Watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 56 (Season 2 Episode 29) with English & Urdu Subtitles Free of cost
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Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 56 Summary
In Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 56, My soldiers will come with you. Prepare the vanguard! As you command, sir. We’re going out! They’re not strong enough to hold the Turks back. If we meet them in front of Surmari with even more men. we’ll able to stop them from starting a siege. Get ready to leave now! While I’m out there fighting them. you and your men should be ready to fight as well, King Baghrad. Damn it. Damn it, Leon. Now, you don’t have enough men to fight us back! I’m sure of it. If you try to defend Surmari your efforts will only be in vain. I will make you pay for this, Leon. I will make you pay for setting me up.
Instead of dying along with your men answer my call, so that I can have mercy on you. I invite you to be honored by the religion of Islam and surrender Surmari which I took by my sword!Become a Muslim and set yourself free, King Baghrad. Archers!Shields!Now!Come on!Bring the battering ram!Now they burned down the church!They want to kill us all!The Muslims have to pay for this!He is right!Where is Seljuk state!?They will kill us!Don’t hurt anyone. These murderers are ruthless!Sultan is cruel!What do you want from us? I hope you are okay. I am sorry for what happened. I hope you are okay. How did it happen?
I was outside, I just left before the fire. When I returned, I saw the church on fire. 3 Christians were inside. They died in the fire. It looks like this is a treacherous attack done against non-Muslims. Come on brave ones, break the door!El Fattah!-El Fattah! -Come on brave ones!El Fattah!El Fattah!El Fattah!El Fattah!Come on!El Fattah!Hurry up!El Fattah!If they enter, we will all die!Hurry up!El Fattah!El Fattah!El Fattah!El Fattah!El Fattah!El Fattah!El Fattah!Come on brave ones!Come on!El Fattah!El Fattah!Bring barrels here!Come on!El Fattah!El Fattah!Did you not see anyone around?No, no one saw anything.
You said you left just before the fire. Was there anyone or anything that stood out?I did not see anyone suspicious before the fire. A family that lost their children an old man that comes to the church everyday and 3 men in bad shape that were praying. I think they were slaves. Slaves?Yes, they looked like slaves. They were in bad shape. The slaves we saved from Akarag. Two of them committed a murder. They are held in the same dungeon as Avar. We caught the prisoner that killed Jato, thanks to them. They killed Jato!The slaves, they killed him!Which slaves?The ones we saved from Akarag?Two of the slaves were in the dungeon Avar was held.
The night Avar was kidnapped, one of them took out the guards. The slaves priest saw started the fire!They are not innocent!They are traitors Count Leon sent among us!Bishop Yorgo!Bishop Yorgo is with them!They are in the infirmary!What’s going on?Where did they all go?El Fettah!Come on men!Come on brave men!This is not the gates to Surmavid, it’s the infidel’s heart!El Fettah!El Fettah!El Fettah!El Fettah!El Fettah!El Fettah!El Fettah!El Fettah!Carry the barrels!El Fettah!El Fettah!Almost there!Break it already!El Fettah!El Fettah!El Fettah!El Fettah!El Fettah!El Fettah!El Fettah!El Fettah!El Fettah!Hold the gates!El Fettah!
Hold the gates!El Fettah!El Fettah!God damn you Leon!El Fettah!El Fettah!Retreat!Take cover!El Fettah!You shouldn’t have turned down my offer to save your life and the afterlife, King Bagrat. Damn you and Leon. You can’t beat me Alparslan. I won’t just beat you, I’ll beat all of you. This is it King Bagrat. All the world will know we’ll make them pay and make them bend the knee. You want to see the Bishop right?Don’t stop with your prayers, he will be okay IN SHA ALLAH. -You’re going to pay for what you’ve done. -Stop him. Are you okay my bey?Stop, they’re innocent. Take him. You’re losing too much blood.
We need to take him to the doctors. -Take him quickly. -This way my bey. How can you come here?Are you waiting to kill us?Enough. Shut it. We won’t let you kill the Bishop. Leave!Are you here to finish him off?Don’t stop on our way. God. . . God forgive me. This man who served you. . . Just one man. I’m going to kill him for Rome. Please forgive me. For Rome. Please forgive me. Don’t get close. Move away. Come on. Move. Stand back. Move. Move. Stand back. Move. Move. Stand back. Stand back. Move back. Stand back. I told you to move. Stand back. Move. God forgive me. Forgive me. You lowlife. From now on Surmari is under your rule Kavurt Bey.
We’re going to gather our forces there for our conquers near there for all Seljuk. . . . . . and use it as a headquarter. Thank you my sultan. May Allah help you on your path. Your generousness shows what a mighty sultan you are. My son Merdan will take care of Surmari as soon as possible insAllah. Oh, good old Batur. . . These eyes of yours, which saw the brotherhood of Cagri Bey and Tughrul Bey. . . . . . now gets to see this one. Thank Allah!May you live long, my brave Beys. Everything seems just perfect. I appreciate what you’ve done. Your name will be written down in golden letters in the history of Rome, Architect Jacob.
Sultan Alparslan has taken control of Surmari, sir. They’re coming towards Ani. May God forgive your sins, King Baghrad. I can’t wait to see what’s about to happen. Let’s go find ourselves a good point to watch from, Adrian. No matter how many plans you make. . . . . . or how many lies you speak. . . . . . you can’t hide the truth. Your tricks are useless. No good deed goes unpunished. Count Leon wants to take advantage of our mercy!You acted right on time, Seferiye. What if the Bishop died?I don’t know how we’d be able to fix it. InshAllah he wakes up soon and puts and end this madness. My Sultan!My Sultan!-My Sultan. -My Sultan.
Thank you, my brave Beys. Bring him. Keep your head down, dog. You’re looking at Sultan Alparslan. . . . . . the man whose name you used. . . . . . to bring disorder and collect money. So this is the fool who has been staining our name. Correct, my Sultan. Even though he fought back, we got him, thank Allah. When the guards said that you were marching on Ani. . . . . . we got on the road to come to you. Did he say anything?Does he know where Avar is?He didn’t say anything, my Sultan. We’d have killed him if we hadn’t stopped. Take him to Surmari. There must be a way to make him talk. He will give us information. . . . . . enough to save his own life, if he wants to live. Let’s go. Sir. They are coming sir. They are close. Let them come.
This is the last point Alparslan can reach. No further. Like I said, this is the end of the road for Alparslan. You are right sir, I think they will go back. We must find another way my Sultan. We can’t get past the wall. No!No!Nothing but Allah can stop us from going to Ani!You’re one of the most talented builders of these lands Yakup. My late uncle Tugrul would always talk good about you. You served Seljuk by interfering the infidels. May Allah wish our late Sultan’s place to be heaven. -Ameen. -Ameen. We heard that Count Leon wants to build a big wall between us and Ani. For that he’s looking for the best builders. They’ll come to you too.
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How to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 56 English & Urdu Subtitles
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 56 Relase Date is 15th May 2023. If you want to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 56 with no ads and permanent access by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV .
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