Payitaht Abdulhamid Season 4 Episode 110 (110 Bolum) with English Subtitles Free
Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 109 Review
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 109, Zalman caught Ismail Hakki Bey, Ahmed Pasha, and his father, but they say nothing about the organization. Grun continues to torture them. Sultan Abdulhamid is concerned about his friends. Meanwhile, an Ottoman agent in Russia sends a telegram to the Sultan. Panayit and his men push Halil Halid into the corner. Nadir Bey brings Yanik, while hope of salvation does not appear for agents. Yanik stops his men. Halil Halid says that a meeting will be held and then set out to Panayit and Yanik together. Hunkar calls the Pashas and talks to them about a meeting between Russia and Austria. European states will have a meeting about Rumelia and as a result, they will intervene in Ottoman lands. Hunkar wants to stop this meeting. Grun continues to torture, but the result remains unchanged. Halil Halid kills Panayit at the market place.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 109, There is still no news from Ahmed Pasha and Ismail Hakki Bey. Hunkar orders the cops to search them. Meanwhile, the news comes that a hunter saw Ahmed Pasha in the forest. Hunkar understands that they have been abducted. Hunkar then invites British, French, Austrian and Russian ambassadors to the hunt. Bidar Sultan thinks that Behice Sultan will come to rule the Harem, and this situation upset her. Zulfet Kalfa comes to Bidar Sultan and tells that she is preparing to go. Bidar Sultan does not accept this and persuades her to stay with her. Madame Blavatsky opens the chest she found. A sphere with images and symbols, a miswak stick and a key come out of this chest. Madame Blavatsky thinks that everything that comes out of the box has a meaning and starts looking for that meaning.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 109, Hunkar and ambassadors meet for hunting in the forest. Hunkar fires into the air with a rifle, but the bullet hits a tree. Ambassadors cannot make sense of this situation. Hunkar says this is a hunt and an accident can happen at any time. The ambassadors want to leave the hunting area immediately, but Hunkar says his friends have been abducted and this has something to do with the ambassadors. If the ambassadors want to survive, they must ensure that Hunkar’s friends are released. Halil Halid wants to make a deal with Yanik, but Yanik does not accept it. Yanik wants his damage to be compensated and Halil Halid agrees to prevent the merchants from being harmed.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 109, Grun tells Zalman that he has not learned anything. Meanwhile, someone who works for the British embassy comes to Zalman and tells that the ambassador is in a difficult situation. Now Zalman has to release the prisoners. Zalman makes a plan to learn about the organization and its members. Zalman plans to learn about the meeting to be held using Khadir. Ahmed Pasha gets rid of his chains. Then he rescues Ismail Hakki Bey and his father. Marco tells Naime where Shehzade Abdulkhadir is. Marco continues to speak and says Shehzade has forcibly received money from shops in Izmit. Hearing this, Naime Sultan gets very angry. Shehzade Abdulkhadir wants to find the person who forcibly receives money from merchants using his name. Khadir Efendi says he is one of the guards of the organization and that Ahmed Pasha is Hunkar’s secret assistant. A paper comes out of the pocket of Khadir Bey. In this paper, it is written that Khadir is poisoned and what needs to be done to save him. Now Ahmed Pasha has no choice but to bring the organization together. Khadir Bey tells the location of the other key and then Ahmed Pasha takes his father back. Nadir Bey gives the notebook about Yanik to Halil Halid. In this book, Yanik’s entire money flow is written.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 109, Ahmed Pasha sends a message to Hunkar saying he is fine, and Hunkar allows the ambassadors to go. While Madame Blavatsky tries to understand what is written on the globe, Marco comes up to her and tells her what he said to Naime. Naime tells her mother what she learned about Abdulkhadir but Bidar Sultan does not believe what she heard. Ahmed Pasha and Ismail Hakki Bey go to the mosque in Rumeli fortress and take the key hidden there. Tahsin Pasha says that the ambassadors of the European states want to talk to Hunkar about the railway. Mahmud Pasha goes home and talks to the sick girl. Then Mahmud Pasha says that he will work for an important state business because Mahmud Pasha suspects this girl. Tatar Bey and other agents talk to a man of Yanik and say they will pay the compensation that Yanik wants, but they want some time for this. Cemile Sultan goes to Hunkar and says that all preparations for the arrival of Behice Sultan have been completed. But Hunkar says he called his daughter Zekiye Sultan to the palace. Mahmud Pasha’s plan does not work and his ideas about the sick girl begin to change. Tahsin Pasha gives Hunkar a paper and Hunkar, who reads it, sets out immediately.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 109, Bidar Sultan checks Abdulkhadir’s bank accounts and sees a large amount of money deposited there. Hunkar goes to Ahmed Pasha and gives the other part of the key to him. The key that will open the secret safe is now complete. Hunkar makes a plan to keep the organization secret. According to this plan, Ismail Hakki Bey and Tahsin Pasha will call the organization, while Hunkar and Ahmed Pasha will make a fake call. Zalman goes to Zuluflu Pasha and tries to persuade him. Zalman tells the plan to Zuluflu Pasha he prepared. Naime goes with her father and tells him that she has learned where Abdulkhadir is. Then she says that she wants to visit Abdulkhadir and even more wants to bring him to the palace. Hunkar lets her go, but Naime has to go with her mother. Sabahaddin and Frida secretly make a plan to gain the trust of Mahmud Pasha. Naime tells her mother about the things she spoke with her father but Bidar Sultan thinks Hunkar wants her to leave the palace. Hunkar and Tahsin Pasha disguise and visit a house. Hunkar paid this person’s debt and saved him from prison. Hunkar talks about Haydar’s business plan and asks him to include his wife in this business. Halil Halid and the agents set out to handle the money business. Although Cemile Sultan knows that Zekiye will come to the palace, she hides it from Bidar Sultan and Naime.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 109, Hunkar calls Pashas and talks about the meeting between Russia and Austria. While Bidar and Naime are about to leave, Naime gets a little sick and stays in the palace because of Cemile Sultan’s insistence. Tahsin Pasha meets with Ismail Hakki Bey and secretly leaves the palace. Hunkar tells Ahmed Pasha that the fake meeting will be held in Yedikule Dungeons. Tatar Bey and agents take action to get money from Yanik’s place. At the same time, Halil Halid and Soghutlu stop a car and take the money that was going to Yanik. Ahmed Pasha goes to his room and finds a message hidden in the drawer. Ismail Hakki and Tahsin Pasha find and open the secret safe, but the chest is empty. Ahmed Pasha sets out after reading what is written on the paper.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 109, Bidar Sultan reaches Izmit and calls Shehzade Abdulkhadir. Ismail Hakki Bey and Tahsin Pasha bring the chest they found to Hunkar. Hunkar realizes that the chest has a hidden compartment and opens it with Tahsin Pasha. That part of the chest shows Hunkar how to call the organization. Hunkar says the meeting will be in Nuruosmaniye Mosque. Ahmed Pasha gets rid of those who follow him and opens the locker at the post office. In this cabinet, it is written what Ahmed Pasha should do. Gavur Husnu and Deli Namik visit Halil Halid and say they know who stole their money, but they can’t do anything. Shehzade Abdulkhadir comes to his mother. Bidar Sultan blames herself for her slap and everything that happened. Ahmed Pasha comes to Hunkar and shows him the message he has found. Ahmed Pasha says that he has formed a secret troop of twelve, but Zalman has already established a secret troop too. Hunkar goes to see the secret troop established by Ahmed Pasha. Gavur Husnu and Deli Namik say that Halil Halid took the money and that they could not get it back from him.
In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 109, Halil Halid comes to Yanik and gives the money to Yanik. While Bidar Sultan tries to secretly watch Abdulkhadir in the market, someone who acts like Abdulkadir comes to the market and forcibly receives money from merchants. Bidar Sultan realizes Shehzade Abdulkhadir is innocent. Meanwhile, Shehzade Abdulkhadir stops the man who collected the money, but the man gives the money he collected to Abdulkhadir. Halil Halid and his agents explode Yanik’s money safe. While Hunkar is waiting in Yedikule Dungeons, Zalman and his men attack. A fight begins between the troop of Ahmed Pasha and the men of Zalman. Zalman opens the door of the room and sees Hunkar from across. While Zalman is about to pull his gun and shoot at Hunkar, Ahmed Pasha stops him and they start to fight. Ahmed Pasha neutralizes Zalman.
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