Watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 12 with English, Urdu & Español Subtitles Free of cost
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Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 12 Summary
In Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 12, Alparslan realizes that Goktug is a traitor and executes him in the forest. Alparslan then attacks Diogenes and ruins his trap. When Lord sees Goktug’s head, he realizes that his plan has not worked. Alparslan returns to the headquarters and says that he is now sure that Akca is a traitor. Akca claims to be innocent, but Alparslan says he will take her back to the tribe. Batur and Hassan talk about what Alparslan is trying to do. Lord asks Alpagut to find out about Maria’s condition. Alparslan puts Akca in a car and they set off together. Lord learns that Alparslan is on his way to the tribe and asks Alpagut to attack them. Lord tells the truth about Maria to Diogenes and asks him to keep this secret.
Alpagut stops Alparslan and asks him to hand over Akca. Alparslan continues to say that Akca is a traitor, but Alpagut says that she works for the Turks. Alparslan attacks the Byzantine soldiers and kills everyone. Lord begins to worry that Alpagut has not returned to the castle and sends Diogenes into the forest to look for him. The General realizes that the Lord is hiding something, but cannot learn anything from him. Inal comes to the headquarters and starts to get angry with Batur. Alparslan goes to the tribe and says that he needs to talk to his father urgently. Akinay and the other women begin to ask why Akca was arrested. Karaca says that Alparslan finally saw the truth. Diogenes’ soldiers find Alpagut among the dead bodies and immediately take him back to the castle. Alparslan tells Akca to stay calm and continue to implement the plan
Alpagut tells the Lord what happened in the forest and says that Alparslan kidnapped Akca. The Sultan says he wants to hold a meeting to fight the traitors in the state. Tughrul invites all wise men living in Islamic countries to this meeting. Diogenes goes to Bozan’s palace to ask for help. Diogenes says that Alparslan arrested a woman named Maria and asks him to gather information about this woman. Alparslan asks Akinay why she is hiding the truth. Alparslan says that Akca has a plan to catch Kekaumenos and begins to explain this plan. Alparslan says he will take Akca to Girdkuh castle and execute her there. Suleiman comes to the tribe and wants to know what’s going on. Alparslan comes out of the tent and says he will set out with Suleiman. Meanwhile, Bozan comes and learns that Alparslan is going to Girdkuh castle. Alparslan sends a message to Batur before he sets off.
Bozan returns to the forest and says that Alparslan will take this woman to Girdkuh. Alparslan prepares Akca and sets out to go to the castle with her. Hassan receives the message from Sultan and goes to the palace to attend the meeting. Batur sends some of the soldiers in the headquarters to Alparslan for help. Alparslan reaches Girdkuh Castle after a short journey. Alparslan says that this place is very safe and it is difficult for enemies to enter. Lord learns that Maria will be executed in Girdkuh castle two days later. Alpagut says that Alparslan has a plan and starts looking for the secret tunnels to enter Girdkuh. Diogenes says he has another plan. Bozan learns about the meeting of the Sultan and begins to make a treacherous plan.
Alparslan takes Akca to the dungeon of the castle and asks her to wait patiently. Meanwhile, the support sent by Batur arrives. Inal learns that Alparslan took a prisoner to Girdkuh and begins to ask questions about it. Inal sends some of his soldiers to the castle and asks them to follow Alparslan. Alpagut learns the location of the secret tunnel from Alparslan. Bozan meets his followers that night and asks them to kill the wise men during the meeting. The next day, as Lord is about to set off with Diogenes, he feels bad. While Alparslan is waiting in the castle, an unknown person sends a message. Alparslan learns that the traitors will attack the meeting in the palace and immediately sets out. Hassan welcomes the wise men to the palace and takes their swords for security. The Sultan checks the gifts his wife has prepared for the wise men and then attends the meeting. The doctor in the castle checks the Lord’s eyes.
Lord asks Diogenes to implement their plan. The Sultan thanks the wise men who came to the palace and starts talking about the traitors in the state. Tughrul tells that these treacherous men said bad things about the religion of Islam and tried to deceive the people. The wise men who came to the meeting say that what the Sultan said is true. Inal’s assistant Haris goes to the castle and begins to implement Bozan’s treacherous plan. Alparslan wants to enter the meeting room, but the soldiers stop him. Hassan begins to tell about the bad things these traitors have done before. Alparslan can’t stand it any longer and forcibly enters the meeting room. The Sultan is very surprised by this situation and asks Alparslan why he came. Bozan gives a secret signal to the assassins in the room. When the traitors see this sign, they begin to attack.
Alparslan stops the attackers and catches one of them. The Sultan is very surprised by this event. Alparslan immediately sets out to return to Girdkuh castle. The doctor in the castle tells that the poison that the Lord had taken earlier blinded his eyes. Diogenes goes to the forest near Girdkuh and begins to wait for Bozan’s soldiers. Haris kills the soldiers in the dungeon one by one and prepares to take Akca out. Akca suspects Haris’ actions and asks him where Alparslan is. When Alparslan comes to Girdkuh, he learns that Akca has been kidnapped. Emir Ali says that Inal’s soldier Haris is a traitor. While waiting in the forest, Diogenes realizes that something is wrong. Meanwhile, Bozan’s message comes. Diogenes learns that Bozan wants new things for Akca.
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Capitulo 12 en Español HD 1080
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How to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 12 English & Urdu Subtitles
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 12 Relase Date is 7th February 2021. If you want to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 12 with no ads and permanent access, then You may watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 12 (Alparslan The Great Seljuk) Series with English Subtitles by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV in 1080 resolution and you can even download full series with one-click and watch anywhere (TV and big screens) and any time offline. Those who are searching for watching Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 12 English Subtitles Kayifamily, Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Capitulo 12 en Español and Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 12 with Urdu Subtitles Free of Cost regularly may watch here. ????????
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