Watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 57 (Season 2 Episode 30) with English & Urdu Subtitles Free of cost
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Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 57 Summary
In Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 57, Leon will send that army to my uncle Alparslan. While he’s protecting Ani we can stop my uncle Alparslan from getting stronger. Maybe Sultan Alparslan will be gone. I told you not to be stupid and not to do anything without telling me! I know how much you want the Seljuk throne. I do too. We have to work together. Raise your head. We have to take his throne before he takes Ani. Father. It’s already done. Make your decision now. Are you with me? Wait! Who are you? Why are you in a rush?
I’m Kont Leon, Rome’s loyal servant. And you must be the fearless heroes of King Bagrat’s army. General Manuel. I wish I could meet you with your king, General Manuel but I must tell you in great sadness that this barbarian Turk, Sultan Alparslan killed the great Roman soldiers and King Bagrat who were defending Surmavid. Damn it. We’re too late. You’re too late for Surmavid and King Bagrat.
But we still have a chance for Ani. In the name of Jesus Christ for King Bagrat’s revenge you need to hear me out. You don’t have to worry now Seferiye Sultan. Bishop Yorgo is being protected by trusted men. Allah willing he’ll wake up soon and speak the truth. InshAllah Hasan Bey. It’s not just Avar Bey. This is a stain on our Sultan and the justice of Seljuks. It pains me to think the people hate us. Slander is like a sword Seferiye Sultan. There’s no armor it can’t cut. Except for one armor. Faith.
If we put on the armor of faith by praying to Allah their swords will turn to themselves eventually, Allah willing. My Sultan. Sultan Alparslan sent word. Sultan took Surmavid and captured Georgian King Bagrat. Thank Allah. King Bagrat is in the palace of Rey to be put in the dungeon. Where is King Bagrat now? In the carriage in the yard. My Sultan. What’s the rush? Where’s your army? Merdan. He got information from the watchers. The Georgian army Bagrat asked for is now going to Surmari.
The information says they’re using this route. It’ll be soon till you come across them, my sultan. I’m telling you Kavurt Bey. Where is your army? Merdan is leading the army, my sultan. While we are fighting with the Georgians coming towards us he’ll attack them from behind when they least expect it. InsAllah we’re going to defeat them, my sultan. Adrian. Sir.
While I write a letter to Kaiser asking for emergency support you’re going to write to the Great Liparite Nicola . . that the King Bagrat has been taken by the Turks and if he wants to sit on the throne he has to move before Prince Dimitrie learns that his brother has been captured. Add that we’ll lend our support if needed too. Don’t waste time. Yes sir. Seferiye Sultan. Open it. Welcome to the Sultan Palace of Seljuk King Bagrad. Untie his hands. He’s like a guest.
Even if we can not let you stay in our guest room as Seferiye Sultan said don’t feel like a captured man but as a guest. The information Merdan got turned out to be true. Sultan Alparslan. There. Sultan Alparslan killed our great king Bagrad, and his army. We’re going to protect the Roman land as our King ordered. and take his revenge on the Turks. Death to Turks. Death to Turks. Death to Turks.
Death to Turks. Death to Turks. Death to Turks. Death to Turks. Death to Turks. Death to Turks. Death to Turks. Death to Turks. Death to Turks. Death to Turks. Death to Turks. So they’re here for Surmari and their King. Death to Turks. But it’s too late. Death to Turks. This will end with a lot of them dead. Death to Turks. Death to Turks. Death to Turks. Death to Turks. Let’s teach these dogs what it means to stand against Turks.
Death to Turks! Death to Turks! Attack, my lions! Death to Turks! Death to Turks! Death to Turks! Death to Turks! Death to Turks! Death to Turks! My Sultan! Damn it. Damn it. Where is Merdan? Why hasn’t he sent the army yet? Give this to the bishop, doctor. He’s awake! Inform Seferiye Hatun at once! Thank Allah! I had been waiting for you to wake up! There’s something important I need to ask you. The bishop has just woken up. I just need to ask him a question.
Bishop, sir I’m going to marry a brave Seljuk man, Batur Bey. Would it be a sin for me to get married with a Muslim wedding? Julia Hatun. Don’t you see that he just woke up? Of course, that’s what you care about. . . Astaghfirullah! Why are you still standing there? Go on, Hatun. Leave. There is no power and no strength except with Allah. Sultan Alparslan! I will kill you the way you killed our King Baghrad! Your King isn’t dead. He’s a prisoner in my dungeon.
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How to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 57 English & Urdu Subtitles
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 57 Relase Date is 22nd May 2023. If you want to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 57 with no ads and permanent access by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV .
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