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Watch Barbaroslar Episode 18 with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles Free of Cost

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Barbaroslar Episode 18 Summary

In Barbaroslar Episode 18, Khizir takes the envoys of the Christian states hostage and asks Karabay to withdraw his soldiers. Karabay says he will withdraw his soldiers after thinking for a while. Pietro is happy that he killed Oruj and plans to leave Alexandria as soon as possible. Conrad says he will bring more soldiers from Crete to attack Lesbos. Pietro then goes to meet Meryem. As Khizir is about to leave the ship, Yareli comes and tells him that the sailors are dead. Yareli says that Pietro’s soldiers killed Oruj and burned everyone. Meryem realizes that Pietro will not come and returns to the mansion. Niko sees Meryem on her way back home and Pietro arrives shortly after. The surviving sailors bury the Horozcu. Ishaq takes Oruj’s sword and starts crying.

Khizir and Ilyas try to calm Ishaq. While shopping in the market, Isabel learns that Oruj has died and faints. Ilyas says that Karabay is responsible for everything and goes to kill him with some sailors. Sahin argues with Sahaz because of recent events. Khizir goes to the hospital to diagnose Oruj’s lifeless body but realizes something is wrong. Khizir checks all the dead but cannot find Oruj. Khizir starts to think that Oruj is still alive. Emir asks his soldiers to stop Ilyas. Khizir learns that Ilyas attacked Karabay’s house and takes action to stop him. Isabel returns to the inn and kills several people. Sahbaz stops Isabel and says everyone is innocent. Khizir calms down Ilyas and goes with them to the forest.

Sahbaz learns that Oruj may still be alive and gets very angry. Sahbaz sends his men into the forest to find Oruj. Isabel also learns that Oruj may still be alive and wants to inform Khizir about Sahbaz . Sahbaz stops Isabel once more and tells her that she cannot leave the inn. Sahbaz then talks to Pietro and tells him about Oruj. Khizir finds some footprints in the forest and tells that someone is carrying Oruj. A short time later, Niko arrives and tells him that Meryem is trying to meet Pietro. When Meryem returns to the mansion, she learns about Pietro’s massacre and goes to get some air. Khizir sees their footprints lead to the port and continues to follow them. Pietro secretly meets Meryem in the market and says he will never leave her. Meryem gets angry with Pietro and says that she will never go to Kalymnos with him.

Khizir sees Oruj’s horse and gets more hopeful. Meanwhile, Sinan and the bandits attack. Oruj has a dream. Oruj talks to his father in his dream and tells him that he was injured. Oruj’s father tells how they captured Lesbos years ago and asks him to get well soon. Khizir and the sailors eliminate the knights first and then the soldiers of Sahbaz. Khizir immediately goes to the port and enters the ship there. Khizir asks his friends to be careful and starts looking for the ship. When Khizir enters the room on the ship, he sees Oruj sleeping. Khizir says Oruj is still alive and asks who cured him. Antuan comes and says he saved Oruj’s life. Antuan then begins to tell how he secretly saved Oruj. Khizir asks Antuan why he did this.

Antuan says that he was very impressed by what Dervish said and that he did this to pay off his debt to Oruj. Oruj opens his eyes and says he will give hope to the people of Lesbos. Pietro learns that Oruj is alive and wants to go to Lesbos with the ambassadors as soon as possible. Oruj returns to the mansion and talks to his family. Oruj takes his sword back from Ishaq and begins to explain what Antuan did. Antuan says he wants to be friends with Oruj and his family now. Oruj then goes to the inn and starts blaming Sahbaz. Sahin says that Oruj does not have enough evidence. Oruj shoots Sahbaz in the shoulder to teach him a lesson. The envoys go to the port to go to Lesbos, but Khizir stops them. Oruj says he will avenge the dead sailors and kills the envoys. Sahbaz asks his soldiers to kidnap Meryem.

Meryem talks to Antuan and asks him to be quiet. Antuan says he wants to be honest with his friends but hides the truth about Meryem. Khizir says Meryem is hiding something and asks her to tell the truth. Meryem lies to Khizir and hides the truth. Dervish says what Antuan did was right and asks him to be patient. Firuze says that a ship full of cloth will come to Alexandria soon and this will make Huma rich. Firuze asks Sahbaz to stop this ship using Unita. After checking the ammunition from the Ottoman Empire, Oruj sets out with his brothers. Antuan says he wants to join the war and gets on Oruj’s ship. As Unita’s ship is about to attack Huma’s ship, a woman stops them.

This female captain sinks the ship of Unita and goes to Alexandria with the Ottoman ship. Soldiers and people in Lesbos take action to defend the island. Pietro orders all ships to set fire to the city. Turkish soldiers realize that it is impossible to defend the port and retreat to the city until Oruj arrives. Oruj and Piri start to think about how to get past the patrol ships around the island. Meanwhile, Khizir’s plan works, and Christian ships begin to explode. While Meryem is talking to a little girl in the market, Sahbaz’s men kidnap her. Huma goes to the port and thanks to the woman who saved the ship. A short time later, Sahbaz comes and tells that this woman is his sister Sahsene. Pietro’s soldiers go to the island and start killing everyone. Oruj anchors his ship in the south of the island, but Conrad’s soldiers attack him. Conrad and Gladius try to change people’s religion. After Oruj kills the knights, he goes to the city and attacks Conrad.

Barbaroslar Capitulo 18 en Espanol Subtitles HD 1080

How to Watch Barbaroslar Episode 18 with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles Free of Cost

Watch or Download Barbaroslar Episode 18 English Subtitles, Barbaroslar Episode 18 Urdu Subtitles & Barbaroslar Capitulo 18 en Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost. Barbaroslar Episode 18 release date is 03-02-2022. Barbaroslar episode will be on-air on TRT1 Channel in Turkish. The live streaming of Barbaroslar episode in Turkish can be achieved by Clicking Here. Those who can understand Turkish will be able to watch Barbaroslar episode even later by Clicking Here but ATV Youtube channel uploads the episode later, so you have to wait for it.

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Barbaroslar Episode 18 Urdu Subtitles HD 1080

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