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Kurulus Osman Episode 158 Summary

Kurulus Osman Episode 158 begins from the cemetery where Sardar Yaqoob and Sardar Ibrahim Shahzad come to bury Ahmed, but the soldiers of Sardar Usman take them as prisoners. They are unaware of the trap that has been laid for Sardar Usman, so the audience explodes there soon after Usman Sahib and taking advantage of the explosion, Sardar Ibrahim and Sardar Yaqoob escape with Noor and Goran soldier with Sardar Ibrahim and Sardar Yaqoob. They also see the crisis and the koh-i-noor soldier, which makes them very angry .And they say, “Now that you have crossed the line, you will be punished for what you have done .”
After this, Usman Sahib returns to his tribe and goes to the tribe and talks about Boran and Kohinoor Sepoy, and entrusts his eldest son and yes to Qazi Rukn-ud-Din, who is coming to decide the murder of Prince Ahmed, to the tribe. Because Sardar Usman knows that they will definitely run a trap to hide the truth, so they are already careful .
On the other hand, Sardar Yaqoob and Ibrahim have reached the Jarmian tribe, where they send Shahzad Muhammad to capture Alauddin and Goonga Khatun, and the queen, the wife of Sardar Ibrahim, who gets angry and becomes so mad to kill Alauddin that she goes to Oljay and gives him a few coins and tells him that the judge Eliminate Rukn-ud-Din and he will be replaced by one of our businessmen who will bring Alauddin to the gallows.
The audience then goes to the Boran Sepoy Kai tribe at night where he meets Usman Sahib, but they are already very angry and they start beating him by strangulating him without listening to him, but then they say to him that if you knew that your life is in danger here but you have come to me despite this, then surely someone has come to you. It will be important .
The audience then tells them about the plan of Chief Yaqoob and Chief Ibrahim, how Sardar Yaqub has done this duty to bring both of them into his confidence to bring them to the place of Prince Alauddin. They’ll go back .
And they do the same, then when they stop Princess Holofra on the way according to Usman Sahib’s plan and take information about Alauddin from him, she tells them what Usman Sahib has said. And as soon as Sardar Ibrahim arrives with his soldiers at the place mentioned by him, he sees Usman Sahib there and thus Usman Sahib captures him again and takes him back to his tribe .

While in the forest, Prince Muhammad finds his place in the absence of Prince Alauddin and he takes his sister Goonga Khatun back to his tribe, where the Goonga woman tells him that now I am alauddin’s wife. You are a traitor and they imprison him in a cage and when Alauddin comes to know about the whole matter, he also reaches the Germian tribe alone and demands his wife there, but there Sardar Yaqoob catches him and at the same time Sardar Usman arrives there and tells him that the whole matter is without us. The noise should end.
On the other hand, Oljay reaches Qazi Rukn-ud-Din with his soldiers and kidnaps them from there and takes them to the forest and burys them in the ground, but he also sees the prince and khan on the way while taking him and he follows him, but before chasing him, they have done their work. And when the prince and the khan trace the way and reach the place where they have buried them in the ground, they are very sad to see them there and they know that they will definitely send one of their entrepreneurs to the place of Qazi Ruknuddin.
The audience then enters an Admi tribe in the Jarmian tribe between Sardar Usman and Sardar Yaqoob, who has a few soldiers with him and he calls himself Qazi Rukn-ud-Din and says that tomorrow the case will be decided and no one will come to us with a sword or any weapon and the decision will also be at the place mentioned by us. He is a qazi who comes as a qazi rukn-ud-din to decide for a few paise .
The next morning, the jirga is gathered at the place mentioned by the qazi to decide the case and the case is started there, and since the judge is fake, he decides the whole decision in favor of Sardar Ibrahim and Sardar Yaqoob and orders the execution of Prince Alauddin. “You cannot say anything to my son without any proof, and because of this you start hanging him, then at the same time he reaches there and han and he says that this judge is fake. He says that this is a fraud of your people, you people are proving the case wrong, then Usman Sahib drops this judge down from the mountain and says that till date we have done our government only through justice. the end of

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What will happen in Kurulus Osman Episode 159

Then the scene changes and Orhan Bey and Elcil Hatun examine the secret paths of the fort so that they can make an attack easily. During this, some Crusaders come and find themselves in difficulty but Orhan kills all the Crusaders in his paths with his wisdom. They go to the tribe and listen to Malhun Hatun tell Elcil Hatun about the missing Ayesha HAtun.

Then they know that Ayesha Hatun was seen outside Olivia’s tent and on inspection of the tent they find the dead body of Ayesha Hatun in a box. On the next day, Osman Bey reaches with duplicate gold and Cardinial at the agreement place. Emren Tegan says to Osman that a battle has been started between them and it will end when one of them dies. Then Osman Bey says I will take Atranos fort very soon from you and make it the possession of Turkey.

Emren Tegan is celebrating with gold and suddenly bomb blast and he gets hurt during this Osman Bey attacks Fort Bala Hatun and kills Olivia with a poisoned knife Osman Bey fights with Emren Tegan and defeats him. Osman Bey fits the kayi flag on the fort and announces the wedding of his son and Elcial Hatun. Osman Bey kills the emren tegan.

Kurulus Osman Episode 158 with English, & Urdu

Watch or Download Kurulus Osman Episode 158 English Subtitles (Kurulus Osman Season 5 Episode 158), Kurulus Osman Episode 158 Urdu Subtitles. Kurulus Osman Episode 159 release date is 9th May 2024.

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