Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 135 (Season 5 Episode 5) English & Urdu Subtitles Free
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Kurulus Osman Episode 135 Summary
In Kurulus Osman Episode 135, As you already know, in the ending of Episode 134, Osman and his soldiers were heading to conquer the castle, but they find out that Yaqoob Bey had already taken the castle. Episode 135 begins with both Osman Bey and Yaqoob Bey being in the castle. Yaqoob Bey tells Osman Bey that you will conquer the castle with these rebels. I thought you would come to conquer the castle with the warriors, but you want to conquer the castle with the traitors. This doesn’t suit you.
Then, Osman Bey seems puzzled and says, ‘This castle is yours.’ Yaqoob Bey says, ‘When will you prove your loyalty and pledge allegiance to me?’ Afterward, Osman Bey says, ‘After the death of Hazrat Muhammad, Hazrat Ali did not pledge allegiance immediately to Hazrat Abu Bakr. So, why the rush?’ Yaqoob Bey responds, ‘We are in a state of war. Make a decision quickly.’ Then, Osman Bey leaves.
Afterward, Osman Bey and Bala Bey, along with the others, discuss the situation. Gonca Hatun says, ‘You have obtained a script from Yaqoob Bey.’ Osman Bey says, ‘Yaqoob Bey is playing a dangerous game. We need to be cautious; otherwise, all the chiefs may turn against us.’
Then, Osman Bey prepares to go to the castle and hands over the information about Yaqoob Bey to Hazrat. They decide that Hazrat should go and keep them informed about the situation. Then, we see that Mehmet Bey has climbed the treasury and changed his outfit to disguise himself as a Christian soldier. He steals the treasury from the Crusaders to make it look like their doing. He says, ‘Now we’ll go to our new market.’ After that, Alauddin Bey and Gonca Hatun, with the help of Kaan, make a deal in the market. The condition is that if Gonca Hatun wins, Alauddin Bey will reveal his true name.
Later, we see that Alauddin Bey disguises himself as a Mongol soldier and prepares to attack them. In the meantime, they show a scene in the bazaar where the residents are asking for forgiveness, saying, ‘How can you collaborate with the enemies and disgrace us?’ They request forgiveness, but the residents are not ready to forgive them. Then, we see that Saadet Hatun is talking about buying all the goods in the market and plotting against Gonca Hatun, saying they will buy everything so that nothing is left for her. Also, when Mehmet Bey arrives with his treasure, he injures the Christian soldiers and informs Hazrat about his return.
Then, Hazrat and his men confront strangers, and Hazrat recognizes them, but he pretends not to know them. He asks, ‘Who are you?’ They reply, ‘My name is Ayhan Akca. I’m a merchant, selling goods from Qasqantiniyah to Aman.’ Then, Ayhan Bey gives a gift to Osman Bey, but after Ayhan’s departure, Osman seems to change, and it feels like Ayhan Bey is an old enemy.
In the next scene, we see that Osman Bey’s warriors and the rebels are gathered in one place, showing off their skills. During this, they get into a quarrel, but Kohenur Bey stops them and says, ‘This is the chief’s place; don’t do this here.’ At the same time, Jermaine’s tribe is shown, where Yaqoob Bey and his wife Saadet Hatun are having a meal. Two soldiers from Jermaine’s tribe enter their tent, wounded and unconscious. Muhammad Bey had arrived at that time and attacked them, but I wounded Muhammad Bey with a dagger. So, Osman Bey’s soldiers are now called to treat them. Then, Saadet Hatun, who is upset, goes immediately to Alauddin Bey, who is collecting Kaans as per the orders of Gonca Hatun. Alauddin Bey says, ‘My brother is wounded, and he needs help.’
Then, when Alauddin Bey approaches his father, Osman Bey, he tells him that he has found the treasury. Osman Bey appreciates him and asks him about the situation. Alauddin Bey says that they also encountered Muhammad Bey, who attacked them, but he wounded Muhammad Bey with a dagger. Osman Bey asks about his condition, and Alauddin Bey replies that he doesn’t know. After that, Alauddin Bey thanks Holofira for her help and says that now that the danger on the way is eliminated, they can go back home. Holofira wants to return to her homeland.
Holofira and Alauddin Bey show up at the scene where they inform Osman Bey and the others that Muhammad has also arrived there. Alauddin says, ‘We had encountered Muhammad there, and he attacked us, but I wounded him with a dagger.’ Osman Bey inquires about Muhammad’s condition, and Alauddin replies, ‘I don’t know.’ Osman Bey appreciates Holofira and says, ‘Now that the danger on the way has been eliminated, you can go back home.’
Then, Osman Bey and Alauddin Bey meet in the tent. Osman Bey asks Alauddin Bey about the situation. Alauddin Bey says, ‘The place where we found the treasury is where Muhammad also arrived. We wounded him, and he’s no longer a threat.’ Osman Bey appreciates Alauddin Bey and thanks Holofira for her help. He says, ‘Now that the path is clear, you can go back home.’ Holofira wants to return to her homeland.
Kurulus Osman Episode 135 (Season 5 Episode 5) with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles
Watch or Download Kurulus Osman Episode 135 English Subtitles (Kurulus Osman Season 5 Episode 5), Kurulus Osman Episode 135 Urdu Subtitles. Kurulus Osman Episode 135 release date is 8th November 2023.
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