Watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 35 (Season 2 Episode 8) with English & Urdu Subtitles Free of cost
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Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 35 Summary
In Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 35, Alparslan enters the inn with his soldiers, but he cannot see anyone there. Turks begin to suspect this situation. Alparslan realizes that this is a trap and warns his soldiers. The lord closes the doors of the inn and imprisons the Turks inside. Lord asks Alparslan to surrender. While Yinal tries to understand what is going on in the forest, he sees Oke. Oke says she told everything to Lord. Yinal gets very angry with his wife and asks her to stab him. Alparslan says the Turks will never surrender. Lord executes three soldiers. Yinal then asks his wife to injure him once more with an arrow. Alparslan starts to look for a way to get out of the inn. Akinay prepares some medicines for Gulce. Seferiye begins to talk about the wounds on Alparslan’s hands.
Alparslan goes to talk to the Lord again and says that he must enter the inn. Caghri starts talking to the Beys who came to the meeting. The Beys say that Arslan should not be alive. Caghri says he will think about this offer and asks for some time. While Alparslan was talking to the Turks, a few Byzantine soldiers started shooting arrows from the walls of the inn. The Turks take a defensive position. Alparslan kills the soldiers on the walls after a short time and takes full control of the inn. Grigor tries to offer Alparslan a deal, but cannot persuade him to surrender. Alparslan says he will never surrender and will take his revenge on the Lord no matter what. Alparslan says that he will find a way to get out of the inn and that he will call the support soldiers he left in the forest.
Grigor’s soldiers start shooting arrows at the inn. Alparslan realizes that he has no more time and says he will come down from the wall. Suleiman agrees to stay at the inn and stall the Lord. Yinal comes to the door of the inn injured and begins to tell the Lord what happened in the forest. Grigor believes what Yinal tells and asks him to rest. Seferiye starts to worry more and more about Alparslan. Gevher gives the message her mother left to Seferiye. Yinal says he wants to talk to Alparslan and approaches the door of the inn. Yinal secretly tells Alparslan the location of the Lord’s soldiers and asks him to be very careful. Alparslan asks Yinal to stall the Lord. Yinal returns shortly after and says that Alparslan wants to think about surrendering for a while. Arslan returns to the headquarters with his soldiers and tries to understand what is going on.
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Arslan learns that Yinal betrayed Byzantine and actually works for Alparslan. Gulce tries to read Alparslan’s book and puts a flower between the pages. The lord gets tired of waiting and asks his soldiers to prepare for an attack. Byzantine soldiers try to open the iron door. Alparslan and a few Turks sneak out of the castle wall. The guards see the Turks fleeing and immediately inform the Lord. Alparslan leaves his soldiers and goes to the forest. Byzantine soldiers struggle for a long time and manage to open the door. Suleiman asks the Turks to wait for an opportune time to attack. Christians who enter die one by one. Suleiman realizes that the Turks are tired and orders a retreat toward the square. The Lord’s soldiers finally break the door and completely enter the inn. When Grigor enters the inn, he asks Alparslan to surrender, but he cannot see him.
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Lord realizes that Alparslan has escaped and asks his soldiers to capture Suleiman alive. The Turks fight for a while, but Suleiman does what the Lord wants to save the lives of his soldiers and surrenders. Seferiye goes to the headquarters and asks her father to calm down. Arslan learns that Alparslan attacked the inn. Alparslan immediately finds the soldiers in the forest and returns to the inn. Caghri thinks a lot about the Karakhanids’ offer and makes a decision to keep the peace between the two states. Alparslan does not feel well, but says he wants to save Suleiman. Hassan asks Alparslan to return to the castle and begins to follow the Lord. Caghri says he will keep Arslan with him for a while and sets off immediately to go to the palace.
The soldiers take Suleiman to Ani. Flora sees Suleiman and begins to investigate what’s going on. Seferiye realizes that Alparslan’s condition is not good and asks him to talk to a doctor. Alparslan rejects this offer and says he has to save his soldiers. As Lord is about to kill Razen’s family, Yinal stops him. The Lord then changes his mind and kills Razen. Gevher says there is a traitor in the castle. Meanwhile, the message from Grigor arrives. Alparslan learns that Grigor will execute the Turks one by one, but then he faints. Yinal talks to Alpagut and asks him to kidnap Suleiman. Tughrul hugs his brother and then starts talking to him. Tughrul says he wants to control Baghdad and help Muslims. Caghri says he wants to attack Anatolia.
Alpagut gives Suleiman a Byzantine military suit and helmet. Suleiman comes out of the dungeon, but some guards become suspicious of him. Tughrul feels bad that night and tries to talk to his brother once more. Seferiye tells that Alparslan was poisoned and that the source of this poison is the book that the Lord gave as a gift. Gevher says that Seferiye poisoned Alparslan, but Akinay stops her. Seferiye tells that Alparslan has left the castle. Arslan learns about Caghri’s secret meeting and realizes that his life is in danger. Arslan immediately calls his daughter and asks her to take control of the castle. Lord takes Alparslan’s soldiers to a square to execute them. The Byzantine people occur to watch the Turks die. Yinal starts to lose hope but can’t do anything. The Lord orders the execution, but a man begins to cut the rope. Alparslan saves one of his friends, but later faints because of the poison.
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How to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 35 English & Urdu Subtitles
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 35 Relase Date is expected in 7th November 2022. If you want to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 35 with no ads and permanent access, then You may watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 35 (Alparslan The Great Seljuk) Series with English Subtitles by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV in 1080 resolution and you can even download full series with one-click and watch anywhere (TV and big screens) and any time offline. Those who are searching for watching Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 35 English Subtitles Kayifamily and Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 35 with Urdu Subtitles Free of Cost regularly may watch here. ????????
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