Destan Episode 7 with English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost
Destan Episode 6 Review
In Destan Episode 7, By Alpagu’s order, the engagement ceremony begins and thirty days pass. Sirma is sad that she is still not free, but Akkiz calms her down. Batuga secretly summons Akkiz and takes her to the tunnel in the palace. Akkiz can’t understand what’s going on and follows Tegin. One of Balamir’s commanders comes to the celebration and says he is surprised. Balamir says everything will be better very soon. While Alpagu is talking about the corpse in the palace garden, a boy comes and says that this woman is not the claw of a two-headed wolf. Khan is very surprised and wants to question the boy. Akkiz sees that the exit of the tunnel is open and starts talking to Yaman. When the little boy looks at Akkiz, Khan calls her too. Akkiz says she has seen this child before.
Khan asks the boy questions and sends him to the cellar later. Khan then asks Akkiz questions and asks her for Kun Ata. Akkiz says she would never do such a thing and then goes to talk to Sirma. Khan says he has to do something to calm everyone down. Those who come to celebrate begin to think that the two-headed wolf is still alive. Saltuk learns what happened in the palace and immediately goes to talk to Colpan. Khan tells that Balamir betrayed him. Balamir denies all accusations and says a new Khan should be chosen. Alpagu says the laws again and there is no need for an election, but Balamir objects. Alpagu says he will talk to the big council after thinking for a while.
Alpagu returns to the place of celebration and starts talking to the tribal leaders there. Khan says if his people don’t trust him, he will leave the post. Those who came to celebrate say they trust Khan. Thereupon, Alpagu says that anyone there can plunder the palace. All the people are very happy about it. Balamir is furious that his plan doesn’t work and leaves the palace to meet with his own soldiers. Akkiz says Khan has won again. Batuga asks Akkiz to leave the palace and give up her revenge. Akkiz refuses this at first, but then obeys Tegin’s order. Sirma comes out of the tunnel in the palace and sees Yaman. Batuga also comes out of the tunnel and gives Yaman gold. Akkiz and her friends immediately begin to move away from the palace.
Ece congratulates her husband for what he did to Balamir. Khan orders Saltuk to be brought to the palace as soon as possible. Danis says Balamir should be punished but Khan says they will do it later. Khan demands that all swords belonging to Balamir and his soldiers be collected. Balamir goes to his headquarters and starts talking to his soldiers. Balamir asks a general to attack the Tegins and blame the claw. Khan asks Kaya to question the boy, but Gunseli objects. Alpagu tells them that nothing bad will happen to the boy and sends Kaya away. Batuga hears something on his way to save the boy in the cellar. Batuga approaches the wall and hears the boy reading the Quran. Batuga then opens a hole in the wall and starts talking to the boy. The boy says that he read the Quran because he felt bad and says that the claw has already come to the palace. Batuga is very surprised to hear what the boy has said and realizes the claw’s plan. When Batuga was about to leave the cellar with the boy, a soldier came.
The soldier takes this boy to the dungeon. Kaya tortures Kuzu here and scares the boy. The boy begins to think that Kuzu is the friend of the claw. Batuga learns of Kaya’s plan and sneaks out of the palace. Akkiz and her friends start watching Balamir’s soldiers from afar. Meanwhile, Temur comes and demands the swords of everyone in the camp. Balamir objects to Temur. Temur fights with his uncle and beats him. Akkiz uses this situation and talks to the children in the tent. Akkiz then sets fire to some tents. Temur immediately goes to the children and saves them. Temur is very angry with his uncle because of what happened to the children. Batuga goes to an inn and begins to watch the men gambling there. Kaya continues to torture Kuzu.
Alpagu realizes that Batuga is not in the palace and starts looking for him. Saltuk tries to deceive the Tegins by using some spies and sets off immediately. Yibek starts to look for Akkiz, but she cannot find her in the palace. Yibek catches Tutkun and tells everyone that Akkiz escaped from the palace. Akkiz goes to Colpan’s tent with her friends. Colpan realizes that they escaped from the palace and gets very angry with Yaman. Colpan says Khan’s soldiers will come to attack soon. Meanwhile, Kaya and his soldiers set out for the Dag tribe. Akkiz shows the message in her hand and says that someone set a trap for Tilsim years ago. Colpan realizes that someone is helping Akkiz and asks who this man in the palace is. Akkiz does not answer her and says that it is necessary to dig Toygar’s grave. Colpan first objects to this situation, but later accepts this offer to get her father’s seal.
While Colpan is going to the cemetery with Akkiz, Kaya sees them. Batuga gives gold to one of the drunken men in the inn and asks him to enter the dungeon in the palace. This drunk man goes to the palace gate and says he wants to talk to Khan. While Kuzu talks to the boy about the claw, the soldiers bring this drunken man to prison. The drunk man secretly talks to the boy and asks him to keep quiet no matter what. While Akkiz is about to dig the grave, Kaya attacks but fails. Sirma shows Akkiz the mask she found in Balamir’s camp. Akkiz understands Balamir’s plan and takes action immediately. Temur sees Saltuk in the forest and attacks him, but Balamir secretly sets a trap for him. Kircicek tells that Akkiz tried to kill Khan a short time ago. Akkiz comes to the palace while Alpagu asks his soldiers to prepare. Akkiz says she brought Kun Ata to the palace.
Destan Episodio 7 Subtitulado en Español HD 1080
How to watch Destan Episode 7 English & Urdu Subtitles
Destan Episode 7 Release Date 11th January 2021. is If you want to watch Destan Episode 7 with no ads and permanent access, then You may watch Destan Episode 7 (Epic) Series with English Subtitles by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV in 1080 resolution and you can even download full series with one-click and watch anywhere (TV and big screens) and any time offline. Those who are searching for watching Destan Episode 7 with English Subtitles, Destan Episode 7 with Urdu Subtitles & Destan Episodio 7 Subtitulado en Español Free of Cost regularly may watch here. ????????
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