Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 85 (Season 3 Episode 21) English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free
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Kurulus Osman Episode 85 Summary
In Kurulus Osman Episode 85, As Bala prepares dresses for her soon-to-be-born child, the labor pains begin. Selcan learns that Bala is in labor pains and immediately goes to check on her. Later, Malhun and Aygul come to the tent. The vizier’s soldiers join the great battle in the forest and attack everyone there. Osman says he will kill Geyhatu no matter what and continues to follow him. Cerkutay can no longer fight as he is badly wounded. Nikola realizes that the situation is getting worse and returns to his castle with his soldiers. Vizier captures most of Osman’s soldiers and says they are rebels. Osman follows the traces of blood he sees in the forest and searches for Geyhatu. Osman finds Geyhatu shortly after, but Mongolian soldiers stop him.
Selcan says that Bala’s baby is coming earlier than expected and that this birth will be very difficult. Vizier takes Osman’s soldiers to a place in the forest and throws them into a pit. The vizier says that he will punish these rebel soldiers later. Geyhatu sets traps in the forest and continues to run away from Osman. Osman begins to follow these traps. Aisha tells Malhun that she is worried about Bala’s baby’s life. The vizier and his soldiers come to the Kayi tribe. The vizier says that he came to arrest the women who helped the rebel Osman. Malhun tries to stop the Vizier and tells him that Bala is at birth. Gunduz gets angry with Nikola for leaving the battlefield. Nikola secretly sends a message to the Vizier, saying that he wants to re-establish an alliance with him. Kosses tells Gunduz that Nikola can betray at any moment and goes with him to look for Osman.
Vizier goes to Osman’s tent and says he will arrest the women. Selcan objects to him but cannot stop him. Aisha secretly talks to Aygul and asks her to call Gunduz. Despite the objections of the people, the Vizier arrests the women and orders them to be taken to Sogut. Aygul goes to the castle and tells Mari what happened. Mari says she doesn’t know where Gunduz is and starts preparing her own soldiers. Cerkutay’s condition worsens. Gunduz goes to the battlefield with Kosses and orders the bodies to be buried. Mongolian soldiers attack repeatedly and try to stop Osman. Konur gets rid of the vizier’s soldiers and finds Osman. Konur says that the Vizier has captured Osman’s Alps. The vizier’s spy sees Konur talking to Osman and realizes that he is a spy.
Bala’s condition starts to get worse on her way to Sogut. Mari and Byzantine soldiers attack and save the women. Gunduz finds Bamsi’s swords and realizes that Osman’s soldiers have been captured. Geyhatu goes to a cave and cauterizes his wound. Osman starts to check the caves in the region one by one and thinks that he is getting closer to Geyhatu. Osman’s Alps tries to escape from the pit that night but fails. The vizier learns about the alliance offer of Nikola but does not accept it. The vizier says he doesn’t need anyone anymore. The vizier asks his spy to continue following Konur. Bala’s labor pains begin again. Selcan takes them to a nearby cave to save the baby and Bala. Geyhatu talks about Temujin’s childhood and tells how he became Genghis Khan when the time comes. Selcan asks Bala to be strong and says the baby is about to be born.
While Osman is secretly waiting in the forest, Mongolian soldiers find and attack him once again. Selcan takes Bala’s baby, but the baby does not cry. Bala repeatedly asks why her baby is not crying. Selcan takes the baby in her hands and the baby starts to cry. Bala realizes that her baby is alive and learns that she has a son. Geyhatu talks about his previous cruelties and says he will kill Osman this time. Bala takes her son in her arms and thanks to Allah many times. Osman sees Bala in his dream that night and takes his newborn son in his arms. Osman wakes up worried. Osman then prays to Allah and asks him for help. The vizier’s spy continues to search the forest to find the women. Cerkutay opens his eyes and tells his friends that he is fine.
Geyhatu confronts Osman and says he will kill him now. Osman starts fighting again with the Mongolian soldiers. Mari sees the Vizier’s soldiers while hunting in the forest and immediately returns to the cave. Gunduz finally finds Osman and helps him. Osman wants to follow Geyhatu, but Gunduz stops him. Gunduz says that the Vizier captured the soldiers and tried to take the women to Sogut. Osman asks Gunduz to prepare everyone for war and immediately sets out to save the women. Mari says that the Vizier’s soldiers are approaching and tries to stop them with Selcan. Turgut arrives when Vizier is about to execute the soldiers of Osman. Turgut says that he will give Mingiyan to the Vizier to save Osman’s soldiers. When the vizier hears this offer, he is very surprised and immediately accepts it in order to become even stronger.
Osman sees Bala’s horse in the forest and begins to follow it. When Selcan is about to fight the Vizier’s soldiers, Osman comes and saves the women. Osman then enters the cave and sees Bala. Osman takes his newborn son in his arms and thanks Allah. Osman says his son’s name is Aladdin Ali. Osman then returns to the tribe and orders the celebrations to begin. Sheikh tells everyone that this baby’s name is Aladdin Ali and prays for him. Osman eats with his guests and Konur sings. The vizier learns that Osman has returned to the tribe and says he will kill everyone there. The vizier then requests that all armies be prepared for a major attack. Osman takes his two sons in his arms and says that the state he will establish will grow thanks to them.
Kurulus Osman Episodio 85 Subtitulado en Espanol
Kurulus Osman Episode 85 (Season 3 Episode 21) with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles
Watch or Download Kurulus Osman Episode 85 English Subtitles (Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 21), Kurulus Osman Episode 85 Urdu Subtitles & Kurulus Osman Episodio 85 Subtitulado en Espanol Free of Cost. Kurulus Osman episode 85 trailer with English & Urdu Subtitles is also available here. Kurulus Osman Episode 85 release date is 2nd March 2022. Kurulus Osman episode 85 will be on-air on ATV Channel in Turkish. The live streaming of Kurulus Osman episode 85 in Turkish can be achieved by Clicking Here. Those who can understand Turkish will be able to watch Kurulus Osman episode 85 even later by Clicking Here but ATV Youtube channel uploads the episode later.
Kurulus Osman Episode 85 English Subtitles
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Kurulus Osman Episode 85 Urdu Subtitles
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