Watch Barbaroslar Episode 16 with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles Free of Cost
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Barbaroslar Episode 15 Review
In Barbaroslar Episode 16, Oruj sets off for Alexandria with Leonardo. Years later, Pietro finds his sister and blames Dervish for what happened to her. Meryem tells him that Dervish is innocent and that she has become a Muslim of her own will. Meanwhile, Pietro learns that Oruj has kidnapped Ilyas and Leonardo. Pietro realizes that there is a spy in the castle and asks Meryem if she is helping Oruj. Meryem says she did nothing. Pietro says that he will die because of what happened to Leonardo. While Oruj is asking Leonardo some questions, the Rhodes knights’ ship begins to attack them. Gladius starts looking for Khizir on the island to catch him. Oruj’s friends fire the knights’ ship and continue on their way.
Meryem thinks her brother will die and feels sorry for him. As Meryem tries to get out of the castle, Pietro stops her. Pietro says he will not let Meryem help Khizir. Meryem asks her brother to quit these jobs, but Pietro says he has to do this to survive. Khizir captures some of the knights in the forest and takes their clothes. Ishaq goes to Alexandria and tells Huma how he saved Ilyas. Together with Piri, Khizir attacks the knights and then goes to their ship. When Gladius sees the corpses in the forest, he immediately goes to the port and tries to stop Khizir. Gladius can’t catch him, as Khizir punches holes in the boats in the harbor. Sahin says that he will do Unita’s work. Sahbaz objects to his brother, but cannot stop him. Sahbaz tells Sahin that he should never make a mistake in this matter. A short time later, Emir comes to the inn and says that Oruj defeated the Christians.
Sahbaz thinks he should get Leonardo from Oruj. Gladius tells Pietro that Khizir has escaped. Meryem is happy to see Khizir saved, but she is sad because her older brother will die. Khizir goes to the secret house in Kalymnos and tries to think why Meryem is still in the castle. Pietro then talks to his sister and says he will let her go. Oruj and Ilyas finally reach Alexandria. Ilyas immediately speaks to Esther. Oruj says that Ilyas should marry Esther now and wants the wedding preparations to be made as soon as possible. Khizir secretly meets up with Meryem while she is wandering around the island. Meryem tells Khizir what happened in the castle and sets off with him to go to Alexandria. Pietro learns that Meryem has left Kalymnos and orders Piri to be killed. Dervish arrives while Antuan and Leonardo are talking in the cellar. Dervish says it is important to help the prisoners of war and tells them about his religion.
While Isabel is shopping at the market, some men bother her. Huma saves Isabel and punishes the men. Firuza is disturbed by this situation and asks Huma what she was talking about with Isabel. Niko sees Piri writing something and asks him questions. Piri says he wrote what happened on the island and shows him the map. Niko says it is very difficult to draw a map and asks Piri how he learned it. Piri says that years ago while drawing a map of a castle, some Christian soldiers attacked him. Piri continues to tell her story and says Dervish saved her. Dervish then takes Piri to the Sultan’s tent. Sultan looks at the drawings in Piri’s notebook and realizes how talented he is. Sultan does not punish Piri and asks him to continue drawing maps.
Later, Piri joins the Albanian expedition with the Sultan. Piri tells that he is trying to draw a world map to realize Sultan’s wish. At Huma’s request, Ahis from the Ottoman lands come and begin to help her. Dervish prays for the Ahis. Sahbaz says he wants to talk to Oruj, but Piri says he is busy with the wedding. Piri goes to Sahbaz’s inn. The pirates in the inn say that the trade was damaged due to the wars Oruj made. Piri says they did everything for the Muslims in the Mediterranean and beats the pirates. After Piri leaves the inn, Pietro’s men attack him. With the help of Dervish, Piri defeats the attackers. Piri recognizes Dervish and thanks him for his help years ago. That night, the wedding celebrations begin at Oruj’s mansion.
Dervish marries Ilyas with Esther. Esther thanks Oruj’s family for everything and converts to Islam that night. Oruj and his brothers dance together. Pietro’s men take action to kill Oruj and go to the roof of a nearby house. Oruj’s soldiers stop them at the last moment. Isabel comes to the wedding that night and this makes Oruj very happy. Gladius attacks the ships protecting Lesbos and takes them in a short time. Gladius asks the cannons on the ships to aim at the island. Sahbaz makes a plan to take Leonardo from Oruj and takes action. The next day, a masked man enters the cellar and neutralizes Oruj’s soldiers. Antuan is very happy to see this man and thanks Pietro.
Leonardo wants to see this man’s face. The man removes the mask from his face and Antuan sees that it is Meryem. Meryem comes out of the cellar immediately with Antuan. Ishaq finds out what happened in Lesbos and immediately wants to return to the island, but Oruj stops him. Oruj says he will lift the siege using Leonardo. Meanwhile, a soldier comes and says that a man has kidnapped the prisoners in the cellar. Isabel learns of her brother’s whereabouts and waits for Oruj in the forest to save him. When Piri is about to catch Antuan and Leonardo, Sahbaz’s pirates stop him. Sahbaz tells Leonardo who he is and sets out to take him to the port. Pietro meets with the representatives of the Christian states and tells them that they will soon finish off the Turks in the Mediterranean. A man comes to the castle as Pietro says that Leonardo will come soon. This man is Oruj and he says he will finish Pietro’s plan before it starts.
Barbaroslar Capitulo 16 en Espanol Subtitles HD 1080
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How to Watch Barbaroslar Episode 16 with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles Free of Cost
Watch or Download Barbaroslar Episode 16 English Subtitles, Barbaroslar Episode 16 Urdu Subtitles & Barbaroslar Capitulo 16 en Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost. Barbaroslar Episode 16 release date is 13-01-2022. Barbaroslar episode will be on-air on TRT1 Channel in Turkish. The live streaming of Barbaroslar episode in Turkish can be achieved by Clicking Here. Those who can understand Turkish will be able to watch Barbaroslar episode even later by Clicking Here but ATV Youtube channel uploads the episode later, so you have to wait for it.
Barbaroslar Episode 16 English Subtitles HD 1080
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