Watch Barbaroslar Episode 29 with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles Free of Cost
Barbaroslar Episode 28 Review
In Barbaroslar Episode 29, Oruj sees that Ilyas is injured and gets angry with Pasha. Oruj says Ilyas is innocent. Kemal asks Oruj to calm down. Oruj says he will kill Pasha, but Kemal manages to calm him down. Mesih asks Kemal to arrest Oruj. Don Diego’s soldiers try to take Sahbaz from Khizir. Sahbaz uses this opportunity and flees into the forest. Khizir leaves some soldiers on the battlefield and begins to follow Sahbaz. Sahbaz says he will never surrender and stabs himself. Khizir tries to stop Sahbaz’s bleeding and takes him to the ship. Esma sees that Ilyas is injured and gets very upset. Dervish asks Esma to calm down. Khizir stops the bleeding of Sahbaz and tells them that he will be well soon. Oruj talks to the doctor and learns that Ilyas will wake up soon.
Esma takes the gn in her house and says she will kill the Mesih. Meryem and Isabel stop Esma. Hume gets angry with Esma once again. Sahbaz comes to him and realizes that Khizir is on his ship. Sahbaz tries to jump from the ship into the sea to avoid going to Kelemez, but Khizir stops him. Gabriel learns that Khizir took Sahbaz from Don Diego and gets very angry. Gabriel sends all the ships in his hand to kill Khizir. Don Diego executes the Turkish soldiers he caught in Jijel and says he will take revenge on Khizir. Kemal realizes that Shehzade has learned everything and begins to wait to arrest Ilyas. While Mesih is talking to his assistant, Kemal comes and gets angry at him for talking to Shehzade. Kemal then says he will take Ilyas, but Oruj objects to him. Oruj says his brother is innocent and they have to wait for Khizir.
Kemal says he has to follow Shehzade’s order and waits for Ilyas to fully recover. The Venetian fleet begins firing at Khizir’s ship. Khizir hatches a plan to evade the enemy ships and sends a signal to Hassan. Khizir’s plan works and Hassan deals heavy damage to enemy ships. As soon as Ilyas wakes up, he starts apologizing to Oruj and says he is innocent. Oruj says he believes Ilyas and abducts him from the hospital before Kemal arrives. Kemal sees that Ilyas is not in the hospital and starts looking for him with his soldiers. Firuza asks Mesih to arrest Oruj, but cannot persuade him. Oruj realizes that Kemal is approaching and comes out of his hiding place to talk to him. Kemal asks Oruj to obey the order of the state and starts arguing with him. Khizir arrives when Oruj and Kemal are about to fight.
Kemal returns to the castle and starts the trial. Sahbaz says that he did not work with Gabriel and that Ilyas knows everything. Oruj says this is a lie and tries to get Pierro to talk. Soon after, Pierro confesses everything. Ilyas executes Pasha’s assistant. Khizir executes Pierro. Oruj kills Sahbaz to avenge Sahin. Kemal tells about the mistakes made by the Mesih and dismisses him from his post. A few of the Turkish sailors stop Don Diego’s ship and ask him why he came to Kelemez. Mesih wants to kill Firuze, but Huma stops him. Kemal says Don Diego may cause a problem in the future, but Khizir says everything is fine. Don Diego arrives at Kelemez port.
Piri and Murat go to talk to Don Diego. Don Diego says he came to talk to Khizir and goes towards the castle. Don Diego talks about what happened in Jijel and says that Khizir should pay ten thousand gold for his dead men. Oruj tells Don Diego that he will not pay anything. Don Diego tells Oruj that he has one day to pay the necessary money and returns to his ship. Doge learns what happened at Kelemez and gets angry at Gabriel for failing. Gabriel says the Turks will attack Modon soon and asks Doge’s permission to talk to Don Diego. Oruj asks some sailors to protect Modon. Gabriel goes to Diego’s ship and gets angry with him for not being able to protect Sahbaz. Gabriel asks Diego for help. Diego says he will send a fleet to defend Modon, but he will not come.
Burak comes to Kelemez that night. Khizir begins to explain how they will attack Modon. Burak and Kemal agree to stop the Crusader fleet. Esma says she regrets all she did and apologizes to Huma. Khizir asks Ilyas to join the Modon war. Meryem talks to Khizir before going to war and says she will wait for him patiently. Isabel also goes to talk to Oruj. Dervish prays with all the soldiers in the castle and asks Allah for help. A priest blesses the soldiers in Modon. Gabriel says they will destroy all the Turks, and the Crusader fleet will come soon. Khizir and Oruj enter the two secret tunnels in Modon. Pedro sees the Turkish ships approaching and prepares to shoot at them. Burak says he will sacrifice himself if necessary to stop the Crusader navy and begins to attack them.
Kemal takes action to help Burak’s ships. Burak says he will blow up the powder kegs on the ship and sends the sailors away. Pedro comes to Burak’s ship and says he made a mistake. Meanwhile, Burak’s ships begin to explode, and the Crusader fleet is destroyed. Gabriel tells the Doge that the Turks are trying to reach the castle using the tunnels and prepares to attack them. Gabriel goes to the courtyard of the castle and sees that Oruj has already entered. Khizir and Oruj begin to fight Venetian soldiers. While Gabriel is waiting for the soldiers in the Crusader fleet, Kemal arrives. With the help of Kemal, the Turks begin to capture Modon in a short time. Gabriel realizes that he will lose the war and begins to flee. Khizir kills Doge. Kemal says that this island now belongs to the Turks and orders the flags to be hanged. Oruj catches Gabriel in the forest and says he will execute him.
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How to Watch Barbaroslar Episode 29 with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles Free of Cost
Watch or Download Barbaroslar Episode 29 English Subtitles, Barbaroslar Episode 28 Urdu Subtitles & Barbaroslar Capitulo 29 en Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost. Barbaroslar Episode 29 release date is 28-04-2022. Barbaroslar episode will be on-air on TRT1 Channel in Turkish. The live streaming of Barbaroslar episode in Turkish can be achieved by Clicking Here. Those who can understand Turkish will be able to watch Barbaroslar episode even later by Clicking Here but ATV Youtube channel uploads the episode later, so you have to wait for it.
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