Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 88 (Season 3 Episode 24) English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free
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Kurulus Osman Episode 88 Summary
In Kurulus Osman Episode 88, Fakih returns immediately after the explosion in the inn and tries to help Osman. Osman opens his eyes after a short while and tries to understand what is going on. Osman orders the entrances of Sogut to be closed. Cornelia and Selvi begin to say that Gunduz is responsible for the explosion in Sogut. Osman saves Sheikh with his soldiers and takes him to the hospital immediately. Erdogdu tells Gunduz that there was an explosion in Sogut and many people died. Erdogdu says that the people of the tribe started to blame Gunduz and he should run away. Gunduz says he will flee from the tribe and will clear himself. Osman catches one of the attackers and arrests him. Gunduz sneaks away with Aisha. Cornelia tells Selvi that Gunduz has escaped. Selvi immediately takes action to catch Gunduz.
Barkin kills the man arrested by Osman. Kumral Abdal begins to treat Sheikh’s wounds. Bala sees that her father is in bad condition and starts to cry. Gunduz hides in a cave with Aisha. Cerkutay goes to Akca’s tent with a few soldiers and sees that there was an attack. While Akca is trying to enter his tent, another explosion occurs. Akca dies in a short time due to this explosion. Fakih meets with Barkin and says they will make a bigger attack soon. Fakih gives Barkin poison to kill Sheikh. Osman returns to the inn and tries to understand how the explosion happened. Turgut says that he could not find any trace of the attack and that Gunduz may be guilty. While Osman says Gunduz will not do such a thing, he learns that Akca is dead.
Nikola learns of the explosion in Sogut and is overjoyed. A soldier brings Nikola a red apple. While Gunduz is trying to hide in the cave with Aisha, Selvi comes and catches them. Bala cries all night and prays for her father. Turgut and Kosses talk about recent events. Kosses blames Gunduz and convinces Turgut. Meanwhile, Samuel comes to the lodge and says that Gunduz has escaped. Osman goes to the funeral of those who died in the explosion the next day and says he will avenge this incident no matter what. Fakih talks to Osman after the funeral and says that all the evidence points to Gunduz. Barkin talks to the Beys in the tribe and tells that Osman will kill Gunduz soon. Selvi brings Gunduz back to the tribe and delivers him to Osman. Osman asks Gunduz why he ran away and gets angry with him. All the Turks in the tribe say that Gunduz is guilty and demand his execution.
Barkin gives the poison he got from Fakih to Cornelia and asks her to poison Edebali. Osman then goes to the caged tent and starts talking to Gunduz. Gunduz says he ran away to find the culprit. Osman calms his brother down and tells him his plan. Nikola realizes the hidden message in the red apple and goes to the forest. Nikola meets his old teacher Aryus and asks him why he came. Osman starts the trial and tells the accusations against Gunduz. Konur brings the evidence to the court, but Gunduz says he is innocent. Kosses gets angry and tries to attack Gunduz. Nikola says that Kosses and Turgut will leave Osman soon. Aryus says that Ivaz is coming to help Osman, but he will kill him. While Selcan is cooking for Sheikh, Cornelia comes and secretly poisons the food.
Osman says there are no witnesses in this case. Selvi starts talking and reminds everyone that Gunduz escaped from the tribe. After listening to everyone, Osman orders Gunduz to be exiled. Kosses and Turgut do not like this decision at all. Barkin tries to provoke Kosses after the trial. Gunduz leaves the tribe with a few soldiers and then asks the soldiers to return to the tribe. While Gunduz is looking for an inn, Kosses attacks him and says he will take revenge on him. Bala gives the poisonous soup that Cornelia brought to Sheikh. One of the Alps comes to the tribe and tells Osman that Gunduz was killed. Turgut says Gunduz’s death is very good and returns to his own tribe. Cornelia tells that Sheikh was poisoned and will die soon. Cornelia continues to speak and tells Aryus that Gunduz is dead. Aryus is happy to hear that his plan works very well.
Aryus says it’s time to make the big move and he will kill Ivaz. Selcan is very sad and cries because Gunduz died. Malhun says Gunduz deserves such a death. Bala tries to calm Selcan down and asks Malhun to stop talking like that. Osman changes his plan after recent events and says he will go to get Ivaz. Gunduz is still alive as Osman’s plan worked. When Kosses is about to kill Gunduz, Turgut stops him and tells him about Osman’s plan. Kosses secretly takes Gunduz to his castle and begins to hide him there. Barkin secretly sends a message to Ivaz. Ivaz learns that Umur is dead and says he will go somewhere to meet Barkin. Selvi continues to provoke Malhun and starts saying bad things to her about Bala. Kosses asks Gunduz to stay in the castle and goes to talk to Nikola.
Nikola asks if Kosses killed Gunduz. Kosses says he killed Gunduz and no longer works with Osman. Nikola says that the forts on the border are safe now. Fakih prepares to pray somewhere in the forest. Ivaz sees Fakih and asks who he is. After talking for a while, Ivaz begins to pray with Fakih. Osman sees the tracks on the road and realizes that Ivaz has gone to another place. Fakih kills Turkish soldiers during prayer. After the prayer is over, Ivaz attacks Fakih but fails. Osman soon finds dead soldiers in the forest. Kumral Abdal says Sheikh was poisoned. Osman sees a man with a mask on his face and attacks him to avenge Ivaz.
Kurulus Osman Episodio 88 Subtitulado en Espanol
Kurulus Osman Episode 88 (Season 3 Episode 24) with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles
Watch or Download Kurulus Osman Episode 88 English Subtitles (Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 24), Kurulus Osman Episode 88 Urdu Subtitles & Kurulus Osman Episodio 88 Subtitulado en Espanol Free of Cost. Kurulus Osman episode 88 trailer with English & Urdu Subtitles is also available here. Kurulus Osman Episode 88 release date is 30th March 2022. Kurulus Osman episode 88 will be on-air on ATV Channel in Turkish. The live streaming of Kurulus Osman episode 88 in Turkish can be achieved by Clicking Here. Those who can understand Turkish will be able to watch Kurulus Osman episode 88 even later by Clicking Here but ATV Youtube channel uploads the episode later.
Kurulus Osman Episode 88 English Subtitles
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Kurulus Osman Episode 88 Urdu Subtitles
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