Watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 28 (Season 2 Episode 1) with English & Urdu Subtitles Free of cost
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Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 28 Summary
In Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 28, Hassan thinks his daughter is dead and starts to cry. After a short while, Akca opens her eyes and finally confesses that she is Hassan’s daughter. Alparslan talks to the Turkish soldiers and orders the catapults to fire. While the soldiers are trying to tear down the walls of the castle, a messenger arrives. Alparslan learns that Akca and Hassan have disappeared. Suleiman says the siege must continue, but Alparslan makes a plan to save Hassan’s life. Hassan finds his long lost daughter again and hugs her. Akca makes a plan to escape from the dungeon and asks her father for help. Alparslan tells everyone that Akca is Hassan’s daughter and immediately takes action to save them from the castle. Alparslan then sends a message to the castle.
Alpagut reads the hidden message on the horse’s foot and learns Alparslan’s plan. Some soldiers in the army are disturbed by lifting the siege, but Alparslan calms them down. Alpagut kills two Byzantine soldiers and takes their clothes. Alpagut then goes to the dungeon and asks the captive Turks to change their clothes. Hassan says he wants to kill Kekaumenos, but Alpagut asks him to leave the castle as soon as possible. Lord, together with some soldiers, goes to the forest to talk to Alparslan. Caghri learns that Akca is Hassan’s daughter and is very surprised. Alparslan asks the Lord to surrender the castle. Diogenes rejects this offer and says he knows Alparslan’s plan. While waiting to see Hassan and Akca, Alparslan realizes that his plan did not work. Diogenes asks Alparslan to lift the siege and return to his tribe.
Diogenes then talks to Ferzat and asks him to provoke the commanders in the army. Ferzat accepts this offer and returns to the headquarters. Ivan and Rati begin to torture Hassan. Hassan fights with all his might not to kill his daughter. Kekaumenos sees that Hassan is in a difficult situation and is very happy. Ferzat tells Diogenes’ plan to Alparslan. Alparslan makes a plan to get the Byzantine soldiers out of the castle. Kekaumenos learns that Dukas is coming for help. Herve says he wants to get out of the castle and make a surprise attack on the Turks. Lord says he does not trust Dukas and asks Alpagut to check this situation. Alpagut goes to the headquarters and talks to Alparslan. Hassan kills one of the guards and later saves his daughter. Alpagut returns to the castle and tells the Lord that Dukas is coming with a large army.
Diogenes tells them that they should not help Dukas and that it is safer to stay in the castle. Herve says there is not enough food in the castle, and he will kill half the Turks. Lord says Herve is right and asks him to lead the attack. Akca goes to a secret place in the castle with her father and says they should stay here until the war is over. Alpagut says that Alparslan will attack soon. Hassan says he will help Alparslan and comes out of the secret place. Ferzat sends a secret message to the castle and says that he has finished his mission. Lord thinks that the commanders have left Alparslan and begins to wait for the attack. Lord then sees smoke in the forest and thinks Dukas is starting to attack. Alparslan continues to act according to his plan. Diogenes warns the Lord once again.
Diogenes realizes that the Lord still wants to attack the Turks and says that he will not participate in this war. Alparslan learns that Byzantine soldiers have started to leave the castle. Some Byzantine soldiers begin to loot the houses of the people in the castle. Alparslan prays to Allah with his army and asks Him for help. Hassan and Akca stop the soldiers who are disturbing the people in the castle. Hassan then incites the people to revolt against the Lord. Alparslan and the Turkish army begin to attack the Byzantine soldiers coming out of the castle. Caghri and Tughrul pray for the army’s success. A long and difficult war begins. Herve attacks Alparslan but fails. Alparslan kills the commander on the battlefield. Then Rati and Ivan attack Alparslan. Diogenes watches the war from a safe place and says that he will fight again with Alparslan soon.
The people in the castle believe Hassan and say they will stop the Lord. A few people go to talk to the Lord and ask him for weapons to defend the castle. Kekaumenos calms his people and asks them to return to their homes. Lord soon learns that Herve has failed and orders everyone in the castle to be given weapons. Hassan and Akca say they will attack the soldiers on the walls soon. The lord speaks to his soldiers for the last time and says that the Turks will never enter the castle. The Turkish army slowly comes to the gate of the castle and tries to break it. Byzantine soldiers try to stop the Turks with arrows but fail. Hassan and Akca take action to kill the Byzantine soldiers. The people in the castle begin to help the Turks. Lord sees that Maria and Hassan are still alive.
Alpagut goes to the Lord’s room and confesses that he is the spy in the castle. Kekaumenos and Alpagut start to fight. Lord severely injures Alpagut and begins to flee. The Turkish army breaks the gate of the castle and begins to enter. Hassan takes action to prevent the Lord from escaping, but fails. Lord catches Hassan and says he will kill Akca. The Turks killed most of the Byzantine soldiers in the castle in a short time. Alparslan sees Akca fighting and is glad that she is still alive. A Byzantine soldier walks towards Akca and attacks her. Alparslan and Hassan see that Akca is injured. Kekaumenos takes off his helmet and begins to flee. Alparslan goes to Akca and says he will take her to the doctor. Akca can’t stand it any longer and dies after a short while. Alparslan hangs Kekaumenos at the entrance of the castle and says that this land now belongs to the Turks.
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How to watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 28 English & Urdu Subtitles
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