Destan Episode 10 with English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost
Destan Episode 10 Summary
In Destan Episode 10, Alpagu decides to go to the palace after what happened at the meeting place and sets out. Kircicek asks Akkiz to talk to Khan as soon as possible and to allow the marriage. Ece learns that Kircicek wants to marry Batuga, but she cannot understand it. Alpagu thinks Kircicek can take revenge and asks Akkiz questions about her. Meanwhile, some attackers start shooting arrows at those who go to the palace. Soldiers try to protect Alpagu. Akkiz goes to Batuga and tries to save him. Batuga says something went wrong. Some soldiers kidnap Balamir and take him into the forest. Akkiz sees Balamir running into the forest and starts following him. Saltuk goes to the forest to catch the traitor. Although Balamir does not know the attackers, he tries to escape with them.
Akkiz stops Balamir’s horse and catches him in the forest. Colpan arrives shortly after. Colpan demands Balamir’s release. Saltuk gets angry with Colpan and asks what happened. Colpan tells that Tutkun has escaped from the palace and that’s why she has to use Balamir. Akkiz takes action to hide that the attackers are from the Dag and delivers Balamir to Alpagu. The ritual begins with Khan’s arrival at the palace. Alpagu sits back on the throne and begins to watch the ceremony. Danis says that after the ceremony everything is fine and the throne now belongs to Alpagu. Alpagu immediately calls Balamir and begins to judge him. Saltuk tells everyone that Balamir will be tried for treason and trying to kill Khan. Kircicek comes as a witness and confesses that she did everything on the orders of her father. After listening to Kircicek, Balamir asks where the real claw is.
Balamir continues to speak and tells that she poisoned Alpagu before. Alpagu begins to think about the claw. Alpagu says the council will decide on Balamir at noon. Alpagu goes to his room and realizes that Akkiz is the real claw. Ece talks to Mei and tells her that Alpagu has taken back the throne. Priest says that Temur’s actions have damaged Mei’s honor and asks Ece to kill Tutkun. Temur goes to an inn outside the city with Tutkun. Batuga learns that the Chinese army is approaching the border and sends Yaman to find Temur. The council declares Balamir guilty. Alpagu says Balamir will be executed at dawn. Hearing this decision, Colpan plans to break Balamir out of the dungeon. Colpan sends a secret message to Mei for this plan.
Alpagu calls Akkiz to his room and starts talking to her. Alpagu says he understands that Akkiz is a claw and asks her to leave the palace as soon as possible. Akkiz accepts this so that the truth about Batuga is not revealed. Alpagu then orders Temur to be brought to the palace and sends Kaya to this mission. Alpagu gets angry with Balamir’s assistant and dismisses him from his post. Ece understands that Alpagu is very angry and asks him to calm down a little. Alpagu summons the priest and Mei. Alpagu wants the Chinese soldiers to leave the border area as soon as possible. The priest asks Khan to find Temur. Alpagu says he is ready for battle and sends the priest. Alpagu then gets angry with Gunseli and asks her not to make any mistakes again. Alpagu finally gets angry with Kircicek and says he will send her to another tribe as a bride.
Kircicek asks Batuga to change Alpagu’s decision and threatens him. Akkiz says she has to leave the palace after what Khan said. A short time later, Alpagu goes to Batuga’s room. Alpagu tells his son that Akkiz is the claw. Alpagu says he regrets telling his feelings to Akkiz. Akkiz tells Batuga that the men who kidnapped Balayir in the forest are working for Colpan. Akkiz is sad because she has nowhere to go anymore. Priest secretly goes to meet Colpan. Colpan says she will find Temur but wants something in return. Colpan asks the priest to take Balamir out of the dungeon. The priest is surprised by this offer and accepts it.
Saltuk realizes that the priest is meeting with Colpan and wonders what is going on. Colpan says she will kidnap Balamir. Saltuk is very angry with this plan and says that Colpan is trying to seize the throne. Mei finds Tayangu in the palace and says she wants to talk to him. The priest says he took Tayangu’s family hostage. Tayangu agrees to kidnap Balamir from the dungeon to save his family. That night Alpagu goes to the dungeon to speak with Balamir for the last time. The priest and Tayangu give sleeping drugs to the soldiers in the palace. Alpagu sends the soldiers in the dungeon and starts drinking sherbet with Balamir. Mei sees the guards sleeping and asks Tayangu to open the dungeon door. Balamir talks about the past and slowly falls asleep. Saltuk realizes that something is wrong because he is suddenly sleepy. Saltuk later sees that all the guards are asleep.
Saltuk realizes that someone is trying to kidnap Balamir and starts shouting in the corridors of the palace. Since everyone in the palace is asleep, no one can help Saltuk. Tayangu goes to the dungeon and takes Balamir out of his cell. The priest comes to the dungeon with his two soldiers and thanks Tayangu. The priest kills Tayangu and takes Balamir from the palace. Akkiz takes Batuga to the cemetery. Before opening his grandfather’s grave, Batuga prays and asks permission from him to do this work. Akkiz starts digging the grave. Yaman finds the inn where Temur is and tells him what happened in the palace. Temur says that even if war breaks out, he will not return to the palace. Meanwhile, Colpan’s soldiers begin to attack and kidnap Tutkun. Kaya comes and helps his brother. Temur sets out to look for Tutkun. Akkiz opens the tomb and finds a box there. Akkiz thinks that there is the Khan’s seal inside the box and opens it, but the poisonous snake inside the box bites her.
Destan Episodio 10 Subtitulado en Español HD 1080
How to watch Destan Episode 9 English & Urdu Subtitles
Destan Episode 10 Release Date is 8th February 2021. is If you want to watch Destan Episode 10 with no ads and permanent access, then You may watch Destan Episode 10 (Epic) Series with English Subtitles by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV in 1080 resolution and you can even download full series with one-click and watch anywhere (TV and big screens) and any time offline. Destan Episode 10 English Subtitles kayifamily. Those who are searching for watching Destan Episode 10 with English Subtitles, Destan Episode 10 with Urdu Subtitles & Destan Episodio 10 Subtitulado en Español Free of Cost regularly may watch here. ????????
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