Watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 46 (Season 2 Episode 19) with English & Urdu Subtitles Free of cost
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Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 46 Summary
In Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 46, As soon as Gevher enters the inn with her husband, Leon starts the attack. A barrel full of naphtha causes a massive explosion. Erbaskan starts looking for Gevher. Alparslan realizes that Leon is responsible for this attack and starts looking for him. Kutalmis says that the doctors need to heal Gevher immediately. Alparslan attacks the catapult and begins to kill the Byzantine soldiers. Leon realizes that he can’t last much longer and returns to Ani. Kutalmis gives orders to the archers and begins to wait for the next attack. Meanwhile, a messenger comes and tells Kutalmis that a large Turkmen army is approaching. While Tughrul reflects on recent events, he learns that the Vizier is coming to the palace soon. A soldier comes in a hurry and tells that Altuncan has lost her life.
Tughrul gets very upset and gets sick. Alparslan returns to the inn and wants to learn about Gevher’s condition. Kutalmis lies about Gevher. Alparslan says that the approaching army just wants to earn gold. Kutalmis says he will go to the palace to talk to the Sultan. Selcan asks Seferiye to forgive Gevher. Leon says he will make a new attack using the Christian Turks. Erbaskan wants to give gold to the newly arrived soldiers, but Rasul stops him. Alparslan goes to the palace to tell about the latest events but learns that the Sultan has fallen ill. After a short time, Kutalmis comes and says he wants to talk to the Sultan. The vizier comes to the palace and calms everyone down. While Alparslan is trying to understand what happened, Vizier says that Suleiman is the regent of the Sultan. Suleiman sits on the throne in front of everyone and says that he will make decisions about the state until the Sultan gets better.
Kutalmis says he has a large army and asks Suleiman for Khorasan. Alparslan gets very angry, but Suleiman stops his brother and says he will think about this for a while. The vizier asks Alparslan to be calm. Gevher prepares to escape with Erbaskan. Leon talks to the Turkish mercenaries and tells them how to enter the castle. Alparslan says he does not trust Suleiman and makes a plan with his friends to defend their land. Erbaskan escapes from the inn with his wife, but Rasul begins to follow them. Seferiye learns that some Christian people in the castle are saying bad things about the state. The vizier asks Suleiman to give Khorasan to Kutalmis and says that this will weaken Alparslan’s power. Seferiye stops the people who are preparing for the rebellion and warns them harshly.
Suleiman accepts Kutalmis’s request to harm Alparslan’s power. Alparslan gets very angry and leaves the palace immediately. Kutalmis thinks that some soldiers from his new army will stop Alparslan in the forest and prepares to set out. Leon goes to the forest and begins to explain his plan to the Turkish soldiers. While Erbaskan is running away with his wife, Leon sees them. Leon stops Rasul and takes Erbaskan prisoner. Tughrul has a dream and realizes that he has made a big mistake. Lord asks Flora to marry Suleiman and prepares to depart. Alparslan fights the rebel soldiers but fails. Rebel soldiers take Alparslan to a tent and ask him to wait. Kutalmis learns that Erbaskan escaped from the inn, but says he will solve this problem after he takes over the tribe. While Seferiye is talking to Akinay, Gevher comes and apologizes to everyone many times.
Seferiye does what Leon wants to save Erbaskan’s life and helps the spy soldiers enter the castle. Seferiye believes that these soldiers are innocent and allows them to stay in the castle for a while. Selcan goes to the palace and starts talking to Suleiman. Selcan is very angry with her son and says that his decision was very wrong. Suleiman gets angry and warns his mother harshly. Alparslan and his friends manage to escape from the tent. The rebel soldiers try to catch Alparslan again, but they fail. The spies in the castle begin to prepare for the attack. Kutalmis comes to the tribe slowly and says that he will take over this place in a short time. A spy at headquarters detonates a barrel full of explosives. While Seferiye is trying to figure out what happened, a big fire starts at the headquarters. The soldiers in the castle take action to put out the fire.
Leon sneaks into the castle with a few of his soldiers and begins to wait for an opportune time to attack. Gevher hides to save her life. The lord goes to the palace and starts talking to Suleiman. Suleiman agrees to marry Flora and wants the wedding preparations to begin immediately. Suleiman reminds Suleiman of the peace agreement Tughrul accepted. Suleiman accepts this agreement and agrees to give Surmari to the Lord. Kutalmis enters the tribe with his soldiers. Alparslan comes out of his tent and does not allow anyone from the tribe to leave. Kutalmis says that Alparslan made a big mistake and begins to explain Suleiman’s order. Some people in the tribe join Kutalmis’s army. Alparslan says he will not give his father’s inheritance to anyone, no matter what, and attacks Kutalmis. As soon as all the soldiers in the castle go to the headquarters, Leon begins to attack.
Seferiye tries to defend the castle. Leon closes the gates of the castle and begins to kill the Turkish soldiers. Gevher gives Melik Shah to Leon to save her husband’s life. Leon uses Melik Shah to stop Seferiye and asks her to deliver the castle. Although Kutamis’s army is large, he loses the battle and retreats. Suleiman learns that Alparslan is rebellious and sets out immediately. Kutalmis reunites his army and says he will attack once again. Seferiye realizes that Gevher has betrayed the Turks once again and leaves the castle with her son. Suleiman stops Kutalmis and goes to the tribe. Suleiman asks everyone in the tribe to obey his order and tells Alparslan to stop. The Turks in the tribe begin to obey Suleiman’s order and stop fighting. Lord takes Surmari back from the Turks. Alparslan leaves the tribe with his family and friends.
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How to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 46 English & Urdu Subtitles
Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 46 Relase Date is 6th March 2023. If you want to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 46 with no ads and permanent access by subscribing membership on Multipoint TV .
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