Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 45
Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 45

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Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 44 Summary

Episode 44 of Saladin Ayyubi Season 2 begins with Saladin in a dangerous situation. Crusader soldiers disguise themselves and attack him in the forest. They throw him into a well and kill his soldiers, leaving no witnesses. Saladin has been missing for days, causing worry for Sultan Nur al-Din, Saladin’s parents Najm al-Din Ayyub, and Fatimah Khatun, who search everywhere but find no trace.Stuck in the well, Saladin prays for help and tries to climb out, but fails each time. Eventually, his prayers are answered when Balian, the brother of the commander of Elbin Castle, passes by the well. Balian, thirsty, spots the well but hears Saladin’s voice instead of water. He lowers a rope and rescues him. Balian treats Saladin’s injuries, but since Saladin is weak, Balian helps him onto his horse and heads toward Syria. Along the way, soldiers capture them, and they’re caged with slaves. [Watch Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 45 Below]

Meanwhile, Sultan Nur al-Din is stressed over Saladin’s disappearance and Jerusalem’s unrest. He meets Judge Fazlullah, who informs him about conditions in Egypt, where people suffer under the oppressive minister Dirgham. Fazlullah tells him that Dirgham has allied with the Crusaders to settle them in Cairo, a dangerous situation for Islam. The Sultan sends his advisor, Shirkuh, with an army to Egypt to help the people, while he personally continues searching for Saladin in Jerusalem.The trader who captured Saladin takes him and other captives to Egypt, where Shirkuh learns of this and sends help. Meanwhile, Fazlullah spies on Dirgham under the guise of submission, pretending to be his loyal servant.

In Egypt, slaves are forced to fight wild men for entertainment. Saladin and Prince Balian fight bravely, surviving the ordeal and defeating many opponents. Meanwhile, Sultan Nur al-Din questions the new Jerusalem ruler, who denies knowing about Saladin’s fate. The Sultan refuses to join his coronation, stating that Jerusalem is a trust of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and vows to reclaim it.At the end of the episode, Saladin and Prince Balian realize each other’s identities. Balian declares that Jerusalem belongs to Jesus, while Saladin asserts that it is the holy mosque of Al-Aqsa, part of their heritage. The episode ends with this intense exchange.         

Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 45 Release Date

Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 45 release date is 18 February 2024.

Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 45 English Subtitles

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