Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 84 (Season 3 Episode 20) English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free
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Kurulus Osman Episode 84 Summary
In Kurulus Osman Episode 84, Osman asks Sheikh for permission to kill Gunduz. Sheikh asks Osman to listen to the compassion in his heart and forgive Gunduz. Osman is surprised to hear this. Sheikh asks Osman not to withhold his mercy. Osman remembers what Sheikh said and says he will not kill Gunduz. Gunduz says he regrets what he has done and starts listening to Osman. Mingiyan goes to Nikola’s castle and says he will inspect the soldiers. Nikola says he has a surprise and brings Rogatus. Nikola says that Rogatus knows Osman’s location and begins to torture him. Osman asks Gunduz to make up for his mistake and asks him to implement his plan. Rogatus can’t take it anymore and tells Mingiyan where Osman is. Later, Nikola orders Rogatus to be hanged.
The blacksmith and Akca begin to think about how to use the gunpowder they have seized. Mingiyan tells Geyhatu that Rogatus is dead and where Osman is going. Meanwhile, Gunduz arrives. Geyhatu asks Gunduz where the soldiers he wanted are. Gunduz remembers what Osman said and tells Geyhatu that the soldiers are in the tribe. After talking to Gunduz, Geyhatu realizes that Rogatus is telling the truth. Osman and a few Alps sneak into the tribe that night. Osman talks to Bala after a long time. Malhun and Selcan then come to talk to Osman. Osman says Gunduz understood his mistakes and will hold a meeting soon. Gunduz tells the Beys of the tribe that the real leader has come. Osman goes to his tent and begins to explain the mistake made by the Beys. Some Beys say that they are against the war and Osman expels them from the meeting.
Osman tells the Beys about his alliance with Nikola and the Emperor’s agreement. The Beys calm down after what Osman said. After the meeting, Osman asks Gunduz what he was talking about with Geyhatu. Gunduz says he will not forget his mistake until he dies. Osman then says he wants to have dinner with his whole family. Sultan’s younger brother Gungor visits the Vizier and tells him that the situation in the border area is getting worse and worse. The vizier says that Geyhatu is the biggest trouble in this land and will kill him soon. Gungor says he will become Sultan by killing Geyhatu. Osman talks about recent events and starts eating with his family. Gunduz says he regrets his mistake and apologizes to Selcan. Selcan forgives Gunduz. Later, Malhun and Bala forgive Gunduz.
Gungor says Osman will hold a meeting with the rebellious Beys. The vizier is very angry at this news and says he will eliminate them. Gungor says he will kill Geyhatu alone. After dinner, Osman talks to Selcan and asks her to let Aygul marry Cerkutay. Cerkutay is very happy with this news and starts to shout. Osman asks the women to start the wedding preparations immediately. The next day, Cerkutay checks out the wedding dinners with his friends. Osman goes for a ride with his horse and says that the Turkish state he will establish will reach beyond the mountains he sees. Gungor stops a merchant and says he wants to buy his goods. The merchant says that these goods belong to Geyhatu. Gungor says he wants to enter the Mongolian base with the merchant and gives him gold. Osman talks to Kosses and tells him that he will give him back his castle. Kosses thanks Osman and goes to talk to Gunduz.
The Vizier finds the location of the meeting of Osman with the Turkmen leaders and prepares an attack. Seljuk soldiers begin to attack, but Konur says it is a trap. Konur saves the Vizier’s life and asks him to return to Sogut. Aygul thanks Selcan for everything she has done. Cerkutay asks Selcan to give honey to Aygul and then comes out of the tent with her. Sheikh makes the marriage ceremony of Aygul and Cerkutay. Osman gives Cerkutay a wedding gift and after that, the celebrations begin. Boran sings the songs that everyone loves. Boran later finds the Turkmen leaders who came to the forest and takes them to Osman’s tent. Gungor follows the Mongol soldiers and says he poisoned them. Osman starts talking to Beys and says that there is a traitor among them.
The Beys are very surprised to hear this, but Osman calms them down. Geyhatu starts to go with his soldiers to the place Rogatus told to catch Osman. Osman says he will bring the fire of the rebellion in Anatolia to the border region. Osman continues to speak and says that there is no free Turkish state in Konya anymore. Some Beys say they don’t have enough soldiers and swords. Osman says that the blacksmith is preparing a sword day and night. The vizier learns that Gungor poisoned the Mongol soldiers and makes a plan to kill Osman. Turkmen Beys realize that they have to join forces and say that they will support Osman no matter what. Osman asks his guests to eat their wedding dinner and says he has to go to war. Osman goes to attack Geyhatu with his soldiers.
Kosses returns to his castle and starts talking to Gunduz. Gunduz says he shed blood for this castle but gave it to Kosses to fulfill Osman’s request. Geyhatu goes to the place Rogatus said and says this location is too good for an attack. Nikola shows up with his soldiers and says that he was the first person to come here. Nikola continues to speak and tells that Rogatus has also come to war. Geyhatu realizes that Mingiyan has been tricked. Later, Osman comes with his soldiers and says that Geyhatu will go to hell today. Geyhatu says such a simple trap is not enough to kill him. Mongolian soldiers start to die one by one because of the poison and Geyhatu thinks that Osman did it. Gungor comes out of hiding and says he will kill everyone. Geyhatu starts to run away wounded with his soldiers. Gungor attacks Osman and injures him. While Osman wants to follow Geyhatu, the Vizier comes and stops everyone.
Kurulus Osman Episodio 84 Subtitulado en Espanol
Kurulus Osman Episode 84 (Season 3 Episode 20) with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles
Watch or Download Kurulus Osman Episode 84 English Subtitles (Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 20), Kurulus Osman Episode 84 Urdu Subtitles & Kurulus Osman Episodio 84 Subtitulado en Espanol Free of Cost. Kurulus Osman episode 84 trailer with English & Urdu Subtitles is also available here. Kurulus Osman Episode 84 release date is 2nd March 2022. Kurulus Osman episode 84 will be on-air on ATV Channel in Turkish. The live streaming of Kurulus Osman episode 84 in Turkish can be achieved by Clicking Here. Those who can understand Turkish will be able to watch Kurulus Osman episode 84 even later by Clicking Here but ATV Youtube channel uploads the episode later.
Kurulus Osman Episode 84 English Subtitles
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Kurulus Osman Episode 84 Urdu Subtitles
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