Destan Episode 9 with English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost
Destan Episode 8 Review
In Destan Episode 9, After the attack, Balamir goes to the forest and thanks Kircicek. Kircicek thinks that her father will soon be Khan and is very happy. Alpagu goes to the mountain with Batuga to find the flower that Kun Ata said earlier. Akkiz helps Alpagu to rest. Gunseli poisons Turkun, but she regrets what she did. Danis tells that Khan went to the mountain without telling anyone. Ece is very angry about this situation, but at the same time, Gunseli comes and says that she poisoned Tutkun. Temur immediately goes to the barn and checks Tutkun. Mei says she will give the antidote but with some conditions. Ece immediately accepts Mei’s conditions for Colpan to support Alpagu. Colpan learns that Tutkun has been poisoned and starts to argue with Ece.
Temur tries to calm Colpan down. Kun Ata finds the flower he is looking for and begins to treat Alpagu’s wound. That night, Balamir and his army attack the palace. While Ece and Colpan are arguing about what happened to Tutkun, Balamir enters the palace. Balamir sits on the throne. Kaya and Temur try to stop Balamir. Danis stops everyone and allows Balamir to take the throne temporarily. The next morning, Akkiz learns what happened in the palace. Akkiz tells Batuga that Balamir has taken the throne. Alpagu visits his wife’s grave. Batuga sees his mother’s grave but does nothing. Akkiz asks Alpagu to do something, but he says he is not strong anymore. Akkiz tries to persuade Khan and tells him her plan. Alpagu listens to Akkiz’s plan and allows her.
Balamir says he has decided who to exile from the palace. Kaya says Balamir will not be Khan. Ece asks Gunseli to apologize to Tutkun. Kaya says that he has to marry Akkiz to become Khan, but his mother objects to him. Gunzeli says she got the poison from Kircicek, but she doesn’t care about the accusations against her. While Danis and Saltuk are talking about what Balamir did in the palace, Akkiz’s secret message comes to the palace. Saltuk learns that Alpagu has a plan to expose Balamir’s treacherous plan. Saltuk tells this plan to Kaya and takes action immediately. Colpan says she forgives Gunseli. While Ece is talking about what to do at the meeting from Colpan, Saltuk comes and tells about Akkiz’s plan. While Kircicek is talking to Pars in the barn, Balamir comes. Balamir asks Pars to catch Yaman.
Pars accepts this task and immediately starts looking for Yaman. Kaya and Temur argue about Akkiz’s plan. Saltuk says that Pars has left the palace and sets out with Temur. Alpagu talks about his childhood that night and then asks Akkiz about the tombs. Akkiz goes to the forest the next morning and meets with Yaman. Akkiz says she feels bad for serving her father’s murderer. Yaman says Akkiz only serves Batuga and asks her to calm down. Yaman then returns to the forest to catch Pars. Saltuk returns to the palace and says that Akkiz’s trap worked. Saltuk says that Akkiz will question Pars. Alpagu begins to question Pars and asks him about Balamir’s plan. Pars continues to say that Balamir is innocent despite all the tortures. Yaman pushes Pars and continues to beat him. Pars secretly takes the knife from the ground.
That night, Akkiz goes to Batuga’s tent and starts watching Pars. Batuga tells that Pars will escape soon so they will reveal Balamir’s plan. Pars cuts the rope in his hand and immediately returns to the palace. Colpan talks to some tribal leaders and tells them that she will prove Balamir’s betrayal. Pars talks to Kircicek and asks her to call Balamir. Balamir then comes to the room. Pars tells that Alpagu is still alive and what happened to him. Balamir realizes that Alpagu knows everything and kills Pars to erase all the evidence. Meanwhile, the soldiers of the fake claw attack Akkiz but fail. Colpan tells that these men are all working for Balamir. Yaman realizes that these men are mute and this spoils Akkiz’s plan.
Tribal leaders say they will not support Alpagu and return to the palace. Colpan says Akkiz’s plan didn’t work. Colpan says that if Kaya marries Tutkun, she will support him in the council. A priest from the Chinese palace comes and starts talking to Mei. The priest then goes to Ece’s room and says that if Temur is not the Khan, the Chinese soldiers will attack soon. Temur runs away from the palace with Tutkun and this makes Mei very angry. Temur rides with Turkun. Akkiz says that everything will be fine soon and it is good that Batuga does not marry Kircicek. Akkiz then takes Batuga to Tilsim’s tomb. Batuga talks to his mother and begins to cry. Kircicek sees that Batuga can actually speak and secretly returns to the palace. When Alpagu comes near the tomb, Akkiz gets angry with him and asks him to act like Khan again.
Alpagu says he is too weak to be Khan. Akkiz begins to practice swordsmanship with Alpagu before the election. Colpan realizes that Kaya is lying and says she will give her vote to Balamir. Ece can’t take it anymore and goes to the mountain to talk to her husband. Danis starts the council meeting and Khan introduces his candidates one by one. Council members begin to vote for Balamir, and Kaya sees he won’t be the new Khan. Meanwhile, Akkiz secretly calls Kircicek and asks her to reveal her father’s plans. Kircicek says she will tell everything that Balamir did in return for marrying Batuga. As a result of voting, Balamir is elected as the new Khan. While Balamir is celebrating the election result, Alpagu comes and attacks him. Balamir says Alpagu cannot kill the new Khan. Danis stops Alpagu and says he will be punished for attacking the Khan. Batuga accepts Kircicek’s offer. Then Kircicek returns to the council and says that her father set a trap for Alpagu at the hunting festival.
Destan Episodio 9 Subtitulado en Español HD 1080
How to watch Destan Episode 9 English & Urdu Subtitles
Destan Episode 9 Release Date is 1st February 2021. is If you want to watch Destan Episode 9 with no ads and permanent access, then You may watch Destan Episode 9 (Epic) Series with English Subtitles by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV in 1080 resolution and you can even download full series with one-click and watch anywhere (TV and big screens) and any time offline. Destan Episode 9 English Subtitles kayifamily. Those who are searching for watching Destan Episode 9 with English Subtitles, Destan Episode 9 with Urdu Subtitles & Destan Episodio 9 Subtitulado en Español Free of Cost regularly may watch here. ????????
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