Destan Episode 25 with English & Urdu Subtitles Free of Cost
Destan Episode 24 Review
In Destan Episode 25, Kaya goes to Obar’s tent and starts shouting at him. Alpagu and Temur listen to what Kaya is saying. Kaya accuses Obar of breaking the deal and tells him that he has Barak’s crown. One of the guards in the palace locks Akkız in the room. Mei neutralizes this soldier and saves Akkiz. Kuzu and the soldiers enter Kam’s tent. Colpan catches Kuzu and asks him why he came. Kuzu lies to Colpan, but Kam realizes this. Kuzu says he wants to take Batuga to the palace. Colpan says Batuga will stay in the tent until he recovers. Akkiz asks why Mei helped her. Mei says that she is very sad about Temur’s death and misses him very much. Akkiz says Temur is still alive and Mei is very happy.
Akkiz agrees to work with Mei and sends a message to Obar using her spies. Kaya says he knows that Alpagu is still alive. Obar offers Kaya a new deal to take back the crown. Temur says he does not trust Kaya, but Alpagu asks him to calm down. Kuzu thinks that Akkiz will come to the tent and asks his soldiers to hide. While Kaya and Obar are trying to make a deal, Akkiz’s message comes. Kaya realizes that Akkiz wrote this message and says it is a trap. Obar realizes that Akkiz has recovered from the poison and makes a plan to take the crown. Colpan sees Batuga’s hands move and immediately calls Kam. Gunseli tells Calayir what Vera did. Gunseli goes to Yibek’s room to talk to her and sees the traces of blood on the carpet. Obar goes with the captives to the place Akkiz told to take the crown.
Akkiz waits for Obar to come with her friends. Obar says he will use Kaya as a shield. Mei goes to talk to Obar with the chest in her hand. Gunseli claims that Vera killed Yibek and sends her to the dungeon. Vera says she is innocent and knows nothing about Yibek. Gunseli tells that she will tell all the truth to Kaya. Alpagu says Obar should not take the crown. Mei opens the chest and shows Barak’s crown to Obar. Obar thinks Mei will make a fair exchange and orders the captives to be brought. After Alpagu got out of the carriage, the Turks began to attack. As Obar was about to kill Akkiz, someone shot him in the chest with a dagger. This warrior is Batuga. After Kam’s last ritual, Batuga recovers and begins to use his arms again.
Batuga says he is Alpagu’s son and brought the victory to the Turks. Obar returns to the western khanate to save his life. After the battle, Alpagu hugs his son and thanks God. Kam says Batuga is healed and they will form the two headed wolf with Akkiz. Alpagu returns to the palace that night. All the people in the city are very happy that Khan is back. Alpagu makes a speech to the people who come to the courtyard of the palace. Alpagu says Batuga is cured and asks Kam to speak. Kam says God gave Turks one last chance. Kam says that Batuga will save the Turks with Akkiz. The magician says they must sacrifice to God for Obar to be healed. After Alpagu reclaims his crown, he tells his sons a story. Alpagu says that all Turks should unite against the enemy.
Some soldiers sacrifice themselves to God for Obar’s recovery. Batuga says he will join Alpagu’s army and will fight to the death against the Itbaraks. Akkiz tells Batuga that she will help in this war. Alpagu gives Batuga three arrows and a bow inherited from his ancestors. Alpagu then orders the release of thousands of horses and hugs Batuga again. Alpagu then starts talking to Kaya and gets very angry with him for surrendering the land of the country without a fight. Kam asks Khan’s permission to go to the room. Alpagu asks where Vera is. Gunseli says that Vera may have killed Yibek and that’s why she sent her to the dungeon. Alpagu says he will examine this event later and asks everyone to pray to god that night. Colpan asks Alpagu to execute Vera, but she cannot persuade him.
Alpagu asks Colpan to bring evidence about Vera. Obar comes to himself after a while and remembers that he did not get the crown. Obar thinks Batuga is healed by some mysterious spirits and occult knowledge. Akkiz thanks Mei for her help. Mei says she did everything to save her husband, but Temur does not believe her. Temur says that his marriage to Mei is just an agreement between the two states. Saltuk says he is very happy about Batuga’s recovery. Alpagu goes to the dungeon and asks Vera if she killed Yibek. Vera denies all the accusations and says she is innocent. Khan asks Vera to ask her father for help against the Itbaraks. Gunseli finally confesses to Kaya that she is not pregnant. Kam sees Vera walking in the corridors of the palace and asks her to be careful about her future.
Batuga goes to a place where they can be alone with Akkiz and confesses that he loves her. Akkiz also says that he loves Batuga. Alpagu goes to see the tombstone prepared by Kaya and thinks about recent events. Kaya goes to the cemetery and says that the reason for his mistakes is loneliness. Obar thinks that Barak’s crown is in the palace and begins to prepare to enter it. Alpagu says he will attack the Itbaraks with his whole army the next morning. The wizard shows Obar the poisonous powder she has prepared. Kam asks Batuga to take Barak’s crown to another Kam living in the forest. Alpagu asks Colpan to talk to the tribal leaders. Vera goes to Kaya’s room and tries to make a plan with him to seize the throne. Akkiz and Batuga begin to search for Kam. Obar’s spies use the poisonous powder to neutralize the soldiers in the palace and begin their search for the crown. Colpan realizes that something is wrong, but meanwhile, the spies stab Saltuk in the back. Kam marries Batuga to Akkiz that night.
How to watch Destan Episode 25 English & Urdu Subtitles
Destan Episode 25 Release Date is 31st May 2022. is If you want to watch Destan Episode 25 with no ads and permanent access, then You may watch Destan Episode 25 (Epic) Series with English Subtitles by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV in 1080 resolution and you can even download full series with one-click and watch anywhere (TV and big screens) and any time offline. Destan Episode 25 English Subtitles kayifamily. Those who are searching for watching Destan Episode 25 with English Subtitles, Destan Episode 25 with Urdu Subtitles & Destan Episodio 25 Subtitulado en Español Free of Cost regularly may watch here. ????????
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