Watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 8 with English, Urdu & Español Subtitles Free of cost
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Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 7 Summary
In Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 8, Tughrul announces to everyone that Alparslan is the new heir. Alparslan thanks the Sultan but says that he will not be the heir to the throne. Alparslan continues to speak at the meeting and says that he no longer wants the rights given by the dynasty. Sultan is very surprised by this situation and says that the meeting is over. Alparslan says he will attack Vaspurakan. Akca begins to wait in the forest. At the Lord’s order, Alpagut shoots Akca with an arrow. Lord decides that Alpagut is a loyal soldier and tells him that everything was a game from the beginning. Alpagut then speaks to Akca. Alparslan talks to his soldiers and asks for their support. Alparslan leaves the tribe with his soldiers and sees Akca in the forest. Akca asks where Alparslan is going and worries about him.
Alparslan thanks Akca for what she has done and tells her that everything will be fine. Karaca returns to the tribe and learns that Alparslan has left. Karaca then goes to Akca’s tent and asks her what happened in the forest. Akca denies everything and asks Karaca to be careful. Akinay comes and calms Karaca. That night, Alparslan goes near Vaspurakan and watches the city from afar. Alparslan says he will seize this castle no matter what to avenge his mother’s death. Inal says that Alparslan is now a rebel and his actions will open new problems. Caghri opposes him. Sultan says that he will announce his decision about Alparslan soon. Alparslan tries to enter the palace the next day, but Emir stops him. Lord learns that Alparslan is no longer a member of the dynasty and thinks he will attack.
Diogenes tells them that they should kill the Turks in the border region so that they do not support Alparslan. Inal secretly sends a message to Batur and asks him not to support Alparslan. Meanwhile, Diogenes’ soldiers attack. Alparslan helps Batur. Batur obeys the order of the Sultan and says he will help Alparslan. Diogenes tells the Lord that the Turkmens in the border region will support Alparslan. The lord immediately calls Maria to the castle. Alparslan and his soldiers sing that night. Batur tells an Oghuz epic to the Alps. Atabey tells how important marriage is for Turks. Alparslan thinks about Akca all night.
Akca talks to Akinay that night and thinks about Alparslan. The caliph once again sends an envoy to the palace. The ambassador says that Alparslan may disrupt the peace in the region and that this situation worries the Caliph. Tughrul immediately writes a letter to the Caliph. The Sultan says that the peace in the region will not be disturbed because Alparslan is a rebel that is no longer affiliated with the state. The Sultan then asks Suleiman to take the swords prepared for war to a safe place and tells Inal that he must help him. Batur says he will pay allegiance to Alparslan and begins to wait for his orders. Inal does not want to help Suleiman and waits for the right time to eliminate him. Batur says it will be very difficult to capture Vaspurakan. Alparslan says he will surprise the Byzantines by using explosives. Karaca says that Alparslan’s departure from the tribe is actually very good, but Suleiman opposes her. While Suleiman is arguing with his wife, Caghri comes and stops them. Bozan learns that the swords in the headquarters will be taken to the warehouse and makes a plan to seize them.
Alpagut secretly meets with Alparslan and listens to his plan. Suleiman sets out with Inal to retrieve the swords. Alpagut tells Alparslan’s plan to Akca. Akca tells the Lord that Alparslan will enter the castle using a secret tunnel. Lord asks Alpagut to find this secret tunnel around the castle and close it. Alpagut begins to search for this tunnel with the Byzantine soldiers. Alparslan’s soldiers kill the Byzantines and give Alpagut a map. Bozan’s followers attack to retrieve the swords, but when they see Suleiman there, they turn back. Erbaskan sees that Inal is not trying to protect Suleiman and starts to get suspicious. Alparslan asks his soldiers to follow the barrels full of explosives. Alpagut returns to the castle and gives the captured map to the Lord.
After examining the map, the Lord thinks that Alparslan will secretly go to the church in the castle. The general says that instead of closing all the tunnels, they should set a trap in the church. Byzantine soldiers find the barrels hidden by the Turks and decide to take them to the headquarters. Meanwhile, a Byzantine soldier who survived the attack in the forest returns to the castle. The Lord summons Mari to heal this soldier. Erbaskan talks to Inal, but he denies everything. While explaining the attack plan to Batur, Alparslan learns that the Byzantine soldiers seized the barrels. Bozan learns that the followers couldn’t get the swords because of Suleiman. Alpagut asks Akca to kill the wounded Byzantine soldier so that Alparslan’s attack plan is not revealed. Erbaskan talks to Suleiman but cannot tell him that Inal is a traitor.
While the Byzantine soldiers were taking the barrels to the headquarters, Alparslan secretly made a hole in one of the barrels. Alpagut kills a few soldiers so that the attack plan is not revealed. The lord and his soldiers work tirelessly to find the tunnel in the church. Evdokya asks her uncle to stop, but the Lord asks his soldiers to dig more. Alparslan prepares to attack with Batur. After the swords reach the army depot, Bozan’s warriors attack again. Caghri goes to the warehouse in Suleiman’s place and tries to stop the attackers. A short time later, the Sultan also comes and helps his brother. Alparslan sees the barrels entering the headquarters and starts a fire to start the explosion. While the lord is trying to find the tunnel in the church, he hears the explosion. Akca tries to kill the wounded soldier. Lord realizes that Alparslan’s plan is actually something else and gets angry with the General. Sultan catches one of the attackers alive.
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Capitulo 8 en Español HD 1080
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How to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 8 English & Urdu Subtitles
If you want to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 8 with no ads and permanent access, then You may watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 8 (Alparslan The Great Seljuk) Series with English Subtitles by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV in 1080 resolution and you can even download full series with one-click and watch anywhere (TV and big screens) and any time offline. Those who are searching for watching Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 8 with English Subtitles, Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Capitulo 8 en Español and Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 8 with Urdu Subtitles Free of Cost regularly may watch here. ????????
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