Destan Episode 13 with English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost
Destan Episode 12 Review
In Destan Episode 13, Turkish soldiers make noise in the garden of the palace. Tilsim gives birth to Batuga at this time. Since the birth took longer than expected, Kamkadin does a ritual and tries to exorcise the demon from the palace. Colpan tries to help Tilsim. Alpagu comes to the palace from the battlefield. Danis is very surprised and tells Khan that the birth took longer than expected. As Khan is about to enter Tilsim’s room, a baby begins to cry. Danir says the devil has left the palace. Colpan says that Khan has another son and gives the baby to his father. Alpagu sees the blood in the palm of his newborn son and says he will be a great ruler. Just as Danis is about to order the celebrations to begin, Alpagu stops him.
Alpagu says that this child has a crippled hand and returns it to Tilsim. Tilsim asks Khan what the name of this baby will be. Khan takes his son in his arms and takes him to the throne room. Toygar asks what his grandson’s name will be, but Alpagu says he hasn’t made a decision yet. A long time passes and Batuga grows up. Batuga spends time with Temur and paints in the garden of the palace. Ece hates Batuga more and more and always says she doesn’t like him. Tilsim gets pregnant every year, but does not have another child other than Batuga. Ece says Tilsim does not treat her children well. Batuga sees that his paintings in the garden are being cleaned by the servants and he is upset. Batuga then goes to the dining hall with his mother.
Batuga looks at the food on the table. Alpagu asks Balamir about China. When Ece is about to drink the sherbet on the table, Batuga shouts and stops her. Batuga says this glass does not belong to the palace. Alpagu realizes that there is a poisonous drink in this glass and begins to ask the servants questions. The assassin in the palace kills himself in order not to speak. After this incident, Alpagu says he will give his son a name. Toygar and Colpan go to the palace. Colpan talks to Batuga and practices swordsmanship with him. Everyone goes to the throne room and starts listening to Khan. Alpagu tells about the heroism of his son and announces to everyone that his name is Batuga. After learning the name, Batuga asks his father if he can become a Khan in the future. Danis says Batuga will not be a Khan in the future. Ece says that Khan has two more sons, but Balamir says they have Russian blood.
Alpagu says God will give another son in the future. During the ceremony, Tilsim falls ill. Alpagu goes to Tilsim’s room and finds out that she has had another miscarriage. Ece sees Alpagu talking to Tilsim and gets very jealous of her. Ece tells Yibek that she wants to kill Tilsim and calls Vargi to her room. Vargi says she will do this task so that Ece does not arouse suspicion. Ece calms Vargi and says Alpagu will kill Tilsim. Ece wants Tai to be included in this plan and says that she will allow Temur to marry in this way. Vargi listens to Ece’s plan and takes action. As Turkish soldiers pass through a valley, Chinese soldiers attack. Vargi puts the message on the armor of a Chinese soldier, as Ece wants. Balamir finds this message from Vargi and tells Khan that there is a spy in the palace.
Saltuk asks who this traitor is. Ece writes a message to Tilsim using Dag Khan’s name and asks her to escape from the palace. Yibek secretly takes this message written by Ece to Tilsim. Tilsim thinks that this false message came from her father and escapes with her son using the secret tunnel in the palace. Batuga remembers this event over and over and thinks that maybe they should stay in the palace. As Tilsim is about to cross the river, Alpagu comes and kills the Dag’s soldiers. Alpagu takes Batuga and asks Tilsim why she ran away. Tilsim says she is innocent and never betrayed Khan, but Alpagu kills her. The next day, Yibek tells Ece that Alpagu killed Tilsim. Alpagu then goes to the Dag with Tilsim’s corpse and kills Toygar for his treachery.
Alpagu then says that he has exiled the people of the Mountain and returns to the palace with his son. Alpagu talks about the Turks who died because of the Chinese, but Batuga says he will never talk to his father again. Alpagu orders all those from Dag in the palace to be killed. Batuga realizes that his life is in danger and goes to the throne room. Alpagu orders Batuga to be executed. The executioner puts the bow on Batuga’s neck. Batuga can’t take it anymore and faints. Alpagu and Temur try to wake Batuga. Even though Batuga is only ten years old, he starts to lie to his father and starts acting like a crazy kid. Alpagu thinks Batuga will recover soon and waits in the palace for about a month. When Alpagu realizes that Batuga will not recover, he goes to war with China.
Batuga, alone in the palace, begins to patiently wait for the day when justice will be served. Ece asks her sons to stay away from Batuga. Yibek says that a midwife wants to talk to Ece. The midwife says that her own child died a short time ago and that she sees it as a punishment from God. The midwife says she wants to tell all the facts to Alpagu. Ece asks the midwife to be quiet. The midwife wants to confess to Khan that she has killed all of Tilsim’s children and disabled Batuga, but Ece kills her. Kaya sees what his mother says, but does not tell anyone about it. Batuga paints in secret tunnels, which he learned from his mother. Many years pass and Batuga speaks again so that Akkiz does not die. Alpagu says Batuga will be judged for lying to Khan and orders him to be taken to his room.
Destan Episodio 13 Subtitulado en Español HD 1080
How to watch Destan Episode 13 English & Urdu Subtitles
Destan Episode 13 Release Date is 1st March 2021. is If you want to watch Destan Episode 13 with no ads and permanent access, then You may watch Destan Episode 13 (Epic) Series with English Subtitles by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV in 1080 resolution and you can even download full series with one-click and watch anywhere (TV and big screens) and any time offline. Destan Episode 13 English Subtitles kayifamily. Those who are searching for watching Destan Episode 13 with English Subtitles, Destan Episode 13 with Urdu Subtitles & Destan Episodio 13 Subtitulado en Español Free of Cost regularly may watch here. ????????
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