Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 18
Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 18

The episode 17 begins with Sultan Muhammad and the Rumelia fortress. At the end of episode 16, we saw spy Rizo and ships filled with gunpowder being stopped. Minister Jandar Li and his nephew Shahbaz destroy the ships, and Shahbaz sacrifices himself. This makes Minister Jandar Li very angry. He blames Sardar Bali, thinking he wanted Shahbaz to die. Sultan Jandar advises him not to let anger lead him to sin, saying it was the enemy’s trick. (Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 18 is below).

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 18 Recape

But Minister Jandar Ali doesn’t believe Sultan. He stops a soldier in the forest and asks about the Akıncı chief but gets no information. He vows to take revenge one day.

Meanwhile, in Constantinople, Emperor Constantine is furious because Rizo failed to capture the Rumelia fortress. When he learns Mustafa Agha has joined Prince Orhan, he questions Orhan’s trust in him. Orhan insists Mustafa saved his life. To test Mustafa’s loyalty, the emperor sends word through Orhan that Rizo will pass through Tripoli with large ships.

At the same time, Emperor Constantine allies with King Notaras and Sultan Ibrahim, the father-in-law of Sultan Muhammad. They plan to use him against Sultan Muhammad and kill soldiers coming from the Karaman region to besiege Constantinople.

Suddenly, King Brankoch, who has paid tribute to the Ottomans for 30 years, rebels against them. This places Sultan Muhammad in a difficult situation just as he prepares to besiege Constantinople.

Taking advantage of this, Emperor Constantine sends King Notaras to pressure Sultan Muhammad into accepting terms. Before that, Sultan Muhammad sends Ali Agha to Sultan Ibrahim to remind him of the consequences of standing against the Ottoman Empire.

Meanwhile, Mara confronts her father, King Brankoch, and kills the corrupt prime minister, keeping the tribute to the Ottomans intact.

When King Notaras meets Sultan Muhammad, he explains his presence, stating that the sultan is trapped from both east and west. He offers a peace treaty with conditions. The first condition is to stop all preparations for the siege of Constantinople, including making weapons and gathering troops. Notaras threatens severe consequences if the sultan refuses.

Sultan Muhammad responds that Turkish victories have begun and the decline of the Roman Empire is starting. He tells Notaras to go back and inform his emperor that no conditions will be accepted and no treaties will be made. Soon, Constantinople will become Turkish territory. This is where episode 17 ends.

Mehmed Fateh Episode 18

In the next episode, we might see:

  1. Sultan Muhammad’s Response: The sultan could gather his council to strategize on how to respond to the threats from Notaras and Emperor Constantine, reinforcing his plans for the siege.
  2. Rebellion in Karaman: The rebellion led by King Brankoch could escalate, causing internal strife that Sultan Muhammad must address while managing the siege.
  3. Mustafa’s Loyalty Tested: Mustafa Agha may face a challenge that tests his loyalty to Sultan Muhammad, potentially leading to pivotal choices that impact the outcome of the conflict.
  4. Spy Network Expansion: Minister Jandar Ali might expand his spy network to gather more information on enemy movements, possibly leading to crucial intelligence that aids the Ottomans.
  5. Alliances and Betrayals: New alliances could form, with unexpected betrayals shaking the political landscape, as characters choose sides in the brewing conflict.
  6. Battle Preparations: The episode could depict intense preparations for battle, showcasing the military might of the Ottomans as they prepare to lay siege to Constantinople.
  7. Personal Conflicts: Characters like Orhan and Jandar Ali might face personal dilemmas that reflect their loyalty and ambitions, adding depth to their arcs.

These plot points could heighten the tension and drama as the series progresses.

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 18 Release Date

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 18 release date is 10th October 2024.

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 18 English Subtitles

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 18 Urdu Subtitles

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1. What was the main conflict in episode 17?
The main conflict revolved around the failed attack on the Rumelia fortress by spy Rizo and the subsequent destruction of ships by Minister Jandar Li and his nephew Shahbaz, which led to Shahbaz’s sacrifice.

2. Why was Minister Jandar Li angry?
Minister Jandar Li was angry because he believed Sardar Bali was responsible for Shahbaz’s death and felt betrayed by him.

3. What advice did Sultan Jandar give to Minister Jandar Li?
Sultan Jandar advised Minister Jandar Li not to let his anger lead him to sin and to clear his mind of misunderstandings, stating that it was an enemy trick.

4. How did Emperor Constantine react to the failure of Rizo?
Emperor Constantine was furious and sought to manipulate the situation by questioning Orhan’s trust in Mustafa Agha, who had shifted allegiance.

5. What role did King Brankoch play in this episode?
King Brankoch rebelled against the Ottoman Empire after 30 years of paying tribute, creating a new challenge for Sultan Muhammad.

6. What was Sultan Muhammad’s response to King Notaras’s demands?
Sultan Muhammad rejected Notaras’s demands for a peace treaty and stated that the Turkish victories had begun, signaling the decline of the Roman Empire.

7. What implications did Shahbaz’s sacrifice have for Minister Jandar Li?
Shahbaz’s sacrifice deepened Minister Jandar Li’s desire for revenge, which could lead to further conflict and plot developments in future episodes.

8. What were the consequences of the alliances formed in episode 17?
The alliances between Emperor Constantine and King Notaras, as well as Sultan Ibrahim, created a multi-faceted conflict that put Sultan Muhammad in a precarious position.

9. How did Mara impact the situation regarding King Brankoch?
Mara confronted her father, King Brankoch, and eliminated the corrupt prime minister, ensuring that the tribute to the Ottomans continued and stabilizing her faction’s position.

10. What can viewers expect in the next episode?
Viewers can expect escalating tensions, potential battles, character dilemmas regarding loyalty, and developments in both the rebellion and the siege preparations against Constantinople.

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