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Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 12 Synopsis

In Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 12, Sultan Mehmed faces numerous challenges, including an explosion resulting from a cannon test. The Arban teacher responsible for the cannon attack is blamed for the explosion, leading to the death of Akanji Sardar Bali Sahib and his soldiers. Meanwhile, Akanji Hamza arrives at the site, where Sultan Mahmood asks him about the mara woman.

Sultan Mehmed becomes angry and sends Zaghanus Pasha, a special soldier, to investigate the incident. Zaghanus Pasha follows the rest of the soldiers to Lekia Fort, where a young Akanji soldier helps Zaghanus Pasha open the fort gates at the behest of Byzantine Emperor Constantinos.

When the Mara woman is presented to Emperor Constantinos, he offers to marry her, but the woman refuses, stating she is the wife of Sultan Murad. Sultan Mehmed is upset and seeks a brave messenger to convey his terms to Emperor Constantinos. Emperor Constantinos appears unfazed by Mehmed’s situation and respects him.

Empire Constantinos tries to use Prime Minister Janwali Pasha to avoid supporting Mehmed, but is forced to hand over the mara woman to Mehmed without forcing her to marry. Sultan Mahmud sets out to bring back the slain woman without war, and Emperor Constantinos leaves Constantinople without soldiers and hands over the mara woman to Mehmed. However, Emperor Constantineus tells the mara woman that Wazir Jandali Pasha had a hand in abducting her.

In summary, Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 12 explores the challenges faced by Sultan Mehmed and the Byzantine Empire.

Mehmed: Fetihler Sultani Episode 13 Trailer English & Urdu Subtitles

What Will Happen in Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 13

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 13 Release Date

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 13 release date is 29th May 2024.

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 13 English Subtitles

Mehmed Fetihler Sultani Episode 13 Urdu Subtitles

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