Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 91 (Season 3 Episode 27) English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free
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Kurulus Osman Episode 91 Summary
In Kurulus Osman Episode 91, Osman goes to Inegol castle with his sons. Osman says that they will conquer Inegol first and then Bursa. Osman says that he will establish a great state soon and asks his sons questions. Osman then sets out with his sons and enters a tunnel. When Orhan and Aladdin come out of the tunnel, they see people preparing for war. Osman says that all the soldiers here are preparing to seize Inegol and goes to talk to Davut. Davut says that all the catapults are ready to attack the castle. Osman asks about these catapults and other war ammunition. Konur says that a caravan will come to Inegol soon. Orhan and Aladdin then go hunting with Baysungur. Nikola talks to Simon and asks him to hide the route of the caravan from everyone.
Aygul examines the rugs that will be sold soon and says she will send them. Bala sees that Selcan is still controlling things and asks her to rest. Selcan says she is happy to see Ertugrul’s tribe grow so much. Osman rides alone for a while and then prays to Allah. Cerkutay later finds Osman and tells him that many soldiers are guarding the caravan. Nikola later meets with a few Lords and talks to them. Osman starts to wait by the side of the road with his soldiers. Orhan and Aladdin start looking for a hunt by the river. Justinyanus says that his daughter will soon marry Basileus. Basileus invites all Lords to this wedding. Justinyanus says that he will call all Turkish leaders, including Osman. Kosses realizes something is wrong and asks why he wasn’t invited earlier.
Justinyanus tries to calm Kosses. Nikola says that he will kill Osman and all his relatives at this wedding. Osman seizes the caravan in a short time but does not kill Simon. Osman says he knows that the caravan carries swords and frees Simon to tell Nikola what happened here. Orhan sees a girl chased by Byzantine soldiers in the forest. Orhan attacks when the Byzantine soldiers are about to catch this girl. Orhan and Aladdin kill a few Byzantine soldiers together. Osman goes to Sogut and holds a meeting with the Beys. Osman says they are ready for the upcoming war. Byzantine soldiers find this girl again after a short while, but Baysungur neutralizes them. Baysundur takes the Shehzades and this girl to the tribe.
Selcn asks who this girl is. Orhan tells his mother that he found this girl in the forest and that they rescued him from the Byzantine soldiers. Bala asks this girl questions but cannot make her talk. Basileus learns that his daughter has been kidnapped by the Turks and is very angry. Osman comes to his tent with Sheikh and asks who this girl is. Holofira begins to speak and says she is Basileus’ stepdaughter. Holofira says that her father tried to force her to marry Justinyanus. Osman says that he will settle this matter later and starts to eat with his whole family. Arius returns from Jerusalem after a long time. Nikola is happy to see his master alive again but says that the peace has been prolonged because of his departure. Arius says that Argun is dead and Geyhatu is the new leader. After the meal, the Sheikh prays.
Arius says that Nikola and Barkin are stronger now. Simon arrives as Arius says Barkin will control Sogut. Simon says that Osman attacked the caravan and seized the ammunition. Kosses talks to Justinyanus about Rogatus and the wedding. Justinyanus asks Kosses not to come to the wedding. Sheikh tells what a Muslim should do in Ramadan. That night, the commander of Justinyanus goes to the tribe and asks Osman to deliver Holofira. Osman says he will not give this innocent girl and sends the commander back. Barkin talks to the Beys who support him and tells them that they will get Sogut soon. Kosses rush to the tribe late at night. Kosses says that Justinyanus will invite Osman to a wedding soon and asks him not to go to the castle. Kosses says this wedding is a trap.
Osman realizes Justinyanus’ plan and thanks Kosses. Barkin meets Arius in the forest the next day and asks him what he is doing. Barkin says he has the power to take Sogut. Arius asks Barkin to tell everything Osman did. Osman tells his family that the wedding in the castle is a trap. Gunduz and Bala ask Osman not to go to this castle. Osman says that he will deliver Holofira to her father and that he will go to this wedding. Osman begins to explain his plan and says that the women of the tribe will take over the castle. Osman says that he will give the loot he will win here to the army. Basileus comes to the tribe and asks Osman for his daughter once more. Osman willingly delivers Holofira and says he will come to the wedding in the castle.
Barkin starts looking for new men for his army and asks a blacksmith to make swords. Orhan is upset that Holofira has left the tribe. Bala tries to calm Orhan down and prepares to go to the castle. Aladdin talks to his brother and tells him that they have to go to Sogut. Osman goes to the secret headquarters where they are making war preparations and tells his soldiers what to do in the castle. Aladdin and Orhan go to Sheikh’s shop. Aladdin asks his grandfather to rest. Sheikh says a Muslim should always be hardworking and tells them a short story. Nikola fills Justinyanus’ castle with skilled archers and says they will kill Osman. While returning to the tribe, Orhan realizes that someone is following them. A short time later, Arius attacks to capture Orhan and Aladdin. Baysungur goes to the tribe injured and says that the masked man who disappeared years ago kidnapped Osman’s sons. Malhun immediately takes action to get her sons back.
Kurulus Osman Episodio 91 Subtitulado en Espanol
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Kurulus Osman Episode 91 (Season 3 Episode 27) with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles
Watch or Download Kurulus Osman Episode 91 English Subtitles (Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 27), Kurulus Osman Episode 91 Urdu Subtitles & Kurulus Osman Episodio 91 Subtitulado en Espanol Free of Cost. Kurulus Osman episode 91 trailer with English & Urdu Subtitles is also available here. Kurulus Osman Episode 91 release date is 20th April 2022. Kurulus Osman episode 91 will be on-air on ATV Channel in Turkish. The live streaming of Kurulus Osman episode 91 in Turkish can be achieved by Clicking Here. Those who can understand Turkish will be able to watch Kurulus Osman episode 91 even later by Clicking Here but ATV Youtube channel uploads the episode later.
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