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Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 25 Summary

Selahuddin Eyyubi Episode 25 begins in Gaza, where Sultan Nur-ud-Din and Salah-ud-Din, together with all the Turkish chieftains, have conquered Gaza and so that after Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Hazrat prays for them and then at the behest of Sultan Noor-ud-Din Salahuddin appoints Turan Shah as governor of Gaza and gives him the sovereignty there. But the bloody Bernard, who has gone mad with anger after his defeat, reaches Princess Vactoria and Princess Victoria arrests him and sends him to the Cardinal i.e. the priests of Rome and goes to Sultan Nur-ud-Din himself to make a peace agreement. It is that I will give you three lakh gold coins annually and will also release the Muslims in Al-Quds and will never fight with you, so cancel your decision, but Sultan Nuruddin says that as long as Bernard is alive, there will be no agreement, on which she says that he was sent to the Cardinal. There is no danger now, but Sultan Noor-ud-Din sends Salahuddin with him to see the truth, but when Salahuddin arrives in Al-Quds, Bernard welcomes him there, which both of them are surprised to see and think how it survived, on which he tells Princess Victoria that I have killed the Cardinal. He tries to catch him, but Salahuddin has already sensed the danger seeing the peace and tranquility there and he has taken his precautionary measures, through which Salahuddin escapes from his trap and succeeds in threatening him and getting out of there .
Princess Victoria Bernard is very angry, on which he tells her that a huge army is coming for me from Tripoli, which will be enough to protect al-Quds and take back Gaza.
On the other hand, Sultan Nur-ud-Din convinces all the chieftains to stay in the palace in a few days after the victory, but after some time, the Turkish chief Malik Arsalan Shah, who is bound by his wishes, reaches Sultan Nur-ud-Din to avenge his insult from him. He stays there and sends messages to the chieftains so that he can meet them and break the alliance against Sultan Nur-ud-Din, while Bernard is waiting for a moment when the chieftains should come out of Syria and he can arrest them and harm the unity of all the Turkish chieftains. The Boros set out towards the tribe but on the way Bernard attacks them and captures them .
When this news reaches Malik Arsalan Shah, he gets very angry and takes advantage of the opportunity and immediately tries to attack Sultan Nur-ud-Din and tells him that you used to talk so big but you could not protect the chieftains. Sultan Nur-ud-Din knows that all the Turkic tribes will go against him and understand that they did not protect the chieftains. To avoid all this, they go to Bernard and demand the chieftains, but he demands Gaza in exchange for the chieftains. he gives .
Saladin wants to take the chieftains back to Gaza Sea without any damage.
For this, he talks to Sariya Khatun, who tells Salahuddin that he has an old relationship with the Fatimid Caliphate, who is helping Vanguard.
And despite Salahuddin’s refusal, she reaches the Fatimid commander Malham and goes there and tells him a false story that she is staying with Saladin as a prisoner and needs help and then she finds out the prison of the chieftains. But sariya woman escapes from there to escape from his captivity and manages to get out of Gaza, but as soon as the news reaches the Fatemi command and he finds out that he has been cheated, he goes after sariya woman for revenge. Salah-ud-Din also comes to know that when The Sariya woman has reached Gaza, he is coming to the forest to save her, where on the way he meets Sariya Khatun, but as soon as he gets closer to her, the Fatimid commander hits The Sariya Woman with an arrow in the back and Surya Khatun dies while reaching the tribe.
Sensing danger, Bernard decides to send the captive chieftains to Egypt with Fatima Khalifa and divides his convoy into two parts to trap Saladin and sends one part to the south and the other to the north. Instead, he goes north, where Fatima Qamandar himself is taking the chiefs to Egypt, where he surrounds the caravan on the way and Salahuddin says that it is time for you to save the chieftains and take revenge on Sariya Khatun. And that’s where episode 25 ends.

Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 26 Release Date

Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 26 release date is 28 May 2024.

Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 26 English Subtitles

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