Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 31 English & Urdu Subtitles
Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 30 Review
In Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 31, While Melik Shah is going to attack Shalamzar, Tekish stops him and says he has already conquered the city. The Sultan says that he will go to the city and examine the situation there. Zubeyde says that after the discussions on the plain, everyone should return to the palace. After Melik Shah saw the dead Batinis in the city, he says that Tekish will rule the city from now on. Tapar objects to this situation, but the Sultan says that everyone will obey their orders. Zubeyde forbids Terken from entering the Sultan’s room due to their disrespect on the plain and does not allow Gevher’s family into the palace. The Sultan sends back his soldiers who came for war, but Tapar continues to cause problems with Shalamzar. The Sultan says that he will take the city back when the time comes, but Tapar does not understand what his father said. Melik Shah says he will make up his mind about Sanjar and Nizam and returns to the palace.
Turan asks his soldiers in Kerman to be ready for a possible situation. Sanjar returns to the plain and tells Nizam what the Sultan did. Nizam says the Sultan has a plan. According to the decision made by Sultan, Sanjar says that Turan can do something. Sanjar then goes to the palace with his mother and Nizam. Gevher talks about the decisions made by the Sultan and provokes Tapar. Sultan goes to visit Nessac and begins to tell him about his problems. Nessac says that the answers Sultan is looking for are hidden within him. While doing arrow training with soldiers, Turan learns that the Sultan has summoned him to the palace and sets off immediately. Tekish goes to the palace with Turan.
Sultan starts talking to Nizam, Sanjar and Basulu. The Sultan says that he will not easily forgive their crimes, but that he has to be fair. Melik Shah says that they made this game for the future of the state and says that the Nizam will return to his duty. Sultan says that Sanjar will be declared Melik because he is his own son. Sultan says that Basulu will receive the respect she deserves as the mother of Meliks. Sanjar says that Turan will be angry with these decisions, but Melik Shah says that he will use his anger to destroy him. The Sultan then takes everyone out of his room and starts talking to Basulu alone. Melik Shah tells how he has been feeling for years and tells Basulu that she can come to the palace whenever she wants. Sanjar first prays to Allah and then begins to prepare for the ceremony in the palace. Sultan says that Sanjar has done very well so far and will be a successful Melik from now on.
Everyone waits for the Sultan in the garden of the palace. First comes the Sultan and then Sanjar. Sanjar promises to do anything for the state and is declared Melik by the Sultan. Nessac gives Sanjar his new sword and begins to pray. After the ceremony, Turan goes to the Sultan’s room and asks him why he made such a decision. Sultan says that he made the most appropriate decision according to custom and asks them to obey his orders. Melik Shah gives Tekish a paper saying that he is Shalamzar’s official and asks him to bring the Greek fire supplies. Melik Shah says that he is considering giving some of Kerman lands to Sanjar, and this situation disturbs Turan. After Turan leaves the palace, he tells that he will attack the palace and take the throne. Tekish accepts his plan.
Gevher once again provokes Tapar by talking about the decisions of the Sultan. Tapar gets very angry and leaves the palace. As Tapar is about to attack Tekish, Sanjar stops him and tries to calm him down. Melik Shah later visits Khayyam and becomes friends with him again. Mitras gets angry with Hassan for not being able to stop Melik Shah and asks him back the Greek fire masters. Tekish says that they will give the Greek fire masters and materials to the Sultan and Mitras threatens them. The Sultan gets angry with Tapar for his actions. Tekish does not want to send the Greek fire to the Sultan, but Turan tells him that he must do this to drive Sultan out of the city. Later, Terken visits the Sultan and tells him that his decisions were wrong. The Sultan says that he will go to war tomorrow and asks Terken not to talk about it anymore.
Sanjar checks the materials brought by Tekish. Tekish secretly meets Hassan and tells him that he had to give the Greek fire supplies. Hassan tells him to keep calm because Sanjar will die before reaching the palace. Hassan’s followers attack as Sanjar and the soldiers carry the Greek fire. Sanjar defeats the attackers and tells what happened to the Sultan. Melik Shah applies ointment to the wound on Sanjar’s arm. The Sultan then calls Sanjar his son and hugs him. Gevher tries to provoke Tapar once again that night. Tapar can not stand it any longer and goes to the garden of the palace. Tapar sees Sanjar there and thanks him. Sanjar invites both Tapar and Ali to the plain. Melik Shah plays chess with Nizam and chats with him.
While Turan prepares his army for the attack, Mitras comes to Shalamzar and listens to Tekish’s plan. Mitras says he will attack Melik Shah while Turan is attacking Isfahan. Sanjar says that Ali is now a part of his family and starts eating with his whole family. Tekish meets with Hassan once again and tells that he persuaded Mitras to attack the Sultan. Faysal thinks that the Sultan can neither go to Kuvel nor go back to the palace. Turan comes when Hassan says that they will do everything necessary to support Turan. Turan gets angry at Tekish for collaborating with Hassan, but after listening to Hassan’s words, he starts working with them. The next day, some attackers attack Shalamzar and capture Tekish. Turan goes to the palace with some of his army, but he cannot see anyone there. While Turan is thinking about the whereabouts of Sultan, Melik Shah comes out of hiding with his army and says that he has caught the traitor.
How to watch Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 31 English & Urdu Subtitles
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