Watch Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 2 English & Urdu Subtitles Free

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Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 22 Summary

At the beginning of Selahuddin Eyyubi Episode 22, we see that Salahuddin has defeated the Crusaders and conquered Syria, while Sultan Nur-ud-Din has also defeated his brother. Then Sultan Nur-ud-Din tells his mother about his brother, how he has disobeyed his elder, but Sultan Nur-ud-Din’s mother tells him to forgive one turn for the sake of growing up. After getting the pardon, Prince Mevdood first goes to his ally Khooni Bernard and asks him why you did not help me, to which he says that Salahuddin attacked Syria, due to which I had to go there, but before we left, Syria also went out of our hands. Malik goes to Daulat and asks the same question, then he says that I sent Kara Teigen and you for help, but he did not go. And after this condition of the prince, all his allies leave him.
On the other hand, Sultan Nur-ud-Din and Salahuddin start preparing for the attack on Gaza, but after getting rid of the current problems, the number of their soldiers is reduced, for which they need the help of Kara Tegan. But Saladin Malik saves Kara Teigen by wounding the soldiers of wealth and takes him to the tribe, thus they both become allies .
Viewers When Malik Daulat comes to know about this act of Salahuddin, he immediately reaches Salahuddin’s tribe and asks him about all this and tries to arrest Kara Tegan but Salahuddin resists and stops him from doing so. When the bloody Bernard gets the news that Sultan Nur-ud-Din is preparing to take us to Gaza, then he makes a trick and stops the country of wealth on the way and makes a deal with it, in which he gives Gaza the country of wealth. When we come to wealth, he says that from now on there will be no agreement between us. In fact, from now on you cannot even attack Gaza because my son Altamas is carrying an army and as soon as he reaches here, I will deploy my army in Gaza .
Then they inform Salahuddin about the whole matter, then Salahuddin makes a plan in which he shows his intention to attack Gaza at night and continues his preparations .
When Bloody Bernard gets the news that Sultan Nur-ud-Din is preparing, he makes another plan in which he kills Malik Daulat’s son Altamash and the soldiers accompanying him in the forest, and when Salahuddin gets the news of this plan, Salahuddin immediately reaches the forest, but before he leaves, he leaves. When he finds his son injured, he holds Salahuddin responsible for all this, thus the plan of Honyward succeeds and a new division is spread between the Seljuk Empire and the Zangi Empire, and between Sultan Nur-ud-Din and Salahuddin and Gaza, the country of wealth is spread. stands up.
Viewers After the death of his son, the anger of Malik Daulat becomes even more intense and he becomes more against the Zengi Empire. And he prepares his army and reaches the tribe of Salahuddin, but there Salahuddin does not find him and after that he goes out to besiege Syria and despite the refusal of Sultan Nur-ud-Din, the siege of Syria. When Salahuddin comes to know about this, he goes to kidnap Khooni Bernard to prove the innocence of the Zengi Empire where the bloody Bernard is marrying Princess Victoria and Salahuddin stops a stab of magicians that Bloody Bernard has ordered for manoranjan in his marriage. He captures and enters Gaza wearing his own clothes, but his sister Alissa has already told Bloody Bernard about Salahuddin’s plan, but by the time Bloody Bernard takes precautionary measures, Salahuddin realizes so soon that it is a trap, he follows the opposite plan. When the bloody Bernard arrests his soldiers as Salahuddin, Salahuddin attacks him from the other side and this is where Selahuddin Eyyubi Episode 22 episode 22 ends .

Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 23 Release Date

Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 23 release date is 7 May 2024.

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