Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 19
Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 19

At the end of episode 17, Wazir Janali follows Rizzo, brother of Ottoman Navy captain Suleiman, to avenge the death of his nephew Shahbaz. But Sultan Mehmet’s soldiers stopped him and blocked his path. This made Janwali very angry. Sultan Mehmet, who was preparing for the conquest of Constantinople, calmed him down and promised that he would deal with the Rizzo, but warned Janali not to put his personal interests above the empire. Despite this, Jangali continues to search for the Rizzo burning in the fire of vengeance. Emperor Constantine, on the other hand, was worried because he knew that Sultan Mehmet was preparing to besiege Constantinople. His troubles increased when his grain stocks were burnt. Frustrated, he asked Pope Nicola for help, but the pope refused.(Watch Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 19 is below).

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 19 Recape

The commander of Genoa, Juan Justiniani, a sincere Christian, heard the problems of Constantinople and decided to help there, although the Pope refused. Jawani prepared for the departure with 1000 soldiers and boats full of grain. In Constantinople, Commander Balibey and his soldier Saltuk burn the remaining grain. They also keep an eye on princes and khans. But the emperor learns of their presence and sends soldiers to capture them. Balibey and Saltuk are captured, but with the help of Ottoman spies they manage to escape safely from Constantinople. An angry minister, Jandali, kidnapped Nadia, the daughter of Orthodox Menito, an ally of Emperor Constantine. In return, he asked for the reserve. When Menito gave this news to Emperor Constantinople, the emperor agreed to hand over Rizzo and ordered his people to hand over Rizzo to Janoli.

The emperor made this agreement because Juan had already left with his army and boats full of grain. The emperor wanted his youth to pass through the Gallipoli hill. He laid a trap for the Rizzo and ordered him to come from the phosphorus castle side with boats full of grain.
The news was conveyed to Captain Suleiman Pasha and Wazir Janali, and both followed Rizzo. By the time Sultan Mehmet received the news that the youth was arriving in Constantinople with help, it was too late and the youth had reached Constantinople. Sultan Mehmet became very angry because he wanted to start the siege as soon as possible. He ordered that Suleiman Pasha be brought to the capital. The next morning, Suleiman Pasha was presented to Sultan Mehmet. Vawalli Pasha was also included in the case because the Sultan had learned that Wazir Vajawali had done all this together with Suleiman Pasha. This is where Episode 18 ends.

Mehmed Fateh Episode 19

In the next episode, we might see:

Confrontation Between Sultan Mehmet and Suleiman Pasha:

  • Sultan Mehmet could confront Suleiman Pasha about his role in the events that led to the siege delay. This confrontation may lead to intense discussions about loyalty, betrayal, and the importance of putting the empire’s needs above personal ambitions.

Wazir Janali’s Revenge:

  • Driven by revenge, Wazir Janali may take drastic measures to locate and confront Rizzo, potentially leading to a showdown. He might act recklessly, further complicating the political landscape and putting himself at odds with Sultan Mehmet.

Emperor Constantine’s Strategy:

  • With the arrival of Giovanni and his troops, Emperor Constantine may devise a counter-strategy to protect Constantinople. This could include rallying his allies, fortifying defenses, or planning an offensive against the Ottomans to buy time.

Giovanni’s Arrival:

  • Giovanni Giustiniani’s arrival in Constantinople could shift the balance. His leadership may have inspired the defenders and led to a united front against the Ottoman forces. He might also bring new resources or strategies that could surprise the Ottomans.

Betrayal Within the Ranks:

  • Tensions may rise among the Ottoman ranks, leading to potential betrayals. Perhaps some soldiers or officials align with Janali or even with the Christians, creating a subplot of internal conflict.

Nadia’s Fate:

  • Wazir Janali’s kidnapping of Nadia may have severe consequences. Nadia could become a key player, either by attempting to escape or by using her influence to negotiate for Rizzo’s safety. Her situation could also create tensions between Janali and Emperor Constantine.

Siege Preparations Intensify:

  • Sultan Mehmet might have accelerated preparations for the siege of Constantinople, leading to strategic maneuvers and showcasing the strength of the Ottoman army. This could include forming alliances or deploying spies to gather intelligence on the city’s defenses.

Moral Dilemmas:

  • Characters may face moral dilemmas regarding loyalty and vengeance. For example, Suleiman Pasha might struggle with his loyalty to the Sultan versus his family ties to Rizzo, leading to potential conflicts and character development.

Escalation of Conflict:

  • The conflict could escalate, resulting in battles between the Ottoman forces and the defenders of Constantinople. This could lead to thrilling action sequences and strategic challenges for both sides.

Unexpected Alliances:

  • As tensions rise, unexpected alliances may form, either between the Ottomans and discontented factions within Constantinople or among the defenders as they realize the threat posed by Sultan Mehmet’s ambitions.

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 19 Release Date

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 19 release date is 16th October 2024.

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 19 English Subtitles

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 19 Urdu Subtitles

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1. Why did Wazir Janali go after Rizzo?

  • Wazir Janali wanted to avenge the death of his nephew Shahbaz, who was killed, and he believed that Rizzo, the brother of Ottoman Navy captain Suleiman, was involved.

2. How did Sultan Mehmet respond to Wazir Janali’s actions?

  • Sultan Mehmet stopped Janali’s pursuit of Rizzo, calmed him down, and promised to deal with Rizzo himself. He also warned Janali not to prioritize personal revenge over the interests of the empire.

3. What caused Emperor Constantine’s growing concern?

  • Emperor Constantine was worried because he knew Sultan Mehmet was preparing to besiege Constantinople. His troubles worsened when his grain stocks were burned, which left the city in a desperate situation.

4. Did Pope Nicola offer help to Emperor Constantine?

  • No, Pope Nicola refused to help Emperor Constantine when he asked for support.

5. Who decided to help Constantinople despite the Pope’s refusal?

  • Giovanni Giustiniani, a commander from Genoa and a devout Christian, decided to help Constantinople with 1,000 soldiers and ships full of grain.

6. What role did Commander Balibey and Saltuk play in the grain burning?

  • Commander Balibey and his soldier Saltuk were responsible for burning the remaining grain in Constantinople. They also kept an eye on the city’s princes and khans.

7. How did Balibey and Saltuk manage to escape?

  • After being captured by Emperor Constantine’s soldiers, Balibey and Saltuk managed to escape with the help of Ottoman spies.

8. Why did Wazir Janali kidnap Nadia, and what was his demand?

  • Wazir Janali kidnapped Nadia, the daughter of Orthodox Mineto, an ally of Emperor Constantine. He demanded Rizzo in exchange for her safe return.

9. Why did Emperor Constantine agree to hand over Rizzo?

  • Emperor Constantine agreed to hand over Rizzo because Giovanni had already left with his army and grain-filled ships, and the emperor wanted Giovanni to safely pass through the Gallipoli hills.

10. What was Sultan Mehmet’s reaction when he learned about Giovanni’s arrival in Constantinople?

Sultan Mehmet was furious when he learned that Giovanni had arrived in Constantinople with reinforcements, as it delayed his plan to quickly besiege the city.

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