Destan Episode 23 with English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost
Destan Episode 22 Review
In Destan Episode 23, Akkiz learns that it was Colpan and Balamir who attacked the Khan’s caravans. Balamir says he is the only one who deserves the throne. Saltuk says this situation is unacceptable. Akkiz orders the arrest of Colpan and Balamir. Batuga calls Alaca to his room and says he knows that she is Ece’s spy. Alaca says she does not know Ece, but she cannot convince Batuga. Batuga says he will kill Alaca, but then takes her to the throne room. While Alpagu is questioning Ece about what happened in the Dag, Batuga comes. Batuga says that Alaca is Ece’s spy. Ece denies everything and blames China. Yibek remembers what Akkiz said before and confesses all the truth to Khan. Yibek tells Khan that Ece killed Tilsim and attacked Dag.
Alpagu starts to ask questions to Kaya. Kaya says he did everything to protect his mother. While Yaman is having dinner with Sirma in the forest, he sees some bandits and immediately sets out to inform the palace. When Alpagu is about to kill Ece and Kaya, Danis Ata stops him. Danis Ata says that the supreme court should be established. Akkiz soon brings Colpan and Balamir to the palace. Alpagu tells the accusations against Balamir. Balamir says he did everything for his people. While the trial continues, Yaman comes to the palace and says that monsters wearing dog heads came to kill the Turks. Danis Ata says these men are Itbaraks. Later, a wounded soldier comes to the palace and tells that the Itbaraks have started to attack the Turkish tribes. Akkiz says they have to unite against this enemy. Alpagu says that the trial is postponed until the danger of Itbarak is over.
The leader of the Itbaraks says that they will kill all the Turks and seize their lands. Alpagu studies a map and realizes that the Itbaraks are in the forest. Alpagu says he will go to war soon and asks Kaya to protect the palace. After everyone leaves the room, Alpagu asks Akkiz to protect the palace and the city. Ece goes to Kaya’s room and gets angry because of what he said to Khan. Kaya says that it is his mother who is responsible for this situation. Akkiz says she wants to fight, but she can’t go against Khan’s order. Ece wants to talk to Alpagu later, but the soldiers do not let her in. Batuga goes to the garden of the palace that night and starts talking to Akkiz. Akkiz says she is sorry for not being able to join the war and gives her bracelet to Batuga.
Mei prepares tea for Temur and asks him to stay in the palace. Temur says he will go to defend his country no matter what. Kaya realizes that his life is still in danger and begins to make a plan to prevent his father from returning from the war. Alpagu performs a ritual that night and asks God about the future. Alpagu goes to the garden of the palace the next morning and says that Vera is no longer Ece. Alpagu then gives a speech to his soldiers. After Khan leaves the palace, Akkiz increases the security of the palace. Alpagu realizes that the Itbaraks are near the forest and starts looking for them with his soldiers. Obar begins to gather information about the Turks. Meanwhile, Kaya comes to talk to Obar secretly. Itbarak soldiers try to attack a tribe, but Alpagu soon stops them.
Kaya asks Obar to kill Alpagu and says he will give him the western khanate. Obar likes this offer and asks Kaya to tell him where Alpagu is. Balamir is badly wounded in battle and dies shortly after. Alpagu is saddened by the death of his brother and asks for his burial. That night, while Alpagu is eating, Obar attacks. Obar captures Kaya and asks Khan to surrender. As Alpagu is about to attack Obar, he realizes that his soldiers have been poisoned and agrees to surrender. The next morning, Obar’s envoy goes to the palace and says that the Turks are dead. Akkiz does not believe the ambassador, but Kaya immediately takes action to seize the throne. Akkiz wants to go to the forest. Kaya arrests Akkiz and her friends. Akkiz takes the herb out of the bag and prepares a drink.
Kaya tells everyone that he is the only surviving member of the dynasty and that’s why he will ascend to the throne. Danis Ata declares Kaya the new Khan and gives him the crown. Kaya says that the new Ece is Gunseli. Akkiz’s friends drink this drink and soon pass out. Alpagu and the soldiers try to escape by cutting the ropes. Mei thinks Temur is dead and gets very upset. Gunseli goes to talk to Akkiz, but sees that everyone is unconscious. The soldiers say that the people in the room are dead. Kaya thinks that Akkiz committed suicide. Gunseli wants to hold a funeral for her friends, but Kaya orders the bodies to be burned. Obar goes to talk to Alpagu and asks him to change his religion. Batuga says he will not change religion and the Turks will destroy Itbaraks again. Soldiers take action to cremate the bodies.
Akkiz opens her eyes and starts to wake up her friends. Akkiz then attacks the soldiers. Kircicek is seriously injured in the war. Kircicek asks Akkiz to find out whether her father is alive or not, and then she dies. Kuzu tells the new Khan that Akkiz did not die and fled to the forest. Alpagu frees himself from his ropes and attacks the guards. Batuga tries to escape from the cave with his father. Akkiz finds the tribe near the forest and continues to search for Batuga. Obar sends his soldiers to capture Alpagu. Akkiz says that Itbaraks may be in caves. Obar’s soldiers soon recapture the Turks and take them to another cave. Akkiz enters a cave, but Obar’s soldiers see her. Alpagu says the Turks will defeat the Itbaraks no matter what. Batuga uses a small knife in his hand to cut their rope and attack Obar.
Destan Episodio 23 Subtitulado en Español HD 1080
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Destan Episode 23 Release Date is 17th May 2022. is If you want to watch Destan Episode 23 with no ads and permanent access, then You may watch Destan Episode 23 (Epic) Series with English Subtitles by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV in 1080 resolution and you can even download full series with one-click and watch anywhere (TV and big screens) and any time offline. Destan Episode 23 English Subtitles kayifamily. Those who are searching for watching Destan Episode 23 with English Subtitles, Destan Episode 23 with Urdu Subtitles & Destan Episodio 23 Subtitulado en Español Free of Cost regularly may watch here. ????????
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