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Watch Barbaroslar Episode 19 with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles Free of Cost

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Barbaroslar Episode 19 Summary

In Barbaroslar Episode 19, Oruj begins to attack Conrad with his soldiers. The Turks struggled for a long time to take the island back. Gladius realizes that he will lose the war and begins to flee towards the port. Khizir shoots Gladius in the leg and goes to the harbor to catch Pietro. Huma thanks Sahsenem for saving the ship and invites her to her home. Sahbaz takes his sister and tries to go to the inn. Firuze stops Sahbaz and gets angry with him for breaking the deal. Ilyas and the sailors save the mosque on the island. Ishaq takes back his mansion and hangs a Turkish flag there. Pietro gets angry with Gladius for not being able to seize the island and returns to Kalymnos. Oruj executes Conrad in front of everyone. While Sahin is talking to his sister, Sahbaz comes and says that she will help Unita now.

Sahin gets angry at this situation. Oruj goes to his father’s grave with his brothers and prays for him. When Pietro returns to Kalymnos, the soldiers arrest him. While Pietro is trying to figure out what happened, Admiral Salvator comes and says he will be punished. Pietro says he still has a trump card to take his revenge on Oruj and convinces the admiral. Sahsenem and Isabel argue a few times at the inn. Pietro says he will harm Oruj by using his sister. A woman takes action to brainwash Meryem and gives her drugs. Karabay talks to a man from the palace and realizes that he has to stop Oruj once and for all. Karabay goes to Oruj’s mansion with his soldiers and arrests everyone there once again.

Karabay kills an Ottoman soldier and confiscates all the ammunition in the house. Dervish asks Karabay not to touch these war materials, but this warning is useless. Karabay’s ship stops Oruj in the middle of the sea and tries to arrest him. Oruj goes to Alexandria after neutralizing the Mamluk soldiers. Sahbaz learns what Karabay has done and is very happy about this situation. Khizir goes to Kalymnos as an ambassador. Niko gets into an argument while Salvator talks to Khizir. While Khizir goes to talk to Pietro, Salvator takes Piri and Niko to the dungeon. Pietro talks to his sister and tells her that the Turks deceived her years ago. Pietro says Khizir killed his mother. Meryem remembers her childhood and starts to think that Khizir killed her family.

Oruj goes to his cellar and talks to his friends. Oruj says he has to find out where Huma is. Antuan says he will do this job and sets out. Salvator takes Niko out of his cell and begins to torture him. Piri tries to stop Salvator. Salvator says he will kill all the Turks. Khizir asks Pietro to convert to Islam or surrender the island. Khizir says Pietro has no strength after the defeat in Lesvos. Pietro asks Khizir to calm down and tells him that a large fleet has already come to Kalymnos for support. Khizir says Turks will win this war. Thereupon, Pietro calls Meryem to the garden of the castle. Khizir is very surprised to see Meryem. Pietro gives Khizir two days to cancel his war preparations and tells him that he must leave the fort. Antuan captures a Mamluk soldier. Khizir makes a plan to save Meryem and goes to the port as if leaving the island.


Oruj realizes that Firuze is at Karabay’s house. Sahsenem tries to enter the building of Unita, but Sahbaz stops her. Sahbaz says there is an important man inside and sends his sister. Sahin learns that the man in Unita’s building is named Martin and tries to gather more information. Oruj and his friends enter the city that night. Oruj enters Emir’s house and catches him. Sahin tells Isabel that Sahbaz caught Martin. Isabel realizes that Oruj is right and tries to come up with a plan to attack Sahbaz. Antuan goes to the dungeon in the city to save Dervish and the Ahis. Oruj goes to the room Karabay told him, but he can’t see anyone there. Karabay uses this opportunity to escape from his home.

While Oruj is trying to get out of the house, Emir’s soldiers start shooting at the house. Sahbaz says he will send Huma to Pietro. When Emir tries to kill Oruj, an explosion occurs. Oruj runs away from home during the explosion. Isabel sees Oruj in a side street and takes him home. Pietro brainwashes Meryem thoroughly and asks her where the Turkish spies on the island are. Isabel says Oruj is right and her brother is kidnapped by Sahbaz. Oruj says he will help Isabel no matter what, but first, he has to save his family. On the way to the headquarters of the Turkish spies on the island, Khizir realizes that Christian soldiers have set a trap there. Khizir questions Pietro’s soldier and learns that Ottoman spies have been caught. Piri cannot understand how Pietro found the secret headquarters. Khizir says he will sneak into the castle and will save everyone there. Salvator begins to torture a spy but is unable to learn anything from him.

Watch Barbaroslar Episode 19 with English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost

Huma goes out of the city with Emir’s soldiers, but realizes that something is wrong. Sahbaz asks Pietro’s soldiers to attack this car. While Emir is talking to the soldiers in the mansion, Oruj comes. Oruj says he will surrender in exchange for the release of his family and the return of the ammunition. Emir says he will not make such a deal and arrests Oruj. Ilyas saves Huma and Esma. Isabel goes to Emir’s house and tells him that Huma went to the delivery place. Meanwhile, Antuan comes to the mansion and starts killing Emir’s soldiers. Oruj’s plan works and he catches Emir. Piri and Khizir enter the castle using large chests. While Piri goes to the dungeon to save the spies, Khizir goes to Meryem’s room. Oruj says Karabay’s mistakes are too great to be compensated and kills him. Khizir tries to get Meryem out of the castle. Meryem says Khizir attacked her family years ago and stabs him.

Barbaroslar Capitulo 19 en Espanol Subtitles HD 1080

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How to Watch Barbaroslar Episode 19 with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles Free of Cost

Watch or Download Barbaroslar Episode 19 English Subtitles, Barbaroslar Episode 19 Urdu Subtitles & Barbaroslar Capitulo 19 en Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost. Barbaroslar Episode 19 release date is 10-02-2022. Barbaroslar episode will be on-air on TRT1 Channel in Turkish. The live streaming of Barbaroslar episode in Turkish can be achieved by Clicking Here. Those who can understand Turkish will be able to watch Barbaroslar episode even later by Clicking Here but ATV Youtube channel uploads the episode later, so you have to wait for it.

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