Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 136 (Season 5 Episode 6) English & Urdu Subtitles Free
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Kurulus Osman Episode 136 Summary
In Kurulus Osman Episode 136, It episode commences with his alliance with Yakub Bey, bringing him immense joy. He expresses gratitude to Allah for revealing this day to them. Osman Bey declares that now that we are united, we should commence our conquests. Yakub Bey concurs, instructing his soldiers to notify all commanders that Osman Bey has proven his loyalty and is now on their side. Meanwhile, the Mongols arrive with their governor.
Yakub Bey questions the governor’s claim to sultanate, reminding him of the past tax payments from the Seljuk Empire to the Mongol Empire. Now, as a sultan, he must pay taxes to the Seljuks, with a deadline of two days. Yakub Bey informs Osman Bey that additional taxes have been imposed due to him, and now he must collect this tax as well.
Simultaneously, Boran Bey, whose condition is still critical, is carried to a hospital tent on Bayinder Bey’s shoulder. Master Vizilis, present in the city and overseeing twenty positions, predicts that Bayinder Bey’s task will be completed the following morning. Osman Bey questions Yakub Bey about the tax, asking if it is a punishment or a request. Yakub Bey replies that it is the Sultan’s order. Osman Bey insists that this will be the last tax they pay, as continuous payments will lead to their destruction. They proceed to have a meal.
However, news reaches Osman Bey of an attack on the city, prompting him to leave immediately. Upon arriving, they learn that the attackers took gold from the treasury and injured Boran Bey. Yakub Bey is informed and decides to join Osman Bey. Cerkutay suggests going as well, but the commander denies it, leaving Yakub Bey uncertain. Eventually, he instructs Cerkutay to accompany him.
Master Gera, residing in the city as a merchant, approaches Osman Bey, expressing his sadness and readiness to help if needed. Osman Bey inquires about what he possesses, and Gera offers to fulfill any need. Osman Bey instructs him to keep his gold ready for future use. Osman Bey then dispatches Orhan Bey and Master Vizilis to search for gold. They discover the treasure in Bayinder Bey’s house, placed there by Gera to shift blame to Batur Bey. Osman Bey receives news of the gold discovery and informs Yakub Bey that the issue has been resolved.
Fatma Hatun informs them of Alauddin Bey’s love for Gonca Hatun, Yakub Bey’s daughter, raising suspicions of a conspiracy. Bala Hatun suggests investigating in the city. Meanwhile, Konur Bey finds bags of gold in Bayinder Bey’s room, planted by Master Vizilis to frame him. The scene shifts to Orhan Bey and Bayinder Bey, where Orhan Bey orders Bayinder Bey’s arrest. Yakub Bey’s daughter Gonca Hatun informs Alauddin Bey about Bala Hatun’s sudden fall, prompting him to rush to his mother’s side.
Kurulus Osman Episode 136 (Season 5 Episode 6) with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles
Watch or Download Kurulus Osman Episode 136 English Subtitles (Kurulus Osman Season 5 Episode 6), Kurulus Osman Episode 136 Urdu Subtitles. Kurulus Osman Episode 136 release date is 15th November 2023.
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