Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 80 (80 Bolum) with English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost
Kurulus Osman Episode 79 Review
In Kurulus Osman Episode 80, Geyhatu’s soldiers begin to attack the sergeant to capture Osman. Osman and his soldiers try to kill the Mongol soldiers to avenge Goktug. Mongolian soldiers first kill the sergeant and then capture Osman. Meanwhile, Nikola attacks to capture Kosses. Turgut’s soldiers try to resist next to the car. Turgut realizes that the only solution is to run away and runs away with Kosses. Nikola begins to follow them into the forest. Turgut asks Kosses to return to his castle and bring soldiers to save Osman. After a long war, the Mongols capture Osman. Nikola captures Turgut, but Kosses and his soldiers rescue him. Geyhatu says Osman will die soon and takes him away. Bala and Malhun ask the Beys for support to save Osman.
Sheikh Edebali says Osman is right, but the Beys do not want to save him. Gunduz goes to the castle and starts talking to Alemshah. Alemshah says that he will give Kosses’ castle to Gunduz. A short time later, Nikola arrives and tells him that Kosses will be in Constantinople soon. Geyhatu starts performing rituals and says he will send Osman to hell. The Mongols lay Osman and the Turkish soldiers on the ground. Geyhatu says the horses will run over the Turks. Osman says he is not afraid of death and waits for Geyhatu’s arrival. Alemshah realizes that Osman’s wives are trying to do something secretly and asks Gunduz to do something about it urgently. Gunduz agrees to banish Bala and Malhun from the tribe. Kosses attacks the Mongols with the new soldiers he brought from the castle. Turgut uses this opportunity and saves Osman’s life.
Malhun asks Gunduz to stay away from the Vizier. Selcan says that a meeting will not be held to elect the new Bey. Gunduz can’t take it anymore and says he will send the women into exile. Malhun and Bala try to appeal to Gunduz but fail. Geyhatu learns that Osman has escaped and gets very angry. Selcan is very upset by what Gunduz said. Osman talks to Kosses in the forest and learns Alemshah’s plan. Osman asks Kosses to send a Byzantine soldier to Nikola and to tell him about the vizier’s plan. Kosses immediately accepts this offer. Osman says he has to go to the palace to get rid of the accusations against himself. Turgut says it is very dangerous to go to Konya, but Osman says he will tell everything to the Sultan no matter what. Geyhatu realizes that Osman will talk to the Sultan and makes a new plan.
Gunduz tells the vizier that he ordered the exile of the women of the tribe. The vizier calms Gunduz and tells him that he will soon be the new Bey. While Osman is talking to Sultan, Turgut says that he will enter the palace secretly. Osman accepts this new plan and begins to prepare for the journey. Konur is disturbed by the Vizier’s actions but does nothing. Nikola asks Julia to go to Harmankaya with the soldier and protect it. Meanwhile, Kosses’ soldier comes and says that the Vizier is doing secret work. At first, Nikola does not believe that the Vizier will give the castle to Gunduz, but after a while, he realizes that the soldier was right. The vizier talks to Geyhatu and realizes that Osman is still alive. Geyhatu says that Kosses’ soldiers saved Osman. Geyhatu continues to talk and tells about his new plan.
A soldier of Geyhatu says he will kill Osman in the palace. Aisha talks to Gunduz and tries to change his exile order. Gunduz does not change his decision. Osman prays to Allah that night and asks him for help. Nikola visits the vizier the next day and says he wants to set up another market. The vizier tells Nikola that he can do whatever he wants in the castle and sends him away. Nikola says he does not trust the Vizier and will keep the castle. Malhun, Selcan, and Bala prepare to talk to Gunduz for the last time. Malhun says she will never leave the tribe and will obey Osman’s order. Gunduz warns the women once again and says that they have divided the tribe in two. Selcan asks Gunduz and the soldiers to calm down. The vizier comes to the tribe and stops everyone.
The vizier says that Gunduz is the son of Ertugrul and that he will be the Bey. The vizier continues to speak and asks the women to leave the tribe. Malhun continues to argue with the Vizier, but Selcan stops everyone so that no one gets hurt. Selcan says they will leave the tribe, but the vizier says that Orhan should stay here. Osman goes to Konya and enters the palace. When Gunduz hears the Vizier’s order, he is very surprised and says that Orhan will stay in the tribe. Malhun sadly gives Orhan to Aisha and leaves the tribe with the other women. Osman says he wants to talk to the Sultan and starts to wait in the garden of the palace. Sultan lets Osman come to his room. The vizier says that he will give the castle to Gunduz soon and that this will be very good for his future. Sultan meets Osman and asks him where the sergeant is. Osman says that he is always loyal to the Sultan and begins to speak.
Osman says that Geyhatu attacked in the forest and killed the sergeant. The Sultan does not believe this and starts to ask Osman questions. Osman says that Vezir is doing secret work at the border and that he is also working with Geyhatu. Sultan asks Osman for evidence to prove this situation. Bala goes into labor as the women who left the tribe travel to a nearby village. Julia watches the Turks from afar and attacks them after a while. Julia says she will kill Bala this time and severely injures Selcan. While the Sultan is talking about the letter sent by Vizier, Geyhatu’s spy kills him. Osman immediately kills the spy. Seljuk soldiers think that Osman killed the Sultan and try to catch him. Selcan can’t take it anymore and dies in the forest.
Kurulus Osman Episodio 80 en Espanol Subtitles
Kurulus Osman Episode 80 English & Urdu Subtitles
Kurulus Osman Episode 80 will on air on 2nd February 2021. If you feel irritated because of the ad breaks and some other issues, then ads-free permanent access for watching Kurulus Osman episode 80 English subtitles can be achieved by subscribing membership at by Clicking below blue colored button. you can also download the episode to watch on Big screen TV in 1080 resolution.
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