Destan Episode 20 with English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost
Destan Episode 19 Review
In Destan Episode 20, Akkiz fights with Alpagu’s soldiers to save her mother. Saltuk takes Alaca out of the cave. Alaca starts talking to Akkiz and then hugs her. Batuga starts to go to the river to get water with Tutkun. The murderer Kaya hired attacks them and Tutkun dies there. The spy stabs Batuga in the stomach. Alpagu sees that Akkiz has saved Alaca and continues to watch them from afar. Ece talks to Yibek and asks her to calm down. Yibek is very upset about the death of her daughter and begins to pray with Ece. Ece says that Ilay’s death is for the future of the state and prays for Batuga to die. Balamir opens his eyes after a long time. Kircicek is very happy with this situation and asks her father questions.
Balamir says he wants to talk to Batuga and will tell him all the truth. Kircicek starts looking for Batuga. Kircicek starts to move towards the river and sees empty buckets on the ground. Kircicek continues walking and then sees the traces of blood on the floor. Akkiz is excited to introduce her mother to Batuga. Saltuk and Temur say that Alaca may be a spy, but Akkiz does not believe them. Alaca dismounts from her horse and listens to the ground for a while. Alaca tells them that a few soldiers are following them. Temur realizes that his father is coming and says he will not fight against him. Kircicek comes to the river, but she cannot see anyone there. Akkiz stops Alpagu and says she will fight him one on one. Khan defeats Akkiz but stops when Temur tells about the attack on Dag.
Alpagu says he didn’t attack the wedding in Dag. Akkiz and Temur are very surprised by this situation. Alpagu says he will find those who made this attack and immediately goes to the palace. Ece wants to know as soon as possible whether the spies killed Batuga. Calayir learns that the falcon he sent to the Dag has returned. Gunseli is very worried about this situation and wants to know if Batuga is okay. When Akkiz returns to their hiding place in the forest, she sees that Batuga is not there. Kircicek begins to tell what she saw on the way to the river. Temur immediately starts looking for Tutkun and Batuga. Before Akkiz goes to look for Batuga, she talks to Balamir and learns from him that Vargi loved Ece years ago. A short time later, Temur finds Tutkun’s lifeless body in a small lake. Temur takes Tutkun in his arms and cannot accept that she is dead.
Saltuk calms Temur and says they need to bury Tutkun. Alpagu sends all his spies to find out who attacked Dag. Calayir says that Akkiz came to the palace. Akkiz tells Khan that Tutkun is dead and Batuga is missing. Temur organizes a funeral for Tutkun. Colpan soon opens her eyes and asks how the situation is in the tribe. Saltuk tells Colpan that Tutkun and everyone in the tribe are dead. Alpagu asks Akkiz to eat and sends some of his soldiers from the palace to the river. Alpagu asks Akkiz to change her outfit and says he will find the musicians at the wedding with her. Ece is very disturbed by this situation. Akkiz starts to provoke Yibek against Ece. Akkiz then talks to Gunseli and says that Vargi did everything for Ece. Calayir says he found Ece’s ring on Vargi’s body and gives it to Akkiz.
Akkiz says that she will use this ring and that Batuga is still alive. Ece secretly meets with Kuzu and asks him to kill the spies who attacked Dag. Balamir returns to the tent and tells Colpan that he wants to take revenge on Khan. Alaca gives food to the wounded. Colpan realizes that Alaca is Akkiz’s mother. Temur tirelessly tries to search the whole river and fights with Saltuk. While Akkiz is looking for the musicians who came to the wedding, she tells Khan that Ece does not like Batuga. Alpagu thinks that Ece may have done something to Batuga and asks Akkiz to prove it. Kuzu finds two of the attackers in a house and kills them. Akkiz sees an attacker and begins to follow him, but Kuzu manages to kill him secretly. Alpagu then returns to the palace with Akkiz.
Akkiz talks to Khan once again and asks him to question Ece. Khan accepts this offer. Kaya comes to the palace and brings the dead men he found near the mountain. Akkiz says these guys are real musicians who should come to the wedding. Kaya says that Chinese soldiers killed these men. Alpagu immediately calls Mei and asks her about the dead men. Mei denies everything and says China did not do such a thing. Colpan says she wants to return to the tribe, but Saltuk stops her. Saltuk repeatedly says that going to Dag is very dangerous. Akkiz goes to the secret tunnel in the palace and looks at the paintings made by Batuga. Akkiz says that it is very difficult to make a decision or even to live without Batuga. Meanwhile, Alpagu comes to the tunnel.
Alpagu says he will find Batuga and asks him to come back to the palace. Akkiz says that only Batuga will make this decision and gives the ring on Vargi’s body to Khan. The next morning, Balamir and Colpan secretly go to the tribe. Colpan sees that all people are destroyed and everything is burned. Colpan gets very upset and says she will take his revenge on Alpagu no matter what. Akkiz returns to talk to her mother and listens to her advice. Akkiz then searches the river again to find Batuga. Calayir says that Ece is responsible for Ilay’s death and continues to provoke Yibek. While Ece is trying to understand whether Gunseli is pregnant or not, Khan comes to the garden of the palace. Alpagu asks why Ece’s ring was on Vargi. Akkiz finds Batuga’s wooden sword in the forest and later finds a mark on a tree. Batuga finally opens his eyes and sees that it was Mei who kidnapped him.
Destan Episodio 20 Subtitulado en Español HD 1080
How to watch Destan Episode 20 English & Urdu Subtitles
Destan Episode 20 Release Date is 19th April 2022. is If you want to watch Destan Episode 20 with no ads and permanent access, then You may watch Destan Episode 20 (Epic) Series with English Subtitles by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV in 1080 resolution and you can even download full series with one-click and watch anywhere (TV and big screens) and any time offline. Destan Episode 20 English Subtitles kayifamily. Those who are searching for watching Destan Episode 20 with English Subtitles, Destan Episode 20 with Urdu Subtitles & Destan Episodio 20 Subtitulado en Español Free of Cost regularly may watch here. ????????
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