Destan Episode 4 with English & Urdu Subtitles Free of Cost
Destan Episode 3 Review
In Destan Episode 4, Akkiz realizes that the eagle statue she had seen in her dream before is in the palace. Kamkadin finishes the ritual, but Ece is disturbed by what she says. Kircicek tries to understand how Alpagu is still alive. Kaya and Temur take Alpagu back to his room. Kaya asks Temur to be with him if Alpagu dies. Kaya tells that Balamir will try to seize the throne. Temur asks Kaya to calm down and says that he will support his brother as his father said before. Ece sends Kamkadin to the dungeon. Balamir says that only Batuga has a pure Turkish soul but he cannot be Khan. Balamir says he deserves the throne. Alpagu has a dream. Alpagu dreams of Tilsim and soon wakes up. Alpagu then gets up and tries to open the door of his room.
Doctor asks Alpagu to go back to bed. Alpagu asks Danis what happened in his absence. Alpagu asks Danis not to tell anyone that he has woken up and begins to secretly watch the people in the palace. Akkiz and other women go to the dungeon as captives. Akkiz asks Tutkun questions there. Temur tells everyone that one of the captive girls killed Kirac. Temur then says he wants to attack the Dag tribe. Saltuk says he attacked there before, but he couldn’t find anything there. Kaya asks Saltuk to go back to the Dag tribe and bring Colpan. Saltuk sets out with the soldiers of Kaya. While Akkiz is trying to catch the mouse in the dungeon, a woman brings them food. Akkiz argues with the woman who came to the dungeon. Akkiz says that Colpan will come to the palace soon and will save the captive girls.
Batuga uses a secret tunnel to go somewhere near the dungeon. Akkiz sees the hole in the wall and looks from there. Akkiz sees Batuga. Batuga begins to tell Akkiz how to escape from the dungeon, but she says that Colpan will come. Saltuk goes to the Dag tribe and finds Colpan. Saltuk secretly talks to Colpan and says he has to take her to the palace. Colpan takes the gold that Akkiz gave earlier and goes to the palace with Saltuk. While everyone is asleep, Akkiz goes to the wall with the hole to talk to Batuga. Akkiz asks Batuga to come to the Dag tribe. Batuga refuses this offer and says he has to protect his family. Batuga then asks Akkiz to tell about Dag. That night, Balamir visits Kircicek and asks the maid there to take a message to the army commander.
Kaya learns that Kircicek’s maid has left the palace and realizes that something is wrong. Commander Pars is very surprised to learn that Alpagu is still not dead and reads the message Balamir sent. Kaya and Temur realize that Balamir’s soldiers will attack soon. Balamir then goes to his room and drinks sherbet before going to sleep. Balamir falls into a deep sleep as Ece puts opium in this sherbet. Ece then goes to Balamir’s room and asks one of her men to strangle Balamir. Just then, Alpagu comes and stops this man. Ece is very surprised to see Alpagu. Alpagu says Balamir should not die. The next morning, Saltuk arrives at the palace with Colpan. Saltuk then takes Colpan to the dungeon and asks her to calm down. Saltuk says that Kaya and Temur will start the interrogation soon.
Kaya sits on his father’s throne and says that he is now Khan’s deputy. Balamir objects to this and asks Danis to do something. Danis says this is not a problem. Balamir says he is the one who knows the custom best. Ece asks Balamir to be quiet. Balamir gets very angry and leaves the room. Balamir says he will kill everyone in the palace. Kaya then orders Colpan to be brought. Colpan says she wanted Alpagu dead but did not help the woman who attacked him. Kaya says that this woman is from the Dag tribe. Colpan says she thinks that woman was just a hungry person. Kaya continues to speak and says that all Dag women will be questioned. The soldiers go to the dungeon and take the Dag women to the hall.
Temur looks at the women one by one. Kaya then asks questions about the woman who came to the tribe. Akkiz starts to say something. Kaya tries to deceive the women during the interrogation. Because Batuga learned that the women would be questioned, he secretly goes to the dungeon and informs Akkiz. Thanks to what Akkiz learned from Batuga, she warns her friends and saves Colpan’s life. Danis says Colpan is innocent. The captives are then taken to the garden of the palace. Ece starts bargaining with Colpan about the prisoners. Colpan says she has no gold to pay for the captives and returns to her tribe. The new slaves of the palace are summoned by Ece. Ece looks at the slaves and sends some of them to the kitchen. Akkiz objects to this situation. Ece wants to send Akkiz to the mine, but Batuga stops her. Temur says this girl saved Batuga before and saves her life.
Meanwhile, Alpagu comes to the garden of the palace and starts talking to his sons. Balamir says he is happy to see Alpagu and takes action to leave the palace. Alpagu asks Balamir to leave Kircicek in the palace. Balamir asks if Kircicek is a prisoner. Alpagu talks to Balamir and says everything depends on his decision. Balamir immediately takes action and goes to his army. Kaya follows his uncle. Balamir gets angry when he sees his drunken soldiers, but Kaya calms him down. Later, on Alpagu’s order, marriage preparations begin immediately. Batuga goes to his room and starts screaming. Alpagu comes to his room and asks what is going on. Alpagu says that all dynasty members are bound by invisible chains. Alpagu then goes to the palace garden and talks to Balamir about this marriage. Batuga and Kircicek wear engagement rings.
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