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Watch Barbaroslar Episode 23 with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles Free of Cost

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Barbaroslar Episode 22 Review

In Barbaroslar Episode 23, Pablo’s pirates begin to attack Khizir to get the fleet back. While Khizir is defending his ship, another ship attacks the pirates from afar. Pablo says he has to go back because of this attack. The captain of this ship is Sahsenem and after the attack is over, she goes to Khizir’s ship. Gabriel wakes up Oruj and tells him that he took him to Modon. Oruj asks him why he is doing these things. Gabriel tells that many years ago Oruj’s father attacked Lesbos and that’s why his own father died. Gabriel says that he will take revenge on Oruj that he has been carrying for years. Khizir thanks Sahsenem and goes with her to Kelemez. Oruj says he will not surrender the fleet even if he dies. Pasha learns that Oruj did not go to court and gets very angry about this.

Pasha thinks that Oruj has escaped and orders her to be found as soon as possible. Khizir goes to Kelemez to treat his wound and learns that Oruj has disappeared. Pasha says Oruj is guilty but Khizir objects to him. Khizir asks all sailors on the island to call Oruj. Meryem stops Sahsenem in an alley and says that she does not trust her. Khizir tells that Gabriel kidnapped Oruj. Gabriel begins to torture Antuan to make Oruj speak. While Sahbaz is planning to make money from the merchants in the port, Khizir comes and blames him for what happened to Oruj. Sahbaz says he is innocent. Khizir then talks to Pasha and tells that Gabriel kidnapped Oruj. Pasha says Gabriel did not do such a thing and asks Khizir for evidence to prove this claim. Piri says that the Ottoman Empire should intervene in this stand, but he cannot convince Pasha.

Gabriel sends Oruj to deadly fights on the island to torture him. Oruj kills the soldiers here and saves his life. Pablo tells Gabriel that he couldn’t find the fleet. Oruj looks after Antuan’s wounds in the dungeon. Antuan says he no longer believes in God because the woman he loves was executed years ago. Oruj tells Antuan that everything will be alright. Khizir makes a plan to go to Modon and asks Ilyas to handle Kelemez. Meanwhile, Gabriel comes to Kelemez and tells everyone that he has captured Oruj. Gabriel demands the fleet and Levitha in return for Oruj. Khizir says he will never surrender the fleet and Levitha. Meryem says someone helped Gabriel. Esma says that the last decisions made by Oruj were wrong and argues with Isabel. Gabriel tells that he will never surrender Oruj and will use him against the Turks.

Pasha says they have to surrender the fleet immediately to get Oruj back. Piri says that the Ottoman Empire should do something, but Pasha continues to argue with him. Khizir says he will never surrender the fleet and says he will save Oruj. Ilyas, Isabel, Huma, and Meryem want the fleet to be given to Gabriel, but Khizir yells at everyone. While Khizir was about to leave the port, some Turkish ships there were blown up. Pasha tells him to return the fleet before any more trouble. Gabriel plays chess with Oruj and tells him how to conquer the Mediterranean. Oruj says that the Turks will never give up on the Mediterranean. Khizir talks to Dervish and tells him that he is going to Modon secretly. While Isabel is thinking about Oruj, a big fire starts in the barn. Sahin and Meryem save Isabel at the last moment.

Pasha gets very angry because of the fire in the barn and starts blaming Ilyas. Sahin says he will investigate this incident, but he cannot calm Pasha down. Pasha tells them that he will appoint a new guard to Kelemez. Meryem once again blames Sahsenem. Ilyas tries to calm Pasha and says that Oruj is the guardian of this island. Pasha says that a new guard is needed to solve the problems on this island for good and that Ilyas deserves this task. Gabriel takes Oruj and Antuan to a dungeon on the island. Khizir realizes that he is approaching Modon and orders the Venetian flag to be hoisted on the ship. Khizir requests all explosives on board to be prepared. The ships protecting Modon see Khizir’s ship but do not fire because of the Venetian flag there. In this way, Khizir uses his ship full of explosives to blow up the five ships protecting Modon.

Firuze says that she will rebuild the warehouse by showing the authority she received from Pasha. Meryem, Isabel, and Huma learn that the island’s guard has changed. Isabel learns that Ilyas is the new guard and asks him why he did such a thing. Ilyas says that he did such a thing to maintain Oruj’s rank and that his brothers will be back soon. Meryem says that now all control is in Pasha and gets angry with Ilyas. Esma begins to argue with Meryem. Ilyas says he did everything to stop Sahbaz, but he cannot convince the women. Sahbaz asks Pasha why he gave the guard duty to Ilyas. Pasha says that now he has taken control of Kelemez and Khizir cannot save Oruj. Gabriel learns that Khizir has arrived in Modon and asks all his soldiers to prepare.

Watch Barbaroslar Episode 19 with English, Urdu & Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost

Oruj learns from the soldiers in the dungeon that Khizir has come to Modon and is very happy. Khizir disguises himself and enters, saying that he has brought gunpowder to the castle. Pasha says Khizir went to Modon but Oruj will die because of him. Ilyas says Khizir will save Oruj, but when he hears Pasha’s words, he changes his mind. Pasha says they have to surrender the fleet immediately to save both Khizir and Oruj. Ilyas rejects this offer. As Khizir is about to enter the castle, some soldiers stop him. Khizir learns from the Turkish spies on the island that Oruj is in the dungeon and immediately goes there. Although Khizir searches the whole dungeon, he cannot find Oruj. When Khizir goes out, he learns that Pablo has caught some sailors. After what Pasha said, Ilyas agrees to give the fleet and therefore Gabriel goes to Kelemez. Oruj says Ilyas made a big mistake.

Barbaroslar Capitulo 23 en Espanol Subtitles HD 1080

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How to Watch Barbaroslar Episode 23 with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles Free of Cost

Watch or Download Barbaroslar Episode 23 English Subtitles, Barbaroslar Episode 23 Urdu Subtitles & Barbaroslar Capitulo 23 en Espanol Subtitles Free of Cost. Barbaroslar Episode 23 release date is 10-03-2022. Barbaroslar episode will be on-air on TRT1 Channel in Turkish. The live streaming of Barbaroslar episode in Turkish can be achieved by Clicking Here. Those who can understand Turkish will be able to watch Barbaroslar episode even later by Clicking Here but ATV Youtube channel uploads the episode later, so you have to wait for it.

Barbaroslar Episode 23 English Subtitles HD 1080

Barbaroslar Episode 23 Urdu Subtitles HD 1080

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