Watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 7 with English & Urdu Subtitles Free of Cost
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 6 Review
In Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 7, Lord begins to attack Alparslan and tries to kill him. Alparslan knocks the Lord down. The Lord’s helmet falls to the ground and Alparslan realizes that he was the soldier who attacked the tribe years ago. Alparslan suddenly gets angry and attacks the Lord, but a Byzantine soldier hits him. While Akca is reading the secret message in the forest, Karaca catches her and calls the soldiers. Karaca says that Akca is a traitor, but Akinay objects to her. Akca realizes that Akinay is the one who protects her and she thanks her. While Lord is about to kill Alparslan, Caghri and Turkish soldiers come. Diogenes begins to run away with the Lord. Because Alpagut told Alparslan about the Lord’s trap plan, Caghri arrives in time to save his son and the Byzantines cannot take the chests full of gold. Bozan’s men help the Lord escape.
Lord sees Bozan deep in the forest and thanks him for his help. Lord says that he could not kill Alparslan and asks Bozan to assassinate the Sultan. Bozan rejects this offer and asks the Lord to find another way. Caghri finds Alparslan injured and tries to take him to the tribe. Alparslan says he will kill Kekaumenos and tries to follow him. Caghri and Atabey take Alparslan to the tribe for treatment. While Akinay and Akca are talking in the tent, the soldiers bring Alparslan. Meanwhile, Alparslan has a dream and wakes up shortly after. Akca tries to treat Alparslan’s wound. Alparslan says he has to catch Lord, but his father does not let him out of the tent. The general is angry with the Lord after this failed attack.
Suleiman tries to prepare the soldiers for the attack, but Inal demands more from him. Suleiman refuses to give gold to the soldiers. Alparslan tells Akca that the man who killed his mother years ago is Lord. Lord starts looking for a new way to get the emperor’s support. Alparslan sneaks out of the tent and goes to the palace. Caghri gets angry with the soldiers in the tribe and asks them to find Alparslan immediately. Alparslan goes to Sultan’s room and says he wants to talk to him privately. Alparslan says that he wants to lead the Vaspurakan attack personally because the Lord was the one who killed his mother years ago. Sultan calms him down and says Suleiman will remain as commander. Then the doctors start to treat Alparslan again. Some soldiers in the army begin to disobey Suleiman’s orders.
Meanwhile, Kunduri comes and says that Alparslan wants to lead the army. Suleiman gets very angry and immediately sets out for the palace. Diogenes tries to prepare the soldiers in the castle against the attack of the Turks. Suleiman sees Alparslan in the forest and starts to get angry with him. Alparslan thinks that Suleiman will not understand him and does not say anything to him. Bozan goes to the castle and starts talking to the Lord. Atabey talks to Alparslan and begins to listen to his problems. Some Beys in the army come to the palace and tell the Sultan that Suleiman is an incompetent commander. Diogenes says he is worried about the Turkish attack, but the Lord asks him to remain calm. Alparslan goes to the headquarters and begins to help the preparations of the army. The next day, Suleiman once again argues with Alparslan. Diogenes says that the arrival of the Lord’s soldiers from Ani to Vaspurakan will strengthen the defense.
Alparslan, Suleiman and Inal go to the palace. The Sultan brings the Beys who had complained about Suleiman before and executes them in front of everyone. The Sultan says that everyone must follow his orders or he does not hesitate to punish. While returning to the headquarters, Inal says that the executed Beys were provoked by Alparslan. Suleiman once again argues with his brother. Diogenes reminds the Lord that the chests are empty and that Alparslan escaped from the trap. Diogenes tells him that there is a spy in the castle. Alpagut prays to Allah and apologizes for everything he has done to this day. Lord summons Alpagut and tells him that Maria is a traitor. Alpagut does not believe this, but the Lord asks him to kill Maria. Inal talks to Gunduz once again and gives him a bag of gold.
Some soldiers start talking about Shehzade’s death because of Suleiman. Alparslan arrives while Suleiman is arguing with the soldiers. Alparslan kills Gunduz in front of everyone and says that the entire army must obey Suleiman as ordered by the Sultan. New soldiers, summoned by the Lord from Ani, come to the castle. The entire Turkish army prepares for war. Atabey once again talks to Alparslan before going to war. When the Sultan learns that the army is ready for the attack, he goes to the headquarters and talks to the soldiers one last time before leaving. Just as the Sultan was about to leave, the ambassador sent by the Caliph arrives. The Sultan is very surprised by this situation and begins to listen to the ambassador. The ambassador says that if the Turks attack Vaspurakan, the Byzantine Emperor will kill the Muslims in Constantinople. The envoy continues to speak and says that the Caliph asked Tughrul to cancel the Vaspurakan attack.
The Sultan says that a meeting should be held immediately and calls the Beys. The message the Lord has been waiting for comes from the Emperor. The Lord tells Diogenes that the Turks will never attack anymore. Akca receives the message from the Lord and goes to the forest to meet him. Karaca begins to secretly follow Akca. The Sultan says that the Turks will never give up their decision to attack, but that this situation is an exception. The Sultan says that he has postponed the attack for now so that innocent Muslims do not die. Akca goes to the meeting place and starts to wait. Lord asks Alpagut to shoot Maria with an arrow. Alpagut thinks for a long time and does what the Lord wants. The Sultan continues to speak at the meeting and says that he has decided who should be his heir. Tughrul says that after his death, he wants Alparslan to take the throne and every one to obey him. Alparslan thanks Sultan very much, but says that he cannot be the heir.
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Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 7 English & Urdu Subtitles
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 7 will on air on 20th December 2021. If you feel irritated because of the ad breaks and some other issues, then ads-free permanent access for watching Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 7 English subtitles can be achieved by subscribing membership at by Clicking below blue colored button. you can also download the episode to watch on Big screen TV in 1080 resolution.
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