Payitaht Abdulhamid Season 4 Episode 98 (98 Bolum) with English Subtitles Free
Episode 98 Overview
Ahmed Pasha tells Hunkar that the wounded midwife was taken to the hospital. Hunkar wants to take strict precautions at the hospital. Gustav is angry about what Abduhamid did. Sabahaddin and Kasasu try to persuade Zuluflu Ismail Pasha, but Pasha does not want to work with them. Prince Ferdinand and his men are making a plan in the palace and they decide to kidnap a nun. Abdulhamid sends a phonograph to the Prince as a gift, but the Prince does not like it. Halil Halid takes the phonograph and takes it to his room. Zuluflu Pasha asks questions about the midwife woman to Hunkar. Grun comes to Gustav’s office and tells him that his mother is missing. Gustav hides the truth about Esther and turns it into a plan to harm Abdulhamid. Madame comes to the palace and talks with Cemile Sultan about her husband.
Bidar Sultan participates in their conversation. Madame tells them that she wants to display her jewels at an exhibition for charity work and asks for permission. Mehmet comes to the garden and speaks with Gulcemal, but Shehzade arrives and their conversation is interrupted. Zuluflu Pasha informs Hunkar about the weapon purchased from Umber. But the army needs more weapons. An announcement will be made again to get more weapons. Sabahaddin comes to Gustav and tells him the letter Zuluflu holds a letter. Halil Halid turns the gift from Hunkar into a wireless and transmits the Prince’s plan to kidnap the American nun to the palace. Tahsin Pasha brings the results of his research to Hunkar and it comes out that Selim Pasha’s death is based on a hypothesis. Madame plans to steal the blue diamond and tells it to Anna. She wants to steal this diamond and use it for dangerous plans. Cemile Sultan goes to the park and waits for her husband.
Shehzade Nureddin is making a wooden box for his mother and Hunkar visits him. The Pashas speak for the weapons to be purchased, but Mahmud Pasha is concerned about the economic aspect of the business. Tatar Salih and his men go to church and wait there. During the service, Ziya Sami’s men kidnap the nun, but Tatar Salih doesn’t realize it. On his way out of the church, Halil Halid gives Nadir Bey an icon as a hint. Gustav comes to visit Hunkar and tells him what he needs for the mass production factories. Hunkar wants the factories to be opened as soon as possible, but Gustav says he needs more information and research. Ziya Sami kidnaps the nun and stops in the woods. Meanwhile, Tatar Salih and his men open fire. Ziya Sami’s men die, but he takes that nun away. Mehmet encounters Bahar in the library and Bahar tells him that she is going to Paris. A wireless telegram machine and a letter arrived at Zuluflu’s house. Zuluflu Pasha sets up the wireless and starts waiting for news. Shehzade Nureddin gives his box to Bidar Sultan and calls her “mother”. Dilruba, on the other hand, copies what Meziyet wrote because of her love for Shehzade Abdulkhadir and she is prepared to give it to Sehzade.
Karasu comes to his uncle’s office but his uncle leaves all the works to him and went to France. More importantly, things are not good and the company has lost a lot of money. Mahmud Pasha tells the money needed for the weapons to be purchased to Hunkar. Hunkar tells him that it would be right to borrow money from bankers and that he would buy arms with his own money and open factories with money from bankers. Thus, bankers will become some kind of partner in the factories and they will help in the sale of weapons in the future. When Gulcemal talks about the mansion, Mehmet starts talking about what he saw. He gives Gulcemal a cross necklace and tells him that he saw her in the church. The policemen saw Sabahaddin on a street, but Shehzade Abdulkhadir came and rescued him. A message came to Zuluflu and then Zuluflu Pasha tells he has a letter. The next day Zuluflu Pasha brings back the letter of resignation to Hunkar and tells him that someone has given a wireless telegram to him and talked to him. Gustav plans to kill Hunkar. Hunkar asks Zuluflu Pasha to tear the letter. Gulcemal goes to her office to talk to Mehmet and asks her not to tell anyone what he saw.
Tahsin Pasha comes and shows Hunkar news about the kidnapped nun. Hunkar says there will be no bargaining and the agents will solve it. Sabahaddin comes to Karasu’s office. Karasu tells him that he is in charge of the company but the company owes a lot of money and asks for help. Sabahaddin asks him to pay the tax debt first, and then he tells him that he will give money to the Ottomans to buy weapons. And then he tells him that it will bring new investors. Halil Halid sends a message to the palace saying he expects new orders. Ahmed Pasha responds to this telegram and asks Halil Halid to stop any bargaining. Ziya Sami arrests the American Ambassador and Consul on the train for IMRO. After visiting the factories, Gustav Efendi comes to Hunkar and tells them to renew the factories and workers. He also asks Hunkar to visit the factories and encourage employees to change their minds. The jewels in the palace are taken to the association by the guards. Karasu says that he will give money to the creditors who come to his workplace after paying the tax debt. Hunkar tells Ahmed Pasha that he wants to visit the factories.
Ziya Sami takes the American ambassador and consul to home. Later, he informed Naib Efendi that he would negotiate with the consul and the journalists would come, but Halil Halid learned about it. Naib Efendi notices the wire that Halil Halid secretly placed, but Halil Halid manages to send a message to the palace at the last minute. Karasu comes to the palace and tells Mahmud Pasha that he wants to give money to the Ottoman Empire. Bidar Sultan goes to the Society and visits the exhibition. Mahmud Pasha tells Hunkar that Karasu wants to give money, but Hunkar states that other companies and other families should give money too. Gustav and Vladimir go over their plans again and decide where Abdulhamid will be shot. Later, Gustav Efendi sent a message to Zuluflu Pasha telling him not to go to the factory, but Zuluflu and Ismail Hakki understood the assassination plan. Ziya Sami and the consul begin to negotiate and journalists have already arrived, but Tatar Salih and his men come and stop the bargaining at the last minute. Halil Halid secretly goes that home and rescues the nun with the ambassador.
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