. Kosses goes to meet Rogatus and tells him that Nikola made a secret deal with the Vizier. Rogatus is shocked by what he heard and begins to think that Nikola is a traitor. The vizier’s man, Celali, begins to torture Sheikh, but cannot learn anything from him. Konur stops Celali. People in Sogut learn that Sheikh has been arrested and they start protesting against the vizier. Osman meets Kosses in the forest. Kosses secretly drives the Turkish soldiers to Inegol by car. Nikola is very excited about the new market and thinks he will make a lot of money. Osman’s soldiers set fire to the market in Inegol. Nikola is very angry at this situation and says that Osman did everything. Gunduz says the Turks are innocent.
The vizier says that Nikola made a big mistake. After fighting with Konur, Turgut goes to talk to Mari. After Osman leaves the castle, he meets his soldiers in the forest and says it’s time to hold the wedding. While Mari is trying to treat Turgut’s wound, Cerkutay arrives. Cerkutay conveys Osman’s order and says that there will be a wedding in Hamankaya tonight. Turgut immediately sets out with Mari. The vizier gets angry with Nikola again because of what happened in the market. Nikola blames the vizier for what Osman did. Kosses says that Nikola could not provide enough security. Rogatus says that the new market should be in Bilecik so that the same mistake is not repeated. Nikola objects to his friend, but the Vizier likes this new plan. Malhun starts arguing with Gunduz. Gunduz says that Osman is responsible for what happened in Inegol.
Bala tells that the vizier arrested the Sheikh. Gunduz is very surprised by this and says he will talk to the vizier about the Sheikh tomorrow. Kosses starts talking to Rogatus after the meeting is over. Kosses asks Rogatus to allow Osman to enter the castle. Rogatus first objects to this situation, but after learning of Kosses’ plan, he allows him. Julia eavesdrops on Kosses’ conversation with Rogatus. Aygul prepares Mari for the wedding and puts henna on her hand. A short time later, Turgut comes and goes out with Mari. The vizier learns that Sheikh still hasn’t spoken and starts to think that he doesn’t know anything about Osman. Abdal marries Turgut to Mari. Osman orders the celebrations to begin. Kosses thanks Osman for preparing this wedding. Cerkutay starts to think about when he will marry Aygul.
Kosses tells Osman that Rogatus accepted his plan. Turgut thanks Osman for everything. Cerkutay tells Osman that Boran’s condition is getting worse and worse. Osman learns that Boran’s mental health is no longer good and he feels very sorry for him. Aisha tells that Nikola tried to kill Mari, but Turgut saved her at the last moment. Gunduz realizes that his decision was wrong. Osman secretly goes to the tribe that night and enters Boran’s tent. Osman sees Boran’s dream talking to people. Boran talks to Osman for a while. Osman tells Boran that he will be back soon and that he needs to get better. While Bala is praying to Allah, Osman comes. Bala is very happy to see her husband. Osman tells Bala that everything will be fine and goes out to talk to Gunduz. Osman then goes to his brother’s tent. Gunduz is very surprised to see Osman.
Osman takes the arrow from the tent and locks the door with it. Osman says that the decisions made by Gunduz are very wrong and punches him. Gunduz says he did everything for the future of his tribe and starts to fight with Osman. Osman says Gunduz will end up like Dundar and sneaks out of the tent. Osman then goes to Kosses’ castle and waits to take revenge on the Vizier. Konur sees that all the shops in Sogut are closed and talks to Davud. That day, all the merchants go to the garden of the inn and say that the Sheikh must be released. Gunduz goes to the inn and tells the vizier that Sheikh must be released. The vizier says he will fulfill Gunduz’s request. Gunduz begins to wait for Sheikh to come from the dungeon.
Osman goes to the castle that night with his soldiers. Osman asks his soldiers to hide in the rooms of the castle and goes to the room where the Vizier will stay. Kosse begins to wait for the Vizier with Rogatus. Rogatus says the market will officially open tomorrow. After a short while, the Vizier comes to the castle. The vizier says that they must act together for the market they will set up. Osman starts talking with his sword while waiting for the Vizier. Osman says that Vizier is extremely two-faced and it is now his duty to stop him. When Gunduz comes to the castle, the Vizier says they need to rest now. Rogatus shows his guests the rooms they will stay in. When the vizier enters his room, he sees Osman and starts to get scared. The vizier says that Osman is afraid of his power. Osman says that he will spoil the vizier’s game and that he took all his courage from his faith. As Osman draws his sword, the vizier’s soldiers try to open the door of the room.
Kurulus Osman Episodio 78 en Espanol Subtitles
Kurulus Osman Episode 78 English & Urdu Subtitles
Kurulus Osman Episode 78 will on air on 12th January 2021. If you feel irritated because of the ad breaks and some other issues, then ads-free permanent access for watching Kurulus Osman episode 78 English subtitles can be achieved by subscribing membership at by Clicking below blue colored button. you can also download the episode to watch on Big screen TV in 1080 resolution.
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