Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 112 (Season 4 Episode 12) English & Urdu Subtitles Free
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Kurulus Osman Episode 112 Summary
In Kurulus Osman Episode 112, Osman slowly enters the city with his soldiers. With the order of Ismihan, Seljuk soldiers burn a large part of the city and damage everything. Esma secretly talks to Bala and says she brought a message to her. Bala reads this message and learns that Ismihan has kidnapped Sheikh. Bala tries to gather more information about this message but fails. Osman continues to advance by fighting and approaching the dervish lodge. Seljuk soldiers continue to attack with arrows. Mesut continues to hide where Sheikh said and waits for a suitable time to go out. Ismihan goes to Marmaracik with Sheikh. Oktem asks why Sheikh came and is very surprised by this situation. Ismihan says that Sheikh was arrested and sends him to the dungeon. Bala secretly leaves the mansion after talking to her daughter.
Malhun learns that Bala has gone to Marmaracik and is very worried. Osman comes to the lodge and finds Mesut. Ismihan orders the Seljuk flags to be hung on the castle and demands that all the doors be closed. Alcicek questions Sheikh’s condition, but Bengi stops her. Malhun goes to Sogut and starts looking for Osman. Boran and Kumral begin to move toward the dungeon. The soldiers soon find Konur. Kumral realizes that Konur is sick and says that no one should touch him. Kumral says this disease is very contagious and calls other doctors. Malhun says that Ismihan took Sheikh to Marmaracik. Osman is very surprised by this news. Malhun continues talking and says Bala also went to the castle. Osman is very upset and says that he will take his revenge on Ismihan no matter what.
Osman asks Mesut to go to a secret place. Kumral returns to the dervish lodge and says there is a contagious disease in Sogut. Osman asks Kumral to find medicine immediately and Malhun to stay in the city. Oktem says that it is very wrong for Sheikh to be in the dungeon and that the Turkmen will object to this situation. Bengi tries to calm her husband and says that they should not go against Ismihan. Oktem says that Osman will attack the castle soon and gets very worried. Ismihan says Osman will never attack. Ismihan sits on the throne and says that she will punish Bala severely soon. Bala arrives at the castle in a short time and surrenders. Aladdin says he has to help his mother, but Aktemur stops him. Aktemur says they have to wait for Osman’s order.
Ismihan orders Bala’s arrest and sends her to prison. Osman comes in front of the castle and asks Ismihan to come out. Ismihan asks Osman to bring Mesut immediately. Osman says he will get his wife and father back no matter what and returns. Frigg goes to the forest and tells Ismihan called Olof. Frigg realizes that Olof is a Christian and gets very angry. Aladdin prays for his mother. Sheikh sees that his daughter is in the dungeon and is very upset. Osman makes a plan with his soldiers and says that they will dig a tunnel to enter the castle that night. Olof and his soldiers disguise themselves and enter the castle. Osman later meets with Turgut and tells him that the Sultan will come from Konya. Turgut tells him that he is ready to attack the Sultan. Osman asks Turgut to take Sultan to Sogut and tells him his plan.
Ismihan goes to the dungeon that night and says that Sheikh’s decisions were very wrong. Bala says that Osman will soon establish a new state. Ismihan says she will kill all the rebels. Sheikh says that Ismihan will soon regret her actions and even get a big punishment. Osman starts digging the tunnel with his soldiers and soon reaches the castle. Since Ismihan knows Osman’s plan, she asks Olof to attack him. Sheikh tells his daughter a story and asks her to calm down. Oktem gets very angry and says he has to do something. Osman enters the dungeon but cannot do anything. Ismihan asks Osman to deliver Mesut. Osman leaves the castle so that Sheikh and his wife do not die.
Frigg goes to Bayindir’s room and asks him to give his treasure to Ismihan. Bayindir accepts this offer to prove his loyalty and leaves the castle. Turgut stops Sultan while he is moving towards Marmaracik. Turgut gives the message prepared by Ismihan to the Sultan and asks him to go to Sogut. The vizier does not accept this offer but the Sultan says they will go to Sogut. Osman visits his father’s grave and thinks about what he has done before. Osman says he will be very careful now and prays for his father with his sons. Sultan goes to Sogut and sees that all the people are sick. The Sultan orders the palace doctors to come as soon as possible and goes to talk to Malhun. Osman prepares to go to see Mesut and makes a plan. Bengi says that Sheikh should not be executed, but she cannot convince Ismihan.
Ismihan says that everything depends on Osman and continues to wait for him. Malhun welcomes Sultan and invites him to dinner. Sultan accepts this offer and starts to eat. Thanks to the sleeping pills that Malhun puts in the meals, the Sultan begins to sleep in a short time. Osman tells Mesut what Ismihan did. Mesut agrees to go to the castle and sets out with Osman. Ismihan sends Sheikh and Bala to the gallows and continues to wait for Osman. Oktem says that Osman will come soon and will surrender. Kantakuzenos goes to a cave and starts talking to a cardinal there. The Cardinal says that they will soon take control of all of Anatolia. The vizier comes and says that the holy cross is with Osman. Kantakuzenos says he will take back the holy cross and makes a deal with the Vizier. Osman comes to the castle, but Ismihan gives the execution order of Sheikh and Bala.
Kurulus Osman Episode 112 (Season 4 Episode 14) with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles
Watch or Download Kurulus Osman Episode 112 English Subtitles (Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 14), Kurulus Osman Episode 112 Urdu Subtitles & Kurulus Osman Episodio 112 Subtitulado en Espanol Free of Cost. Kurulus Osman episode 112 trailer with English & Urdu Subtitles is also available here. Kurulus Osman Episode 112 release date is expected in 11th January 2023. Kurulus Osman episode 112 will be on-air on ATV Channel in Turkish. The live streaming of Kurulus Osman episode 112 in Turkish can be achieved by Clicking Here. Those who can understand Turkish will be able to watch Kurulus Osman episode 112 even later by Clicking Here but ATV Youtube channel uploads the episode later.
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Kurulus Osman Episode 112 Urdu Subtitles
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